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Posts posted by invictusBob

  1. Thanks for the response, code below:



    foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {

    $currField = "";

    switch ($key) {

    case 'message':

    $currField = $value."\n\n";


    case 'name':

    $currField = "From: ".$value."\n\n";

    $fromName = $value;


    case 'email':

    $currField = "Email: ".$value;

    $fromEmail = $value;



    $message = $currField.$message;


    $message = stripslashes($message);


    $to = "info@*******.co.uk";


    $subject = "Message from ******* website";

    $additional_headers = 'From: '.$fromName.' <'.$fromEmail.">\r\n".'Bcc: ***@*******.co.uk';

    $mailOK = mail($to, $subject, $message, $additional_headers);


    if ($mailOK) {

    echo 'Message=Thank you, your message has been received.';


    echo "Message=Sorry, your request couldn't be sent at this time, please try later.";




  2. I'm taking a message submitted by the user and sending it via mail() to the site owner. I don't apply any conversions to the string except stripslashes() before mailing. This has worked well except that when anyone uses an @, what gets sent is Å (capital A with ring above). Can I fix this in the PHP script or is the problem on the client side?


  3. Well, now that we've sorted out the comments, does anyone have any suggestions?


    Searching through this site, it seems that various flavours of my problem are quite common and intractable. Where solutions are are reported they often appear to have been stumbled upon rather than zoomed in on by some incisive contributor. Re-installing the whole shebang looks like a realistic response. The sticky above promoting Easy Installation with Wamp5 sounds very tempting. Does that solution have many supporters?

  4. Thanks for the quick response. In my php.ini, the line ";extension=msql.dll" only appears as an example in the section headed ";Dynamic Extensions". I had already tried uncommenting this within the Dynamic Extensions section and also tried putting it to the MySQL section. Your comment makes me wonder if my php.ini is not as you would expect it to be.


  5. I have Apache 2.2 and PHP 5.2.6 running under Windows XP. This works fine, serving pages and running sripts, but phpinfo() does not list MySQL or MySQLi extensions. The setup wizard confirms the two extensions are to be loaded and php_mysql.dll and php_mysqli.dll are showing in the PHP/ext folder. php.ini shows extension_dir ="C:\Program Files\PHP\ext" and C:\Program Files\PHP is in the system path.


    I'd really like to use MySQL, what have I missed?!


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