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  1. This issue is somewhat solved. I nested the code I need within a sql query that pull distinct dates and each time reset values there.
  2. Sorry posted without rest of details. The above loop IM trying to pull for four different dates when the date changes the screen should print out the new date. Once I can get this to work the rest should be easy. Appreciate your help.
  3. What IM trying to accomplish within loop is if date changes to a new date then reset some variables and calculate new totals for the next date. while (!$rs->EOF) { $tmpDATE=$rs->Fields('ProductionDate'); if($tmpDATE==$loopDATE){ }else{ echo "TEMP DATE " . $tmpDATE . "<BR>"; $loopDATE=$tmpDATE; echo "LOOP DATE " . $loopDATE . "<BR>"; } $rs->MoveNext(); }
  4. IM not sure how to mark this as resolved, but thanks MCHL. I looked into referencing and that is what was happening. This is the fix if($tmpDATE!=$preDATE){ $preDATE=$tmpDATE; $tmpDATE=$rs->Fields('countedDATE'); $tmpACOUNT=0; $tmpBCOUNT=0; $tmpCCOUNT=0; } Had to create a fake date before the query runs forcing the if statement to be true. You have to set the referenced variables in the above order or else they will always return the same value. Set First Variable Set Second Variable = to First Variable Change 1st Variable. That was confusing. Thanks Again
  5. I'll keep messing with it. And post the cure If I can figure it out. Thanks
  6. Its strange. IM new to php, but I put similar code in VB it works flawless. Do you see anything wrong with the code?
  7. here is the complete block of code. $tmpX = 0; $rs = $conn->Execute("SELECT * FROM [ABC Parts Counted By Reason] WHERE ABC_LogCounted.ABCREASON<>21 AND CountedDate Between #$BD# AND #$ED# ORDER BY CountedDate ASC"); while (!$rs->EOF) { $tmpDATE1=$rs->Fields('CountedDate'); echo $tmpDATE1; echo $tmpDATE2; if($tmpDATE1<>$tmpDATE2){ echo "DATE CHANGED"; $tmpDATE2=$tmpDATE1; $tmpACOUNT=0; $tmpBCOUNT=0; $tmpCCOUNT=0; } if($rs->Fields('ABC')=="A"){ $tmpACOUNT++; } if($rs->Fields('ABC')=="B"){ $tmpBCOUNT++; } if($rs->Fields('ABC')=="C"){ $tmpCCOUNT++; } $tmpX = $tmpX + 1; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td align='Left'>$tmpX</td>"; echo "<td align='Left'>$tmpDATE2</td>"; echo "<td align='Left'>$tmpPART</td>"; echo "<td align='Left'>$tmpACOUNT</td>"; echo "<td align='Left'>$tmpBCOUNT</td>"; echo "<td align='Left'>$tmpCCOUNT</td>"; echo "<td align='Left'>$tmpDATE</td>"; echo "<td align='Left'>$tmpDATE</td>"; echo "<td align='Left'>$tmpDATE</td>"; echo "<td align='Left'>$tmpDATE</td>"; echo "<td align='Left'>$tmpDATE</td>"; echo "<td align='Left'>$tmpDATE</td>"; echo "<td align='Left'>$tmpDATE</td>"; echo "</tr>"; $rs->MoveNext(); }
  8. I think the if statement syntax is correct, but I don't know how the $tmpDATE2 value is being set without entering the if Statement
  9. Yes. Its completely weird. $tmpDATE2 is changing without entering the if statement
  10. Result should be like below. Except where 13 is printed a second time should be a 0 and where the 1 is on the second 13 should be there, but the next value should be 0. Only 1 of the 3 numbers in each row should have a value and increment to the next time that column has a certain value. A B or C Hope this helps a little more. 9/2/20089/2/2008 1 9/2/2008 1 0 0 9/2/20089/2/2008 2 9/2/2008 2 0 0 9/2/20089/2/2008 3 9/2/2008 3 0 0 9/2/20089/2/2008 4 9/2/2008 4 0 0 9/2/20089/2/2008 5 9/2/2008 5 0 0 9/2/20089/2/2008 6 9/2/2008 6 0 0 9/2/20089/2/2008 7 9/2/2008 7 0 0 9/2/20089/2/2008 8 9/2/2008 8 0 0 9/2/20089/2/2008 9 9/2/2008 9 0 0 9/2/20089/2/2008 10 9/2/2008 10 0 0 9/2/20089/2/2008 11 9/2/2008 11 0 0 9/2/20089/2/2008 12 9/2/2008 12 0 0 9/2/20089/2/2008 13 9/2/2008 13 0 0 9/2/20089/2/2008 14 9/2/2008 13 0 1 9/3/20089/3/2008 15 9/3/2008 14 0 1
  11. $tmpDATE1=$rs->Fields('CountedDate'); echo $tmpDATE1; echo $tmpDATE2; if($tmpDATE1<>$tmpDATE2){ echo "DATE CHANGED"; $tmpDATE2=$tmpDATE1; $tmpACOUNT=0; $tmpBCOUNT=0; $tmpCCOUNT=0; }
  12. IM not sure what IM doing wrong here, but the code within the if statement never executes. The Dates Change I used the echo statment to see the dates and tmpDATE1 always = tmpDATE2. Please take a look at the code and point me in the right direction. Thanks while (!$rs->EOF) { $tmpDATE1=$rs->Fields('CountedDate'); echo $tmpDATE1; echo $tmpDATE2; if($tmpDATE1<>$tmpDATE2){ echo "DATE CHANGED"; $tmpDATE2=$tmpDATE1; $tmpACOUNT=0; $tmpBCOUNT=0; $tmpCCOUNT=0; } if($rs->Fields('ABC')=="A"){ $tmpACOUNT++; } if($rs->Fields('ABC')=="B"){ $tmpBCOUNT++; } if($rs->Fields('ABC')=="C"){ $tmpCCOUNT++; } $tmpX = $tmpX + 1; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td align='Left'>$tmpX</td>"; echo "<td align='Left'>$tmpDATE2</td>"; echo "<td align='Left'>$tmpPART</td>"; echo "<td align='Left'>$tmpACOUNT</td>"; echo "<td align='Left'>$tmpBCOUNT</td>"; echo "<td align='Left'>$tmpCCOUNT</td>"; echo "</tr>"; $rs->MoveNext(); }
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