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Everything posted by mapleleaf

  1. <a href="'.$row['sId'] looks like not enough info for a url. What is your output on the page so we can see the error. seems you need <a href="news.php?sid='.$row['sId'].'"> Something along those lines assuming you are using $_GET
  2. SELECT * FROM articles WHERE theme_id = 4 AND WHERE second_theme IN ( 15 ) gives a sql eror but both the WHERE clauses run ok alone. What I am I missing in the AND process? Must be very simple but noyt for me!!
  3. SELECT * FROM articles WHERE second_theme IN ( 6 ) ; is what I was looking for. Thanks for the thoughts. I suspect my question wasn't phrased right
  4. I am not sure whether regex will work for this as I need the query to be able to find any id 2 or 22 or 32 etc. For FIND IN SET I am struggling to write a query that might work. Seems like it needs subqueries which I am not familiar with. i am trying something like this: SELECT IN SET( '6', '( SELECT second_theme FROM articles WHERE second_theme LIKE ' %6 % ')' ) FROM articles Any ideas much appreciated
  5. I have a field in the database with ids in it. Eg 3 fields below: 1,43,89,4,923 55,14, 402,77 44,8,23 How do I search for only the id 4 and not return 44, 43, 14, 402 etc? In this case i want only the first row returned. I am sure MYSQL will have someting for this. Thanks
  6. Try this: $some_array['@attributes']['id'] or a variation of that on your array. not an xml man myself
  7. echo out these to see if they are set: $reg_long = $_SESSION['clever_ip_long']; $reg_lat = $_SESSION['clever_ip_lat']; $reg_country = $_SESSION['clever_ip_country']; $reg_code = $_SESSION['clever_ip_code']; $default_CC = $_SESSION['clever_ip_country_name'];
  8. Is it possible to have an email link like mailto that prepopulates the email with some content? Thanks
  9. START RANT{ I am and for the sake of clarity I will STRONGLY advise against using Network Solutions as a hosting provider. Their Tech Support are still learning how to use a mouse!! It is really like talking in a foreign language to them. PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THE MISTAKE MY CLIENT MADE. They are running on a name and nothing more. } END RANT
  10. Not exactly a php question but this is where the knowledge is. My hosting provider always writes permissions to 775 if I try 777. Is there a way around this as I am using a software that needs 777? I chmoded on the server directly and used my ftp program. Any ideas most welcome.
  11. vineld thank you. The obvious needs to be looked at first. I am running out of brain cells here.
  12. I need to add to an array So I start with this $inputs = array( 3 => 'dsdsd'); and want to add: 7 => 'ffdfd', 22 => 'more blah' Can I use array_push()?
  13. I have an mp3 file I need to grab from site every few days. It is a 30mb file and would be much easier if I didn't need to download and then upload to my site. Any one know of a way I can grab the url of the site and get it to download to the server so i can be cut out of the loop?
  14. First off close the quotes on the $query. The query is too busy for my head right now
  15. So my xml starts like this and there are about 10 ARTICLES in it. How do I get the attibutes of ARTICLE like POSTING_DATE? xml: <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE NEWSFEED SYSTEM "http://www.somesite/newsfeed.dtd"> <NEWSFEED> <ARTICLE ID="435655" POSTING_DATE="16-Jun-2009" POSTING_TIME="09:00" ARCHIVE_DATE="05-Jun-2010"> <NEWS_TYPE>News</NEWS_TYPE> PHP <?php $xmlRaw = file_get_contents($filename); $this->load->library('simplexml'); $xmlData = $this->simplexml->xml_parse($xmlRaw); ?> AND my view file in PHP too: <?php foreach($xmlData['ARTICLE'] as $row) { echo $row['ARTICLE'][postING_DATE']; echo '<br>'; echo '<hr>'; } ?>
  16. Inside a td cell there is a menu with images going across the page. All the other browsers display correctly. Is there a fix for IE6? <tr> <td colspan="2" class="drop"><nobr> <dl class="dropdown"> <dt class="c1"><img src="images/gif/menubar_1.gif" alt="spacer"></dt> </dl> <dl class="dropdown"> <dt><img src="images/gif/menubar_last.gif" alt="spacer" width="34" height="23"></dt> </dl> <dl class="dropdown"> <dt class="home"><img class="home" usemap="#maphome" src="images/gif/home.gif" alt="home"></dt> </dl> <dl class="dropdown"> <dt id="two-ddheader" onmouseover="ddMenu('two',1)" onmouseout="ddMenu('two',-1)"><img src="images/gif/company.gif" alt="company"></dt> <dd id="two-ddcontent" onmouseover="cancelHide('two')" onmouseout="ddMenu('two',-1)"> <ul> <li><a href="index.php/company/mission" class="underline">link</a></li> <li><a href="index.php" class="underline">vision</a></li> <li><a href="index.php/company/" class="underline">link</a></li> <li><a href="index.php/company/" class="underline">link</a></li> <li><a href="index.php/company/">link</a></li> <li><a href="index.php" class="underline">news center</a></li> <li><a href="index.php/company/" class="underline">link</a></li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <dl class="dropdown"> <dt id="three-ddheader" onmouseover="ddMenu('three',1)" onmouseout="ddMenu('three',-1)"><img src="images/gif/products.gif" alt="products"></dt> <dd id="three-ddcontent" onmouseover="cancelHide('three')" onmouseout="ddMenu('three',-1)"> <ul> <li><a href="index.php/products/" class="underline">limk</a></li> </ul> </dd> </dl> </td> </tr> It is a longer menu but for the sake of a shorter post this gives the idea. The widths of the images add up perfectly to the width of the page. Some how each image is ending up stacked in the middle of the page instead of being next to each other. I could show you some css too but don't want to put too much detail here. I have tried nowrap on all elements. Help much appreciated.
  17. ldougherty you were right. I hadn't understood your url immediately. THANKS A LOT
  18. It is a protected file and I will need to send the id and password somehow. If i go to the url directly in my browser that window drops down asking for the id and password. Is that any clearer?
  19. I have a url that has an xml document that I want to download or parse. The url requires authentcation(id and password). How do I authenticate automatically with php?
  20. Tried that. Still not wrapping. Any other thoughts?
  21. <p class="message">Message:<br><?php echo wordwrap($message,30); ?></p> Any idea why this isn't wrapping? It is echoing out the posted data of a textarea. I removed htmlentities in case that was affecting it
  22. Any thoughts on how to do it? I have never done this before.
  23. I need to be able to automatically update some address info in my database. The new info will come from another server so what is the best way to have it sent to my server and parsed? XML? This will happen every night. This is really more about communication between the servers than MySQL. TX
  24. yes set the height of var c = document.getElementById(id + '-ddcontent'); to 0px but only once ddslide has completed. ddslide is called in the function ddcollapse() var c is declared in ddmenu() Am I making it any clearer? Tx
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