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  1. No one?
  2. Here's what I have so far...I broke it down into an array separated by line breaks: <?php $rawdata = $_GET['rawdata']; $linebyline = explode("\n", $rawdata); ?> Kinda lost from here on out...
  3. Hi there, Noob here. Any PHP gurus here that can come to my rescue? I'm sure this is fairly straightforward, but I just can't seem to figure it out! Any help would be greatly appreciated! OK, here's a sample of the data that's gonna be entered on a form. There's lot of junk we don't need, but we have 4 entries separated by a line break. I've bolded what we DO need. 00001740 29 v 04 breathe 0 take_a_breath 0 respire 0 suspire 3 021 * 00005041 v 0000 * 00004227 v 0000 + 03189605 a 0301 + 00819106 n 0303 + 04034949 n 0301 + 04200499 n 0105 + 00819106 n 0101 ^ 00004227 v 0103 ^ 00005041 v 0103 $ 00002325 v 0000 $ 00002573 v 0000 ~ 00002573 v 0000 ~ 00002724 v 0000 ~ 00002942 v 0000 ~ 00003826 v 0000 ~ 00004032 v 0000 ~ 00004227 v 0000 ~ 00005041 v 0000 ~ 00006735 v 0000 ~ 00007366 v 0000 ~ 00017051 v 0000 02 + 02 00 + 08 00 | draw air into, and expel out of the lungs; "I can breathe better when the air is clean"; "The patient is respiring" 00002325 29 v 01 respire 1 005 $ 00001740 v 0000 @ 02088655 v 0000 + 03189605 a 0101 + 00819106 n 0103 + 00818726 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | undergo the biomedical and metabolic processes of respiration by taking up oxygen and producing carbon monoxide 00002724 29 v 01 choke 0 002 @ 00001740 v 0000 + 13871855 n 0101 01 + 02 00 | breathe with great difficulty, as when experiencing a strong emotion 00003133 29 v 01 hyperventilate 1 003 $ 00002942 v 0000 @ 00077958 v 0000 + 00821785 n 0101 01 + 09 00 | produce hyperventilation in; "The nurses had to hyperventilate the patient" Here's the output we're looking for: v, breathe, draw air into, and expel out of the lungs v, respire, undergo the biomedical and metabolic processes of respiration by taking up oxygen and producing carbon monoxide v, choke, breathe with great difficulty, as when experiencing a strong emotion v, hyperventilate, produce hyperventilation in Thanks in advance!
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