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  1. Usine DreamweaverMX, MySQL, PHPadmin. What is the PHP code that I place the now() in, so that the current date will show up in my DB once a web form has been submitted? My DB field is "submit_date", the type is "DATE". It adds the default 0000-00-00. But in all my tests I still get the "0000-00-00" with every entry. Is there some code I need to place on the page using the now()? I thought that the DB would auto fill in a date on submit? Thanks! Lynne
  2. Thanks! I'll try that...
  3. Not sure what I did wrong, but in starting over the 2nd ones now work. Thanks!
  4. Don't know what I did. But in starting form over, the phone numbers are now fine.
  5. I have a database setup using MySQL. On my Dreamweaver form I want to use checkboxes, but I must not be binding it correctly. Form in browser shows correctly, but in database the checkboxes are replaced with a textbox and no data saved. I have it listed as a VARCHAR in database...is this incorrect? Thanks!
  6. Using Dreamweaver MX and MySQL I have successfully set up a database, the form and all the PHP pages to submit, edit and delete info from the database. One problem I have is when I use dropdown selection areas on my submit info form and then go to the Update page everything looks good except the dropdowns. It will show the submitted choice, but I can not change it--there is no other choices listed. I can go to the database and make these changes (all the choices are listed). Is there someway in Dreamweaver to allow it to keep all the choices on the update page?
  7. Using Dreamweaver MX, recordsets, bindings and MySQL I have set up a successful database and all the PHP pages to add, edit and delete info from it. One problem I've found: I have 2 dropdown list boxes on a single table cell. This occurs in 2 areas of the form. In both cases only the first dropdown works. The second ones will show no info in the dropdown. I've double checked all the names, server behaviors, bindings, ect. and can't find anything wrong between the first and second dropdowns. Each dropdown in the database use "enum" as the types. Any suggestions?
  8. I have successfuly created a MySQL database and all the PHP pages in Dreamweaver that allow me to submit info to the database and to edit and delete info in the database. I'm using the Dreamweaver recordsets, Bindings and server behaviors. But, there is one problem I can't seem to figure out: phone and fax numbers are being cut off after the first 3 digits (before the dash). I can go into the database itself and fix it and it will then hold all the numbers and dash, but still doesn't on any new form submitted tests. I've tried both Varchar(50) and Text types and get the same missing results.
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