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  1. Use concatenation: $sql = "SELECT e_mails FROM mail_useage WHERE date=".(date("Y-m-d", TIME() - 18000));
  2. Hey, I have an object: typeArray = ['header', 'data', 'footer', 'all']; and I want to reference these in my array: mainArray = { header: [0, 12, 53, 44, 2], data: [0, 5, 36, 45, 83], footer: [2, 24, 54, 44, 89], all: [5, 84, 44, 23, 6] } I want to be able to use this: var type = 'all'; mainArray.type[3]; But it thiniks that type is part of mainArray. Is there any way to tell JavaScript that "type" (in my case) is actually a variable and not an object/array name? Thanks
  3. Right and then how would you apply OCR on something like: <img src="qmdhstqst3q3d5hq37g5hq45347tj3q56j4y78sqwrd74jy6+q84ky35s734eyk7s 78ylu4s88l4rs78ul869sr9ur9+§lu/7rs3lu874d73§lu6s346s4ku486sr"> Same way a browser does. Folder: qmdhstqst3q3d5hq37g5hq45347tj3q56j4y78sqwrd74jy6+q84ky35s734eyk7s 78ylu4s88l4rs78ul869sr9ur9+§lu File: 7rs3lu874d73§lu6s346s4ku486sr It is weird tho for a folder/file name. Even if it doesn't end with jpg or whetever the format it, if it has content-type headers it will show up properly in the browser.
  4. Well, you built the logic that mostly everybody would figure out in 30 seconds. Obviously it's step 4 that is the hardest part. I don't know any image recognition library in PHP (I would be surprised if there were any. As for step 2 and 3, they should be replace with viewing the source code instead: $page = file_get_contents('http://urlofform.com/form.php'); ... and do some regex to get the image file path and then run the image recognition software of that single image. I cannot help you further because I never had an interest in breaking/spamming/hacking web sites.
  5. obviously "cart|" should not be part of the unserialization. This was probably for reference so: $serial = substr($_COOKIE['name_of_cookie'], 5); $array = unserialize($serial);
  6. $_POST('fld1') should be in brackets: $_POST['fld1']
  7. Nothing wrong with that code. What's in your header.php file?
  8. Try moving your include outside of myFunction()
  9. Would it be better to pass the string? No, this is a VERY good sign that you need to use OOP (Object Oriented Programming) or classes for your development process. Edit: typo
  10. No we can't. We can't provide you with a complete script even if it's "urgent". But, we can help you to guide you in the correct path. PHP: file_get_contents - Manual + PHP: preg_match_all - Manual
  11. For every letter find it's upside down ASCII value. On Windows, click Start (or the windows logo) then Run. In the run dialog, type "charmap" press enter. Now, let's say the user types "A", now look at the character map table and look for an upside down "A". Then, break down the user's string into an array and to str_replace of each of the letters.... and go on from there.
  12. Do you have an element with the ID "navigation" surrounding your <ul> ?
  13. The closes thing you can do is insert thousands of blank lines before starting to output your page. (stupid) visitors might say that the source is not available. Of course this method won't work with addons like Firebug. Or just play with whitespace of your HTML source. Your PHP code is already hidden. If it's for JavaScript, minimize your code.
  14. I know you already know this but the PHP docs is a damn good place to look tutorials. Most of the functions have a couple of examples, if not the user comments are always helpful. PHP: COM - Manual
  15. ... or replace $_POST['hq'] with $_POST['radio']
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