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Everything posted by lostprophetpunk

  1. I am not really persuaded to just one console. Here is some footage of Tony Hawks Pro Skater, played on my laptop with my playstation controller. =P
  2. Smash bros was a big hit and I always loved a bit of f-zero as well.
  3. Heya all, I just got Goldeneye through the post this morning for my N64...as it has been so long since I have played it...so nostalgia has been kicking in today. Here is a link to a video I made of myself playing Goldeneye. I was wondering if any of you have any favourite games on the N64, or if you still have the console and games at all?
  4. Do you mean something such as this?... #example { background: url('images/imagename.png') no-repeat center center; }
  5. If you are looking for it on a php page, then use the htmlentities() tag to convert it to text... echo htmlentities("<a href='#'>click</a>");
  6. Take the 'id="link_title"' from the <h1> tag and pop it in the <a href="#"> tag, so it looks like this... <div id="header_container_menu_item_2"><a href="http://www.punch101.com" class="title_link"><h1>x</h1></a></div>
  7. The first thing I notice about your website, is the font...it makes your website look like a site made about 10 years ago. There is a grammatical error within the first half of your page... "It's a computer software which enables you to view this site..." as opposed to... "A web browser is a piece of computer software which can enable you to view websites..." People do not really wish to know that anyway as they are not stupid. Also, the people who want to know about this information already know about it...as it's mostly developers who look for new techniques to be able to use within this modern world. However, you will find that most (if not all) web developers have created a fix for older browsers to be able to see the website just like the most updated browser. As for an actual webpage...all one font?...Are you serious? Just because you think it is cool doesn't make it entirely legible to everyone else. If you at least want to improve the look of the website look up some pages on typography and grid layouts. The way you have 'recommended' browsers is not effective. First of all, you have 4 different browsers, which is nearly of them except for Internet Explorer. The way you should show these is to give a bit of a description as to why you recommend them. Other stuff I want to mention has already been mentioned above.
  8. I have already tried inline styling and it works, as well as just putting the image in the div as well...but for some reason it won't load from an external style sheet.
  9. Hello there, I am having trouble with a background using css for one of my divs. I have tested the exact same code on a separate page and it works fine, however...when I import the exact same code into my other main page, it does everything else but show the background image needed for the css sprite links I am using. I have also checked and re-checked the source for the image and it is correct. The css is below... #starring { float:left; width: 940px; height:50px; } #starring a:hover {border:none;} #starring a { background:url(images/i-st-h1n1.png); height:50px; display:block; float:left; text-indent:-9999px; } #starring a.drew { background-position:0 0; width:94px; } #starring a:hover.drew { background-position: 0 -46px; } #starring a.calum { background-position: -95px 0; width:105px; } #starring a:hover.calum { background-position: -95px -46px; } #starring a.danny { background-position: -200px 0px; width: 80px; } #starring a:hover.danny { background-position: -200px -46px; } #starring a.ollie { background-position: -280px 0px; width: 95px; } #starring a:hover.ollie { background-position: -280px -46px; } #starring a.dan { background-position: -375px 0px; width: 90px; } #starring a:hover.dan { background-position: -375px -46px; } #starring a.jesse { background-position: -465px 0px; width: 95px; } #starring a:hover.jesse { background-position: -465px -46px; } #starring a.ash { background-position: -560px 0px; width: 110px; } #starring a:hover.ash { background-position: -560px -46px; } #starring a.sam { background-position: -670px 0px; width: 110px; } #starring a:hover.sam { background-position: -670px -46px; } #starring a.james { background-position: -780px 0px; width: 90px; } #starring a:hover.james { background-position: -780px -46px; } The html/php related is below... <?php echo "<div id=\"ftitle\"><img src=\"/drew/images/i-v-h1n1.png\" alt=\"\" /></div>\n"; echo "<div id=\"starring\">\n"; echo "<a href=\"#\" class=\"drew\" title=\"Drew Casson\">Drew Casson</a>\n"; echo "<a href=\"#\" class=\"calum\" title=\"Calum Radmore\">Calum Radmore</a>\n"; echo "<a href=\"#\" class=\"danny\" title=\"Danny Lee\">Danny Lee</a>\n"; echo "<a href=\"#\" class=\"ollie\" title=\"Ollie Richens\">Ollie Richens</a>\n"; echo "<a href=\"#\" class=\"dan\" title=\"Dan Richens\">Dan Richens</a>\n"; echo "<a href=\"#\" class=\"jesse\" title=\"Jesse Sanchez\">Jesse Sanchez</a>\n"; echo "<a href=\"#\" class=\"ash\" title=\"Ash Marshall\">Ash Marshall</a>\n"; echo "<a href=\"#\" class=\"sam\" title=\"Sam Marshall\">Sam Marshall</a>\n"; echo "<a href=\"#\" class=\"james\" title=\"James Tucker\">James Tucker</a>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; ?> No errors show, only the background image does not show. If anyone could help, thanks in advance.
  10. I have solved the issue. It was down to my editing program picking up a different file for the same name.
  11. You can do this with CSS, but you will have to fix the opacity setting for Internet Explorer. Article on CSS3 hovers Demo for above article The way you can fix the opacity is by adding this code for Internet Explorer for your code... filter:alpha(opacity=40); Hope this helps.
  12. Hello there, I have decided to experiment with the opacity in different browsers for some images. However... When I test them in the page I want they do not work, but when I test the exact same code (just the css and html related to those images) on a different page they work. I cannot figure out what is wrong. I have tried it both in php and html. echo "<div id=\"ftitle\"><img src=\"/drew/images/i-v-rwc.png\" alt=\"\" /></div>\n"; echo "<object width=\"940\" height=\"547\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/-FrbICttxGQ&hl=en_US&fs=1?hd=1\"></param><param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"></param><param name=\"allowscriptaccess\" value=\"always\"></param><embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/-FrbICttxGQ&hl=en_US&fs=1?hd=1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" allowscriptaccess=\"always\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" width=\"940\" height=\"547\"></embed></object>\n"; echo "<br /><br /><div id=\"shots\">\n"; echo "<a href=\"images/i-b-rwc.png\" class=\"lil\" title=\"Screenshot #1\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"images/i-s-rwc1.png\" alt=\"\" /></a>\n"; echo "<a href=\"images/i-b-rwc2.png\" class=\"lil\" title=\"Screenshot #1\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"images/i-s-rwc2.png\" alt=\"\" /></a>\n"; echo "<a href=\"images/i-b-rwc3.png\" class=\"lil\" title=\"Screenshot #1\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"images/i-s-rwc3.png\" alt=\"\" /></a>\n"; echo "<a href=\"images/i-b-rwc4.png\" class=\"lil\" title=\"Screenshot #1\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"images/i-s-rwc4.png\" alt=\"\" /></a>\n"; echo "<a href=\"images/i-b-rwc5.png\" class=\"lil\" title=\"Screenshot #1\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"images/i-s-rwc5.png\" alt=\"\" /></a>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; #shots { width: 940px; height: 100px; } #shots img { float: left; } .lil img {filter:alpha(opacity=50); -moz-opacity: 0.5; opacity: 0.5; -khtml-opacity: 0.5; } .lil:hover img { filter:alpha(opacity=100); -moz-opacity: 1.0; opacity: 1.0; -khtml-opacity: 1.0; } If anyone could help out, thanks in advance.
  13. Simple solution. the use of the <pre></pre> tags. <pre>any html code here</pre>
  14. The reason I do go in and out of php tags is because of the html code I will be creating later, as I don't like to write html code in php.
  15. I have tried it. It brings it up now with line 23.
  16. I have done that. It is now saving the same thing but on line 22.
  17. Everytime I test my page, I seem to get a parse error, in which I have tried to identify the problem but I am stumped as to what it is. This is the error... Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in C:\xampp\htdocs\drew\film.php on line 21 The php code (lines 21-24 relevant to the error) are below... <?php if($flm == "73d0" || $flm == "9017" || $flm == "c3a2") {$pass = 1}else {$pass = 2} ?> <?php if ($pass != 1) { ?><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=/drew/"><?php }else { ?> <?php echo "hello"; } ?> If you could help, thanks in advance.
  18. You say you are fixing problems, try the 45 you have for the validation of your page. It's a nice thing, but there are a few flaws... - White on that light blue kind of hurts your eyes - The filter should ideally stay on the one you select throughout the user pressing 'generate'. Keep up the good work.
  19. I have installed the Zend framework in xampp correctly, checked and re-checked the include path etc. But when I try to run the following it comes up with an error... Fatal error: Class 'Zend_Uri_Http' not found in C:\xampp\php\Zend\Gdata\App.php on line 643 The php involved with the 'index.php', the page the error is on, is below... require_once 'Zend/Loader.php'; // the Zend dir must be in your include_path Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_YouTube'); $yt = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube(); Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_AuthSub'); Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin'); // Assuming that $yt is a valid Zend_Gdata_YouTube object $yt->setMajorProtocolVersion(2); function getAndPrintVideoFeed($location = Zend_Gdata_YouTube::VIDEO_URI) { $yt = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube(); // set the version to 2 to receive a version 2 feed of entries $yt->setMajorProtocolVersion(2); $videoFeed = $yt->getVideoFeed($location); printVideoFeed($videoFeed); } function printVideoFeed($videoFeed) { $count = 1; foreach ($videoFeed as $videoEntry) { echo "Entry # " . $count . "\n"; printVideoEntry($videoEntry); echo "\n"; $count++; } } function printVideoEntry($videoEntry) { // the videoEntry object contains many helper functions // that access the underlying mediaGroup object echo 'Video: ' . $videoEntry->getVideoTitle() . "\n"; echo 'Video ID: ' . $videoEntry->getVideoId() . "\n"; echo 'Updated: ' . $videoEntry->getUpdated() . "\n"; echo 'Description: ' . $videoEntry->getVideoDescription() . "\n"; echo 'Category: ' . $videoEntry->getVideoCategory() . "\n"; echo 'Tags: ' . implode(", ", $videoEntry->getVideoTags()) . "\n"; echo 'Watch page: ' . $videoEntry->getVideoWatchPageUrl() . "\n"; echo 'Flash Player Url: ' . $videoEntry->getFlashPlayerUrl() . "\n"; echo 'Duration: ' . $videoEntry->getVideoDuration() . "\n"; echo 'View count: ' . $videoEntry->getVideoViewCount() . "\n"; echo 'Rating: ' . $videoEntry->getVideoRatingInfo() . "\n"; echo 'Geo Location: ' . $videoEntry->getVideoGeoLocation() . "\n"; echo 'Recorded on: ' . $videoEntry->getVideoRecorded() . "\n"; // see the paragraph above this function for more information on the // 'mediaGroup' object. in the following code, we use the mediaGroup // object directly to retrieve its 'Mobile RSTP link' child foreach ($videoEntry->mediaGroup->content as $content) { if ($content->type === "video/3gpp") { echo 'Mobile RTSP link: ' . $content->url . "\n"; } } echo "Thumbnails:\n"; $videoThumbnails = $videoEntry->getVideoThumbnails(); foreach($videoThumbnails as $videoThumbnail) { echo $videoThumbnail['time'] . ' - ' . $videoThumbnail['url']; echo ' height=' . $videoThumbnail['height']; echo ' width=' . $videoThumbnail['width'] . "\n"; } } function getAndPrintUserUploads($userName) { $yt = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube(); $yt->setMajorProtocolVersion(2); printVideoFeed($yt->getuserUploads($userName)); } $meh = getAndPrintVideoFeed("http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/kermitcasson/uploads"); echo $meh; I have tried surfing the net for a solution, and found nothing. If anyone could help, thanks in advance.
  20. I have taken a look at the API's...but I cannot just make sense of it.
  21. You can give the textarea a class in css to be able to change the font and size to what your other text is. <textarea class="boxfix">...</textarea> Make sure to change the font size to match your other text. <style type="text/css"> boxfix { font-family: arial; font-size: 12pt; } </style>
  22. Before you say about trying to use curl and fsockopen...I have tried those already but my host does not allow it due to their settings on their php.ini file. I am wondering if there is a way (other than those above) to grab the latest videos from a specific user on youtube, and be able to display them on a website, such as grabbing information about the video, as well as displaying it. If this is at all possible, and you can help...thanks in advance.
  23. What games? There are no games... :S
  24. This design has yet to be coded, but when it is it will be coded in HTML 5. I just thought my website design was a bit too simplistic (would also like feedback on that as well) and needed sprucing up. So the link for the design is below... View the design Thank You.
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