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  1. By the way... since you have already given me an example on what to put in Page 1, what am I suppose to put in Page 2, 3 and 4? Mind helping on that as well? Is your code on pageN suppose to be that as well? Thanks a lot for the help. By the way, I'm seriously a noob on this... never programmed in PHP in my life b4. Haha... LOL.
  2. Thanks a lot wildteen88. Got it working now Really appericiate everyone that chipped in to help.
  3. As much as I would say "yes" to it, I seem to be having some problem with Sessions. Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by.... Not sure what's wrong at all. In my entire page, I have nothing else other than a few JavaScripts and a Form in HTML. Not even sure what's wrong at all. Can someone help?
  4. I have something which I find quite interesting. Till now I have yet to find any answers or anything which is close or even resembles what I really need. This is basically what I have... Page 1 --> Page 2 --> Page 3 --> Page 4 My problem is how do I make it in such a way that someone needs to actually go to Page 1 before going to Page 2, 3 or 4? Is there a way to actually do this? I would appericiate it if someone could help tell me what I could do to get this going. Thank you very much.
  5. The funniest problem is that I got everything correct already. But when I try running the script and see if it works, it gives me "Invalid Parameter". Not too sure what's wrong but if you actually enter the URL into the browser, it will work perfectly fine. Something is definitely wrong somewhere. Can someone actually help me by telling me what I did wrong or where is wrong? $MerchantCode = "12345"; $RefNo = "22"; $Amount_Paid = "1.00"; function Requery(){ $query = "http://www.mobile88.com/epayment/enquiry.asp?MerchantCode=" . $MerchantCode . "&RefNo=" . $RefNo . "&Amount=" . $Amount_Paid; $url = parse_url($query); $host = $url["host"]; $path = $url["path"] . "?" . $url["query"]; $timeout = 1; $fp = fsockopen ($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, $timeout); if ($fp) { fputs ($fp, "GET $path HTTP/1.0\nHost: " . $host . "\n\n"); while (!feof($fp)) { $buf .= fgets($fp, 128); } $lines = split("\n", $buf); $Result = $lines[count($lines)-1]; fclose($fp); } else { # enter error handing code here } return $Result; } $verify = Requery(); echo $verify;
  6. Oh ok, I think I got it working already. The only problem I have now is what's left unknown. I have the variables $MerchantCode and $RefNo but I do not have the amount. Could you tell me how I could obtain a value from a MySQL table? Example: Payment_Table contains the fields Name, Address, Amount, RefNo and Transaction_ID. How could I get the variable from the MySQL table out so that I could use it? Thanks for the help in advance.
  7. I was given a code which I am suppose to incorporate into my website. Can someone be kind enough to help me by telling me what I should do here to make the code work? I do understand that in the end of the Function, it will return a value or something like that which is in the variable $Result but can someone tell me what else I am suppose to do to get the Function working or how am I suppose to call the Function? Thanks a lot for the help in advance. <?PHP function Requery(){ $query = "http://www.mobile88.com/epayment/enquiry.asp?MerchantCode=" . $MerchantCode . "&RefNo=" . $RefNo . "&Amount=" . $Amount; $url = parse_url($query); $host = $url["host"]; $path = $url["path"] . "?" . $url["query"]; $timeout = 1; $fp = fsockopen ($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, $timeout); if ($fp) { fputs ($fp, "GET $path HTTP/1.0\nHost: " . $host . "\n\n"); while (!feof($fp)) { $buf .= fgets($fp, 128); } $lines = split("\n", $buf); $Result = $lines[count($lines)-1]; fclose($fp); } else { # enter error handing code here } return $Result; } ?>
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