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Everything posted by DevML

  1. I've posted here before, however, I thought it would be better to just create a new topic. I have done a couple major updates to the website: more features to forum, profiles, added login on main page, added better content boxes, forced body background to white as someone informed me here that some browsers allow you to change the default background color. Will you review the website again and let me know what you think? http://www.zonehacks.com/ Little information about the website: ZoneHacks is a development community providing lots of great tutorials including php, mysql, assembly, cpp, vb, and more. Every script on the site is custom made including the forum!
  2. Thank you for your reviews. I will definitely set a default background colour, did not cross my mind as I do not make a lot of websites with white backgrounds. The site is a work in progress and far from complete. Like most of you probably are, I am the biggest critique of my own work, and a lot of the time I am not satisfied in the end. It's a problem I've been trying to tame, though I think I can make this one work.
  3. I would tilt the globe and resize to fit inside the header next to the company name, finish painting and adding highlights. Then work on the border around your logo by adding shadow and highlight to make glistening chrome bars. If you think of the Earth as it sits in the universe, it's a little out of place and I think it would really fit your theme as a network communication site in collaboration with the company name as your logo. Logo should be a brand, and as the globe sits in your layout now, it looks as if it doesn't belong there overlapping the border of your header. Work on your layout, place in some fake content to fill the space and get the general idea of how it will compliment the rest of the page.
  4. You got your shadow in there, but the site overall is too grey. The globe needs some color (green, little blue) and some highlights, maybe little cat5 cables swooping around it, something. . . . I think it's good that for a Network Communications Contractor site you would make it accessible for those who use lower resolutions as opposed to what akitchin said that was too small. Most businesses want the most simple website to make it more accessible to the customers - maybe just a couple pages to get the general idea of the business because a lot of them are not ready for global internet marketing or have the need to.
  5. I'd like to see that world with color and depth, however, it looks like the site has a lot of potential. Because I'm an addict, I'm sitting here visualizing what I would do with it since it's not finished. lol
  6. First I would like to introduce myself as I am a new member here at phpfreaks. My name is Adam and I am an addict. . . a long time developer in PHP and many other languages. And my site, well, it's been around the block too if you know what I mean =) The website is: www.zonehacks.com, formerly MSN Gaming Zone Hacks. After taking a year or two, maybe three off, I've decided to bring it back to life as a tutorial site for program development and webdesign - inspiring the uninspired as we had in the past. After bringing the site back online I have forced my community through three layouts, hopefully they didn't mind, however, I think I have finally settled in. You can look at some of the previous layouts and the site's beginnings at http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.zonehacks.com, however I don't think they had indexed any previous layouts from when I first put the site back up, as the layouts may have only been up for month or two at a time before being changed. Anyway, please let me know what you think of the site and any comments that you have. Thank you =)
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