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Posts posted by phpoet

  1. I highly recommend checking out either CodeIgniter or Kohana.  Kohana started as a PHP5 fork of CodeIgniter and has since developed into a great PHP framework. CodeIgniter has a larger community of users though. I think they are by far the best PHP frameworks available. Especially since it's very easy to integrate the Zend Framework into them if you would like to take advantage of some of the Zend Functionality.

  2. You can name your checkboxes something like


    <input type='checkbox' id='product_01' name='products[]' value='1'>
    <input type='checkbox' id='product_02' name='products[]' value='2'>
    <input type='checkbox' id='product_03' name='products[]' value='3'>


    Then, in your PHP code you can get all of the selected values in an array like this


    $selected_products = $_POST['products'];
    foreach($selected_products as $product_id) {
      echo "You selected product: $product_id";


    All of the products that the user selects will be in the $selected_products array.

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