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Posts posted by Sideclef

  1. That is actually very good to know hun but  I really want to know how to implement it like it is but on my site. I am sure that's probably not common gamer knowledge and would discourage most auto scripters. Could you explain how you would implement random  session value stored in something like that?

  2. Verification failed, please try again.

    When java is off I am thinking its php that's why I placed it here. I would really like to know how to implement this on my own site.

    This code makes you have to hit the button to process the form again.

    I did veiw the source code and this is what comes up I am not sure if it has something to do with the hidden form value or what.

    <input type="hidden" name="traincode" value="G6qD">
    <input type="submit" class="button" name="trainme" value="Train this Weapon">




  3. I went to a site (game) and I tried using auto refresh(or refresh every in Firefox). I push the button and set the auto refresh I came back and it says invalid submit. So I was wondering how exactly would you code something like that?It seem's it would be a much more convenient way than image verification to stop someone auto scripting your site.With out inconveniceing them with letters and number to enter in a form. If some one could give me an example or even a function type name I would apreciate it.


  4. Ok not sure if I did this right this function kinda confuses  ??? me somewhat. Anyways I need to return username and the roll from this. $winners is returning this "ARRAY". So how would I return them? with this.

     $q = "SELECT username,
             GROUP_CONCAT(CAST(`roll` as CHAR))
             FROM `dice_game_info` WHERE `game_id`=6
             GROUP BY `username`";
    $r = mysql_query($q) or die(mysql_error()."<br /><br />".$q);
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($r);
    $winners = explode(",",$row['win']);

  5. I think I may need to explain this a little more.

    Basically its a simple game of who has the highest # or if its tied out. I have the script wrote up until its time to compare. The game will be the choice of 2-8 players and I have to find the highest result or if it is a tie and return it all into a message containing the results.

  6. I have this script that I have been writing. To finish it I have to figure out how i can compare say up to 8 fields in a table. What I need to do is see which field has the highest result or if there is a tie on the result between more than one field. I then will need to send an event saying what the results are in order and distinguish if it was 1 highest return or more than one.  I would think I could use ORDER By and use the max. Then how would I go about distinguishing the results in php.

    example of the table fields:


    id    user    num

    1  user1      1

    2  user2      5

    3  user3      2

    4  user4      5

    5  user5      6

    6  user6      3

    7  user7      4

    8  user8      4


    Would I use some kind of if statement or an array of some kind. I have really never dealt with anything like this I am still new to php. Hope this made sense.

  7. Yeah I was wanting it to stay the highlighted color until clicked. Wither it be days or even months. I guess I could write a script to update the table each time I do it.  That wouldn't be so hard I guess. Its basically to show that something new has been added. If I make an update say a few days later and the user hasn't clicked the link I guess it wouldn't really matter if it was for the prior update or not it would still be new. Thanks hun much appreciated

  8. Yeah I thought of that but, I will be changing it every time there is a new update and it don't seem that it would be that efficient to do it that way. Thanks for the post though. I guess I could just reset it every time but it seem like a lot of work to do every time.

  9. Any one have any ideas?? I am not asking for someone to write a code just to help stear me in the right direction so that I can do some research on it I have goolged it but I cant seem to find what I am looking for. If you could just give me the functions name or the relative functions name I would appreciate it

  10. If I say added an update and I have an updates page on my site. How would I go about setting something up to make the link change until the user clicked the link. I want this to only occur once for just that link  but I also would like to set up some sort of function to call to when might need it again. Would this call for a table or would this be straight code to do this?

  11. sorry I messed up the post here it is corrected

    I am having problems getting the code to work it shows

    	 [img] http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u13/smzbjb/something.png 

    as the result instaed of showing the image I have no idea whats wrong been working on it for days.

        $quote2 = str_replace("
    [center]","<center>", $quote2);
                        $quote2 = str_replace("[/center]
    ","</center>", $quote2);
                        $begin = "";
                        $end = strtolower($quote2);
                        while( !empty( $end ) ) {
                            $p = strpos( strtolower( $end ), "[img]");
                            if( $p === FALSE ) {
                                $begin = $begin . $end;
                                $end = "";
                            } else {
                                $begin = $begin . substr( $end, 0, $p );
                                $end = substr( $end, $p );
                                $p = strpos( $end, "[/img]" );
                                if( $p === FALSE ) {
                                    $p = strlen( $end );
                                $p = ($p - 5);
                                $url = substr( $end,5, $p );
                                list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = @getimagesize( $url );
                                if ($width > 450) {
                                $begin = $begin . "<center><img width=450 src=\"$url\"><br/></center>";
                                } else {
                                $begin = $begin . "<center><img  % src=\"$url\"></center>";
                                $end = substr( $end, strlen( $url ) );
                                $end = substr( $end,5);
    //                    $quote2 = $begin;
                        $quote2 = str_replace("[/img]","", $quote2);
                        $quote2 = str_replace("[/img]","", $quote2);  

  12. I am having a lot of problems with this code When I try to use the [/img]

    it is showing the in test and the url of the image instead of just showing the image this is what shows http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u13/smzbjb/something.png


    I cant figure it out heres the code


     $quote2 = str_replace("
    [center]","<center>", $quote2);
                        $quote2 = str_replace("[/center]
    ","</center>", $quote2);
                        $begin = "";
                        $end = strtolower($quote2);
                        while( !empty( $end ) ) {
                            $p = strpos( strtolower( $end ), "[img]");
                            if( $p === FALSE ) {
                                $begin = $begin . $end;
                                $end = "";
                            } else {
                                $begin = $begin . substr( $end, 0, $p );
                                $end = substr( $end, $p );
                                $p = strpos( $end, "[/img]" );
                                if( $p === FALSE ) {
                                    $p = strlen( $end );
                                $p = ($p - 5);
                                $url = substr( $end,5, $p );
                                list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = @getimagesize( $url );
                                if ($width > 450) {
                                $begin = $begin . "<center><img width=450 src=\"$url\"><br/></center>";
                                } else {
                                $begin = $begin . "<center><img  % src=\"$url\"></center>";
                                $end = substr( $end, strlen( $url ) );
                                $end = substr( $end,5);
    //                    $quote2 = $begin;
                        $quote2 = str_replace("[/img]","", $quote2);
                        $quote2 = str_replace("[/img]","", $quote2);  

  13. Well let me take that back the option it self works just fine now throughout the whole site every query to geld is returning 0 but the data base is at the correct # I am quite confused on why it would be happening since it worked fine before I added this script.

  14. UPDATE `users` SET `geld`='1364' WHERE `username`='test1' 
    UPDATE `users` SET `geld`='136' WHERE `username`='Sideclef'

    You took 136 from test1 this is a test amount left 1364 and amount took 136'

    This was the out put everything is working fine but its posting 1500 (the randplayers original amount) to the user that took it instead of the 136.

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