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Everything posted by kabucek
hi all, we are using xcart as our shopping cart. We're in testing phase now and find out that there is no profile ability for providers. Is there a add-on or module that we could download for that? Thanks
hello all, I'm trying to create a shopping cart for my website in php/mysql but have some problems. I've found some tutorials from which I'm trying to combine into one product, because its free and I can see all the coding. One is using couple functions in php but is lacking of billing, confirmation, review page. Another one is plaincart - it has all other pages but its configured for using pay-on-delivery or paypal with developers account, which kinda sucks. Does anyone know some good tutorial to create shopping cart or maybe some cheap shopping cart that we can configure for our needs? Another thing is that we need to use paypal for payment processing. (API) I went through 30 different shopping carts and all have monthly fees, which sucks. We're looking for one time fee. I tried magento, but the code inside doesn't cooperate with our css and couple functions. Any kind of help would be appreciated !! Thanks !!
hello all, i got simple query with listing: $result2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_usr_pic_info where usr_email ='$email1' LIMIT 0 , 3 "); echo "<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=4><TR>"; while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2) ) { // $row2[4] echo ' <TD><img src =\'' . $row2[12] .'\' width="140" height="160" border="0" >'; // $row2[3] echo "<br />"; echo $row2[1]; echo "<br /> $"; echo $row2[2]; echo "</TD>"; echo "<TD width='10px'></TD>"; } ?> and another code to list one big picture with some data: $result4 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_usr_pic_info where usr_email ='$email1' and pic_info_id < '2' "); $row4 = mysql_fetch_array($result4); $num4=mysql_numrows($result4); ?> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=4> <TR> <TH ROWSPAN='15' ><img src ="<?php echo $row4[12]; ?>" width="240" height="320" border="0" ></TH> <td></td> <TD ><p style='font-size:small;font-weight:bold'> <?php echo $row4[1]; ?></p></TD> <TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <td></td> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <td></td> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <td></td> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <td></td> <TD><p style='font-size:x-small;'>Price</p> </TD> <TD></TD> <td><p style='font-size:x-small;'> $ <?php echo $row4[2]; ?></p></td> </TR> <TR> <td></td> <TD><p style='font-size:x-small;'>Original/Reproduction</p> </TD> <TD></TD> <td><p style='font-size:x-small;'><?php echo $row4[3]; ?></p></td> </TR> <TR> <td></td> <TD><p style='font-size:x-small;'>Style</p> </TD> <TD></TD> <td><p style='font-size:x-small;'><?php echo $row4[4]; ?></p></td> </TR> <TR> <td></td> <TD><p style='font-size:x-small;'>Listed by</p> </TD> <TD></TD> <td><p style='font-size:x-small;'><?php echo $row4[5]; ?></p></td> </TR> <TR> <td></td> <TD><p style='font-size:x-small;'>Size Type/Largest Dimension</p> </TD> <TD></TD> <td><p style='font-size:x-small;'><?php echo $row4[6]; ?>"</p></td> </TR> <TR> <td></td> <td><p style='font-size:x-small;'>Signed?</p></TD> <TD></TD> <td><p style='font-size:x-small;'><?php echo $row4[7]; ?></p></td> </TR> <TR> <td></td> <td><p style='font-size:x-small;'>Date of Creation</p></TD> <TD></TD> <td><p style='font-size:x-small;'><?php echo $row4[8]; ?></p></td> </TR> <TR> <td></td> <TD><p style='font-size:x-small;'>Medium</p> </TD> <TD></TD> <td><p style='font-size:x-small;'><?php echo $row4[9]; ?></p></td> </TR> <TR> <td></td> <TD><p style='font-size:x-small;'>Region of Origin</p> </TD> <TD></TD> <td><p style='font-size:x-small;'><?php echo $row4[10]; ?></p></td> </TR> <TR> <td></td> <TD><p style='font-size:x-small;'>Subject </p></TD> <TD></TD> <td><p style='font-size:x-small;'><?php echo $row4[11]; ?></p></td> </TR> <TR> <td></td> <TD><p style='font-size:x-small; font-weight:bold'>Description of Work</p> </TD> <TD></TD> <td><?php echo $row4[13]; ?></td> </TR> <TR> <td></td> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <td></td> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> [\CODE] How to implement these 2 into 1(or other ways?) so if I click on one of the pic from first listing the second listing changes ? Meaning if I click on "small-1-pic" from the listing it will show up on the second. Thanks
hello all, I'm working on code for listing pictures from database. I got the listing, in next step I want to create link "edit info" for each of the listed items. What should I put in editing.php so it will edit each picture? Here is my code for listing $result2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_usr_gal_pic where usr_email ='$email1' "); while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2) ) { echo " <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=2> <TR> <TH ROWSPAN=8 BGCOLOR='#99CCFF'>"; echo '<img src =\'' . $row2[4] .'\' width="140" height="140" border="0" >'; echo "</TH> <td></td> <TD><p style='font-size:small; font-weight:bold;'>"; echo $row2[2]; echo "</p> </TD> <TD> </TD> <TD><p style='font-size:x-small;'>";?> <a href='editing.php'> <?php echo " Edit Information</a></p></TD> </TR> <TR> <td></td> <TD>"; if ( $num4 == "1" ) { echo $num4;echo "$nbsp photo";} else { echo $num4;echo "$nbsp photos"; } echo " <br> created on "; echo $row2[7]; echo" </TD> <TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <td></td> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <td></td> <TH rowspan=4><p style='font-size:small; font-weight:bold;'> some text will be here</p> <p style='font-size:small; font-weight:normal;'>Statement will be here</p> </TH> <TD></TD> <td></td> </TR> <br> </TABLE> Thanks
hello all, I got small query to pull out image from database. It creates a table but second image is displayed below (verticaly). I want it to be displayed horizontaly, how can I achieve that? Thanks !! $result2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_usr_gal_pic where usr_email ='$email1' "); while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2) ) { echo " <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=4> <TR> <td>"; echo '<img src =\'' . $row2[3] .'\' width="140" height="160" border="0" >'; echo "</td> <TD></TD> <TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <td>Name</td> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <td>$1,000.00</td> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD> </TR> </TABLE>"; } ?>
hello @LL, I have couple hard drives from different linux distro's. on the hdd's are logical volumes created. what i want to do is to backup the data from those hdd's. but when I connect some of them and boot up the system it gives me an error that there are volume group duplicated and it list the UUID. My host system is centos 5. What is the best solution to rename those volume groups or to mount the drives from other systems, so the data will not get lost? Thanks
I've tried that and nothing. what you use for smtp? maybe I have older version where this bug was not fixed.
hi @LL, we are using PHPMailer for sending response emails to our form, and we want to add CC field to it but for some reason I can't get it to work. This is CentOS Server. Here is the part of the script: $PHPMailerLink->AddAddress($destEmailAdr, $destEmailName); $PHPMailerLink->AddCC("WebTester <[email protected]>" ); $PHPMailerLink->AddCC($ccEmailAdr, $ccEmailName); $PHPMailerLink->headers .= "Cc: [email protected]"; $PHPMailerLink->From=$fromEmailAdr; $PHPMailerLink->FromName=$fromName; $PHPMailerLink->Subject = $subjectString; $PHPMailerLink->Body = $messageString; All CC commands doesn't do anything. On this page they say that CC is not supported in Linux, http://www.bahamasgateway.com/shop/inc/modules/shop/lib/phpmailer/phpdoc/phpmailer.html#AddCC(var,%20var) is that true? Is there a way to make it work? Thanks
I tried those, but with no result: case '11': $pattern="^NONE$"; $emailTest=ereg($pattern, $inString); if (!$emailTest) { appendError("MUST BE NONE"); } break; case '13': $pattern="^[[:n:]][[:]][[:n:]][[:e:]]$"; $emailTest=ereg($pattern, $inString); if (!$emailTest) { appendError("MUST BE NONE"); } break; case '15': $pattern='#^(?:[\w-]+ ?)*$#'; $emailTest=ereg($pattern, $inString); if (!$emailTest) { appendError("MUST BE NONE"); } break;
hi @LL, we are using simple code for validation in zip, but now we want to be able to type the word "NONE" also. How this code can be modified to do that? case 'zip': if ($inString=='') { appendError("Required Field"); } else { $length=strlen($inString); switch($length) { default: appendError("Must be 5 digit zip '00000', or zip+4 '00000-0000' or 'NONE'"); break; case '5': $pattern="^[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]$"; $emailTest=ereg($pattern, $inString); if (!$emailTest) { appendError("Only numbers allowed in zip"); } break; case '7': $pattern="^[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:space:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]$"; $emailTest=ereg($pattern, $inString); if (!$emailTest) { appendError("Canadian postal codes must be three digits, one space, three digits"); } break; case '10': $pattern="^[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]-[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]$"; $emailTest=ereg($pattern, $inString); if (!$emailTest) { appendError("Not a valid Zip+4 format"); } break; Thanks
Hi All, We are using self build online store on CentOS server(php,mysql,https) - CMS. First Developer created for us field in online store back-end where we can modify emails that are send to customers. As of now, 2 copies are send in separate emails. We want them to be send as one with CC field. How can we modify attached script to do that? Thanks. 1: emailResponseScript:$salesParameters['directoryURL']="https://somedirsomedir/somedir";$salesParameters['submitButtonURL']="https://somedir/somedir/somedir/images/signupnow.gif"; $salesParameters['fieldLabelStyleString']="style=\'font-size:10pt;color:red;padding-right:5pt;\'";$salesParameters['tagFormatString']="<DIV style=\'width:100%;text-align:left;\'><!tag!></DIV>";$salesParameters['anchorStyleString']="style=\'text-decoration:none;color:#4C310D;font-size:12pt;font-weight:bold;\' "; $emailMessagesArray['1']['templateURL']="https://somedir/somedir/emailTemplates/customerNotification.html";$emailMessagesArray['1']['subjectTemplate']="TEST <!first!> <!last!> <!cartHeader:totalPrice!> <!city!> <!state!> (#<!cartHeader:itemID!>)"; $emailMessagesArray['1']['fromEmailAdr']="[email protected]"; $emailMessagesArray['1']['fromEmailName']="REGISTRTION DEPARTMENT"; $emailMessagesArray['1']['destEmailAdrTemplate']="<!emailAdr!>"; $emailMessagesArray['1']['destEmailNameTemplate']="<!first!> <!last!>"; $emailMessagesArray['2']['templateURL']=" https://somedir/somedir/emailTemplates/customerNotification.html "; $emailMessagesArray['2']['subjectTemplate']="Party <!first!> <!last!> <!cartHeader:totalPrice!> <!city!> <!state!> (#<!cartHeader:itemID!>)"; $emailMessagesArray['2']['fromEmailAdr']="[email protected]"; $emailMessagesArray['2']['fromEmailName']="REGISTRATION DEPARTMENT"; $emailMessagesArray['2']['destEmailAdrTemplate']="[email protected]"; $emailMessagesArray['2']['destEmailNameTemplate']="Registration"
code-007100 .. code-007125 and I wanted to be code-007126 .. code-007150
in fact i'm using vim, because in cygwin there is vim not vi . I'm lazy and I got used to vi name what if I have: ..01 ..25 and want to have ..26 ..50 ? thanks
what if i got ..01 ..25 and want to change it to ..26 ..50 ?
hello, I have the large file (textfile) there are word: code-007100 ... code-007199 How to substitute those all words(using vi editor), so it will change all instances to: code-007200 ... code-007299 Thanks
hello, I have the large file (textfile) there are word: code-007100 ... code-007199 How to substitute those all words(using vi editor), so it will change all instances to: code-007200 ... code-007299 Thanks
hello, I have this query for creating one code at a time INSERT INTO `database1`.`table1` ( `couponCode`, `pageCount` ) VALUES ( 'promo-001002', '2' ); but this will create only one code. I need a query that will create 200 codes with starting number "-001002". Is there a way to do it? Thanks
hello we are using visual fox pro for writing automated scritps with some calculation commands and we use fox pro for language for taking input from excel files. We use another software to convert pdf files into excel files to be able to use them in fox pro scripts.(Cogniview PDF2XL Enterprise).Does anyone know any software that will be able to do it from command line and it will be compatible with visual fox pro 9.0 programming? thanks
create checkbox when choice is made from dropdown
kabucek replied to kabucek's topic in PHP Coding Help
this looks good, i will try that now, but maybe you're right about js, because I would want that to be dynamic, if event 1 is selected the checkbox will show up for them without submitting the whole form. Thanks !! -
create checkbox when choice is made from dropdown
kabucek replied to kabucek's topic in PHP Coding Help
reload will cause refresh, right? yes please make your suggestion on how this could be solved thank you -
hello @LL, I have some dropdown <select name='selectedProd'> <option value='code1'>event 1,IL</option> <option value='code2'>event 2, IL</option> I want to create checkbox visible only if user picks event 1 from dropdown, but checkbox would not show up if event 2 will be selected. is that possible? thanks
hi all, I have form in which people renew their agreements online. they can renew up to 5 agreements. I need to check if the expiration date is older than today, late fee will be added. if exp. date is equal or newer - no late fee. I have something like this so far and I can go further with this but my question is, if there is a way to simplify this code a little bit, or to make it shorter? $Today=date('m/d/y'); if ($selectedProdCode="agreem" and $errorArray['agr1expdate'] < $Today) { $selectedProdCode=// code with 1 agr and late fee } else { //1 agr if ( $selectedProdCode="agreem" and $errorArray['agr1expdate'] > $Today) { $selectedProdCode=// code with 1 agr and no late fee } else { if ($selectedProdCode="agreem" and $errorArray['agr1expdate'] < $Today) { $selectedProdCode=// code with 1 agr and late fee } } else { if ($selectedProdCode="agreem" and $errorArray['agr1expdate'] == $Today) { $selectedProdCode=// code with 1 agr and no late fee } } /////------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //2 agr else { if ( $selectedProdCode="agreem2" and $errorArray['agr1expdate'] == $Today and $errorArray['agr2expdate'] == $Today ) { $selectedProdCode=// code with 2 certs and no late fee } } else { if ($selectedProdCode="agreem2" and $errorArray['agr1expdate'] > $Today and $errorArray['agr2expdate'] > $Today { $selectedProdCode=// code with 2 agr and no late fee } } else { if ($selectedProdCode="agreem2" and $errorArray['agr1expdate'] == $Today and $errorArray['agr2expdate'] > $Today { $selectedProdCode=// code with 2 agr and no late fee } } else { if ($selectedProdCode="agreemn2" and $errorArray['agr1expdate'] > $Today and $errorArray['agr2expdate'] == $Today { $selectedProdCode=// code with 2 certs and no late fee } } else { if ($selectedProdCode="agreem2" and $errorArray['agr1expdate'] < $Today and $errorArray['agr2expdate'] == $Today { $selectedProdCode=// code with 2 certs and plus 1x late fee } } else { if ($selectedProdCode="agreem2" and $errorArray['agr1expdate'] == $Today and $errorArray['agr2expdate'] < $Today { $selectedProdCode=// code with 2 agr and plus 1x late fee } } else { if ($selectedProdCode="agreem2" and $errorArray['agr1expdate'] < $Today and $errorArray['agr2expdate'] > $Today { $selectedProdCode=// code with 2 certs and plus 1x late fee } } else { if ($selectedProdCode="agreem2" and $errorArray['agr1expdate'] > $Today and $errorArray['agr2expdate'] < $Today { $selectedProdCode=// code with 2 agr and plus 1x late fee } } Thanks
i want to have textbox ( i think the idea is similar to a login box) where someone will type in date (ex. Feb 2) if Feb 2 is one of the values (1 - jan 2 2 - feb 2 3 - jul 6 ) then form will know in the next page of code that the value of the texbox is feb 2, which is code 2 thanks
yes, I've tried and its displaying the option next to the textbox as words, which is not what I want. thanks
hi can we setup hidden values to textbox? like options for select? thanks