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Everything posted by avvllvva

  1. After this mod_rewrite I have got a seo friendly URL. But, the values passed through the url is not getting.......... any guess............ how to get this ?
  2. This is my url ..../product.php?id=99&title=demo rewrited url is ....../product/id/99/title/demo And my .htacces content is following RewriteEngine on RewriteRule product/id/(.*)/title/(.*) product.php?id=$1&title=$2 The problem is, $_GET['id'] and $_GET['title'] giving empty results... please give me a solution , how to get the GET variable values...... Thnx in advance
  3. Its get solved.......I have tried some other urls, and now they are working perfect including the line 'Options +FollowSymLinks' .htaccess Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^product/([^/\.]+)/?$ product.php?id=$1 [L] RewriteRule ^localnews/ localnews.php thanx
  4. Hi, The url rewriting is not functioning with my server, I need to change "current url" to "required url" as shown below Current url : http://www.mydomain.com/seo/scripts/scriptname.php?article_id=45&article_name=noop Required url : http://www.mydomain.com/seo/scripts/scriptname-article_id-45-article_name-noop.html .htaccess file content Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteRule scriptname-article_id-(.*)-article_name-(.*)\.html$ scriptname.php?article_id=$1&article_name=$2 Server details Linux hosting mod_rewrite module is loaded These are the details and I have also tested the .htaccess file is functioning well with some other codes in the server. So, anybody can help me, where is the problem ?????? Thanks
  5. Hi, I needs help in following Mysql issue. I have a table of two columns 'col_code(varchar)' , 'col_num(bigint)'. For more clarification I'm giving sample datas to the table col_code col_num AG-123 123 AG-88 88 EX-16 16 EX-220 220 AG-10 10 I needs to display the datas in following order :- AG-10, AG-16, AG-123, EX-16, EX-220 ie; first order by Alabetical and then numerical. Is it possible with these two columns. If yes, how can I write the sql statement with the order clause .. ?? Please help...........Thanks in advance.
  6. Hi , I have a dynamic website in php-mysql. I needs help in following issues 1.How to display static Arabic text in my website...? 2.How to display dynamic Arabic content from mysql database(in db, content is already stored as arabic format) to my website...? Please help...
  7. I want to display the details from two different tables for a LIKE query, as a single result set. There is no reference between the two tables. ie; I needs the results from two tables on a keyword search.
  8. Anyway I left it..........thanks for help.
  9. Could you please suggest a solution for that...
  10. Server php version is 5.1.6, local is 5.2.0. GD lib is enabled and both having same version Ver. 2.0
  11. Is it any server settings in php.ini? But I have compared the local ini file with the server it was same. where is the problem? working in local not in server .....please help.
  12. function PL_CJimageresize($filepath,$filename,$id,$uploaddir,$wide,$long,$table,$field,$extension){ list($width, $height) = getimagesize($filepath); if($width>$wide) $new_width = $wide; else $new_width = $width; if($height>$long) $new_height = $long; else $new_height = $height; // ______________________________Resample________________________________________________ $image_p = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height); if($extension=="jpeg" || $extension=="jpg" ){ $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($filepath); } else if($extension=="gif"){ $image = imagecreatefromgif($filepath); } else if($extension=="png"){ $image = imagecreatefrompng($filepath); } imagecopyresampled($image_p, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height); //_______________________________Output destination file_____________________________________ $newname =$uploaddir.$filename; if($extension=="jpeg" || $extension=="jpg"){ imagejpeg($image_p, $newname); } else if($extension=="gif"){ imagegif($image_p, $newname); } else if($extension=="png" || $extension=="PNG"){ imagepng($image_p, $newname); } }
  13. function PL_CJimageresize($filepath,$filename,$id,$uploaddir,$wide,$long,$table,$field,$extension){ list($width, $height) = getimagesize($filepath); if($width>$wide) $new_width = $wide; else $new_width = $width; if($height>$long) $new_height = $long; else $new_height = $height; // ______________________________Resample________________________________________________ $image_p = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height); if($extension=="jpeg" || $extension=="jpg" || $extension=="JPG" || $extension=="JPEG" ){ $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($filepath); } else if($extension=="gif"){ $image = imagecreatefromgif($filepath); } else if($extension=="png"){ $image = imagecreatefrompng($filepath); } imagecopyresampled($image_p, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height); //_______________________________Output destination file_____________________________________ $newname =$uploaddir.$filename; if($extension=="jpeg" || $extension=="jpg"){ imagejpeg($image_p, $newname); } else if($extension=="gif"){ imagegif($image_p, $newname); } else if($extension=="png" || $extension=="PNG"){ imagepng($image_p, $newname); } }
  14. I have tried to resize 3000*3000 resolution images using normal functions in php. In local server it was resized perfectly but in online server it was not working, at there maxium resized resolution was 1600*1500. Could anybody help me to fix this ......?
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