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Posts posted by Delight

  1. Here's a simple example:


    Place this code on the first line of your index.php:

    if (empty($_GET['page']))
    		$_GET['page'] = 'home';


    Place this code in your content div:

    			if(is_numeric($_GET['page'])) // check if button ACTION is a number.
    					$page = $_GET['page'];
    					$query="SELECT * FROM `table_in_database` WHERE `id` = '$page';";
    					$result = mysql_query($query);
    					$inhoud = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);  // MYSQL data to PHP
    					echo $inhoud['info']; // Display your content
    			else // if not a number then load page from the PAGES folder.
    					include('pages/'.$_GET['page'].'.php'); // name and add .PHP to it
    															// wich will result in a 
    															// filename in the PAGES
    															// folder.


    Now, make a folder on the root called pages. In this folder are the files stashed like home.php, news.php , allyourfiles.php etc etc. These will be called from the content div.


    Your buttons (anywhere on your page) must have the following action:


    Home is referring to your pages/home.php file.


    Or get the content out of a dabase:



    If anyone feels the need to add a more complicated one with security feel free to do so but i thought this might be a good way to start.



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