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Everything posted by TracyRosen

  1. I have posted this to the css forum. I think it may be a css issue...though not sure...
  2. Hello, I originally posted this problem in the php forum, but now I am thinking this may be more of a css issue. yes, I am a newbie! The sidebar on my blog has ... issues. It grows from top to bottom. If I remove the font size command from the sidebar css I no longer have the growing problem, but then the font is too small. Would someone be able to tell me how to fix this? The issue may be related to the fact that I have 2 types of sidebars on my blog. One that is widgetized (the home sidebar, the one with the issues) and one that is ruled strictly by the php. It may be worthwhile to note that I did not write this css. I am modifying a theme (with permission to do so) written by someone else so I do not exactly know what everything does...I just play with it until it looks right to me. I just can't figure out this one. You can see the issue by going to my blog: http://leadingfromtheheart.org Here is the style.css Thank you for any help!
  3. I have tried to look for this answer, but I know so little about php that I am unsure where to look! I have a self-hosted wordpress blog. I have 2 different sidebars set up - 1 that is managed by widgets (through a command in the sidebar.php) and another by the sidebar.php. I have no problem with the sidebar.php, however the widgetized sidebar has formatting issues, I am not sure why. As you go down the sidebar, the content gets larger. You can see it happening on my home page: http://leadingfromtheheart.org Is there some code I can insert into the sidebar.php that can regulate this? Thanks for any help. I hope I am posting in the right place! Tracy
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