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  1. In my post... I indicted this syntax as the only on that WORKS... my question was is it the only way?
  2. Hmm... Just tried your suggested change... $myown->Execute("INSERT INTO TESTAES (name,passwd) VALUES ('$name', AES_ENCRYPT('$password',MYKEY))"); The sql I got was... incorrect: INSERT INTO TESTAES (name,passwd) VALUES ('user1, AES_ENCRYPT('user1password',MYKEY)) Thanks...
  3. Hello, I am building a query... but the variable MYKEY is not resolving... $name = 'user1'; $password = 'user1password'; define('MYKEY','897sdn9j98u98jk'); $myown->Execute("INSERT INTO TESTAES (name,passwd) VALUES ('$name', AES_ENCRYPT('$password','MYKEY'))"); However, when I look at the resulting adodb sql...incorrect INSERT INTO TESTAES (name,passwd) VALUES ('user1', AES_ENCRYPT('user1password','MYKEY')) This is not what I want. //If I try define('SBKEY','897sdn9j98u98jk'); $myown->Execute("INSERT INTO TESTAES (name,passwd) VALUES ('$name', AES_ENCRYPT('$password','".MYKEY."'))"); //pay attention to the ".MYKEY." //When I look at the resulting adodb sql...correct INSERT INTO TESTAES (name,passwd) VALUES ('user1', AES_ENCRYPT('user1password','897sdn9j98u98jk')) Is appending the variable ".MYKEY." the only way to make this work?? Thanks...
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