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About ram4nd

  • Birthday 10/30/1990

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  1. ram4nd

    Column type

    How can I get column type? I have tried pg_field_type PHP function and information_schema. Both seem not to work. $link = pg_connect('host='.$db[$active_db]['host'].' user='.$db[$active_db]['username'].' password='.$db[$active_db]['password'].' dbname='.$db[$active_db]['db'].' connect_timeout=5'); if ($link) { $result = pg_query($link, "select a.attname from pg_attribute a, pg_class b where b.relfilenode=a.attrelid and b.relname='".$form_state['values']['query']."' and a.attname not in ('tableoid','cmax','xmax','cmin''xmin','ctid')"); while ($row = pg_fetch_row($result)) { $schema[] = $row; } foreach($schema as $k => $s) { $result = pg_query($link, "select ".$s[0]." from '".$form_state['values']['query']."'"); $schema[$k][1] = pg_field_type($result, 0); } pg_close($link); }
  2. The site is on Drupal 7 now.
  3. (PHP 5 >= 5.2.0, PECL zip >= 1.1.0)
  4. can you, you have to be loged in to see that little bubble of yours. And you can do that with some php functions aswell. Preg match is probably slower.
  5. first of all, your website? You think that everybody figures out to go to your profile and get you website domain from your mail address? secondly, why would you tel us that if you ask for help, please post some code as it is coding forum
  6. The base is set. Play with colors. Use borders, gradients and other effects to improve this desin.
  7. if it is it looks like a spam site or something. Mixed messed up content lot of weird banners and stuff.
  8. use cms
  9. The title says everything. I have a module in Drupal. I also have schema. I need to make form to insert data to that schema. Now i wonder what is the right way to do this.
  10. Thank you for your replays. I would like to explain some things. Disan needis improving, I know that. Snippets are snippets, they don't need explanation. Point isn't to find them via browsing, but from google using certain keywords. Right now all snipets are made by me. Just some useful stuff. Snippets are very specific. I haven't put much effort on making a community. Its more like, if you find anything useful then good for you. Mostly by google and targeted keywords. Final point. This site is also a place where i store my code that i reuse. I might always forget something. I also have learned a lot while building it. So the site is not pointless.
  11. http://browse-tutorials.com/ I just moved my site from CodeIgniter to Drupal. I would like to get your professional opinion.
  12. Change passwords and use secure operating system.
  13. Now you might get some actual results: $sql = "select * from posts where title like '%$term%'";
  14. I need permanent redirect. Example url: example.com/something/more/more/1 I always have /something/, so it would be awsome if you could remove /1 only from urls where are /something/ for first path argument. There can be any number of different url segments in between /something/ and /1, those should be kept there, just /1 should be removed. So the redirect path of the example url should be example.com/something/more/more How can I do this?
  15. there might be some bad ones, the good ones cost money probably
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