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Posts posted by sandeept

  1. Hi,


    Sorry for late response.


    The temporary directory was out of quota. I set a new directory path in php.ini and upload is working fine.
    Thanks for your inputs.


    Weird part is, I am able to upload big size files through FTP in the directory (/opt/php) which says "Out of quota".



  2. Hi,


    My server has CentOS, Apache and PHP.

    I have set all required parameters in php.ini to handle big size file uploads (post_max_size, memory_limit, timeouts etc.)


    But, still the script doesn't accept a file more than 5MB. On bigger uploads, it returns error 7 (Unable to write to disk).
    I have set 777 permissions on my temporary folder (/opt/php) and during upload, I do see temporary file through my FTP. But, once it reaches 5MB, temporary file disappears and script shows error 7.


    I increased timeout value in httpd.conf and set following too,




    <Directory "/opt/php">
         LimitRequestBody 10485760</Directory>



    But, no success.


    Please help.



  3. Hello,


    I have Apache 2.2.16 running on port 8080 on Windows 7 Ultimate. It was working quite fine but for last one week, Apache service is not started when OS loads. Log file shows,


    [sat Feb 05 12:44:56 2011] [warn] (OS 64)The specified network name is no longer available.  : winnt_accept: Asynchronous AcceptEx failed.

    Starting the Apache2.2 service(OS 5)Access is denied.  : Apache2.2: Failed to open the service


    I have searched forums for solutions and got few suggestions. These are,


    1. Disable antivirus

    2. Add following lines in httpd.conf


    EnableMMAP off

    EnableSendfile off



    3. Reinstall Apache


    None of above have helped.


    If I double click httpd.exe in bin directory, I am able to run php scripts through browser. This trick works from command prompt too. But, Apache service in windows services panel shows "stopped". On clicking start, it says, requested service failed. Same message is shown when I try to start Apache from Apache monitor services.


    Please help. Thanks in advance.




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