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Having trouble formating date using date() function
aj7877 replied to aj7877's topic in Third Party Scripts
You are correct. I must have got muddled up with my files. Amateur mistake by me. Thanks, for the keen eye, issue is resolved. Also, I wondered how you would modify the script to only output products with a value greater than say $120? Would I do this from this file: feedmachine_loadingbay.php And how would I do if. I'm guessing an IF statement or something? -
Having trouble formating date using date() function
aj7877 replied to aj7877's topic in Third Party Scripts
Sure. The script is for Oscommerce shopping cart. Here's the first part of the script which has the main query: feedmachine.php <?php /** * Feedmachine - osCommerce MS-2.2 * * Generates feeds for any product search engine, e.g. froogle, shopping.com, * kelkoo. Simply configure the feeds and run the script to generate them from * your product database. Highly flexible system and easy to modify. * @package feedmachine * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License * @version 2.20b2 * @link http://www.osc-solutions.co.uk/ osCommerce Solutions * @copyright Copyright 2005-2007, Lech Madrzyk * @author Lech Madrzyk * @filesource http://www.osc-solutions.co.uk/ */ /* This file, feedmachine.php, should be put in your admin directory */ //I put in a check for this variable into application_top that prevents a session from starting //- you can do the same (not very important...) $start_session = false; /* This program uses the catalog's application_top (as oppose to admin's) in case any alternative url generator is used. */ if( !isset($feedmachine_auto) ) { $installation_path = getcwd() . '/'; if( !file_exists('feedmachine_config.php') ) { exit('Please ensure that feedmachine_config.php is in the admin directory - this is different to older versions where it is in admin/includes/'); } require_once('feedmachine_config.php'); $catalog_path = defined(CATALOG_DIRECTORY) ? CATALOG_DIRECTORY : '../'; chdir($catalog_path); $catalog_path = getcwd() . '/'; require_once('includes/application_top.php'); } require_once($installation_path . 'feedmachine_loadingbay.php'); if( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ) echo '<pre>'; echo 'catalog path: ' . $catalog_path . "\n\n"; //The two functions below can be modified/extended to to modify/extend functionality function field_generator($db_field_name) { global $product, $current_product_prices, $cur_feed, $currencies, $countries, $categories; switch( $db_field_name ) { case 'FEED_PRODUCTS_URL': $additional_params = array(); if( $cur_feed['currency_code'] != DEFAULT_CURRENCY ) $additional_params[] = 'currency=' . $cur_feed['currency_code']; if( $cur_feed['language_code'] != DEFAULT_LANGUAGE ) $additional_params[] = 'language=' . $cur_feed['language_code']; if( !empty($cur_feed['url_parameters']) ) $additional_params[] = $cur_feed['url_parameters']; $additional_params_string = !empty($additional_params) ? '&' . implode('&', $additional_params) : ''; $output_field_value = tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $product['products_id'] . $additional_params_string, 'NONSSL', false); break; case 'FEED_IMAGE_URL': $output_field_value = $product['products_image'] ? HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . $product['products_image'] : ''; break; case 'FEED_CATEGORY': if( $product['categories_id'] == 0 ) { $output_field_value = ''; } elseif( $cur_feed['category_output_type'] == 2 ) { $output_field_value = implode($cur_feed['category_seperator'], $categories[ $product['categories_id'] ][ $cur_feed['language_id'] ]); } elseif( $cur_feed['category_output_type'] == 3 ) { $output_field_value = $categories[ $product['categories_id'] ][ $cur_feed['language_id'] ][0]; } else { //assume 1 $output_field_value = $product['categories_name']; } break; case 'FEED_PRICE': $output_field_value = $current_product_prices['products_price']; break; case 'FEED_FINAL_PRICE': $output_field_value = $current_product_prices['final_price']; break; case 'FEED_PRICE_WITH_TAX': $output_field_value = $current_product_prices['products_price_with_tax']; break; case 'FEED_FINAL_PRICE_WITH_TAX': $output_field_value = $current_product_prices['final_price_with_tax']; break; case 'FEED_SPECIAL_PRICE': $output_field_value = !empty($product['specials_new_products_price']) ? $current_product_prices['specials_new_products_price'] : ''; break; case 'FEED_SPECIAL_PRICE_WITH_TAX': $output_field_value = !empty($product['specials_new_products_price']) ? $current_product_prices['specials_new_products_price_with_tax'] : ''; break; case 'FEED_UNIQUE_ID': //kept for configuration backwards compatibility $output_field_value = $product['products_id']; break; case 'FEED_BLANK': default: $output_field_value = ''; break; } return $output_field_value; } function process_field_value($field_value, &$field_options) { if( in_array('STRIP_XHTML', $field_options) ) { $field_value = preg_replace('#<([^\s]*+).*?>(.*?)</\1>#i', '$2', $field_value); $field_value = preg_replace('#<.*? />#i', ' ', $field_value); } elseif( in_array('STRIP_HTML', $field_options) ) { $field_value = preg_replace('#</?.*?>#i', ' ', $field_value); } if( in_array('HTML_ENTITIES', $field_options) ) { $field_value = htmlentities(html_entity_decode($field_value)); } if( in_array('STRIP_CRLF', $field_options) ) { $field_value = preg_replace('#[\040\011]*+[\n\r]+[\040\011]*#s', ' ', $field_value); } return $field_value; } function category_path($categories_id, &$language_id, &$cat_path) { $query = tep_db_query('SELECT c.parent_id, cd.categories_name FROM categories c, categories_description cd WHERE c.categories_id = cd.categories_id AND c.categories_id = \'' . (int)$categories_id . '\' AND cd.language_id = \'' . (int)$language_id . '\''); $cat_info = tep_db_fetch_array($query); $cat_path = array_merge(array($cat_info['categories_name']), $cat_path); if( $cat_info['parent_id'] ) { return category_path($cat_info['parent_id'], $language_id, $cat_path); } else { return $cat_path; } } function combinations(&$options, $options_seperator = '|', $pos = 0, $combinations = false) { $new_combinations = array(); if( $combinations ) { foreach( $options[$pos]['values'] as $key1=>$value1 ) { foreach( $combinations as $key2=>$value2 ) { $new_combinations[$key2 . $options_seperator . $key1]['comb_name'] = $value2['comb_name'] . '; ' . $options[$pos]['comb_name'] . ': ' . $value1; $new_combinations[$key2 . $options_seperator . $key1]['comb_price'] = $value2['comb_price'] + ( $options[$pos]['price_prefix'][$key1] == '+' ? 1 : (-1) ) * $options[$pos]['options_values_price'][$key1]; $new_combinations[$key2 . $options_seperator . $key1]['option_value'] = $value2['option_value']; $new_combinations[$key2 . $options_seperator . $key1]['option_value'][$options[$pos]['comb_name']] = $value1; } } } else { //This is a modification of the above for the first pass foreach( $options[$pos]['values'] as $key=>$value ) { $new_combinations[$key]['comb_name'] = $options[$pos]['comb_name'] . ': ' . $value; $new_combinations[$key]['comb_price'] = ( $options[$pos]['price_prefix'][$key] == '+' ? 1 : (-1) ) * $options[$pos]['options_values_price'][$key]; $new_combinations[$key]['option_value'][$options[$pos]['comb_name']] = $value; } } if( ++$pos < sizeof($options) ) { return combinations($options, $options_seperator, $pos, $new_combinations); } else { return $new_combinations; } } set_time_limit(2400); ini_set('memory_limit', ( defined('FM_MEMORY_LIMIT') ? 'FM_MEMORY_LIMIT' : '256M' )); $option_value_seperator = defined('OPTION_COMBS_OPTION_VALUE_SEPERATOR') ? OPTION_COMBS_OPTION_VALUE_SEPERATOR : ':'; $options_seperator = defined('OPTION_COMBS_OPTIONS_SEPERATOR') ? OPTION_COMBS_OPTIONS_SEPERATOR : '|'; $save_path = $catalog_path . SAVE_LOCATION; if( !file_exists($save_path) ) { echo 'The SAVE_LOCATION directory: ' . SAVE_LOCATION . ' does not exist in ' . $catalog_path . '. Please create this directory or change the path to an existing directory'; exit; } //Build Languages Array $languages = array(); $languages_query = tep_db_query('SELECT * FROM languages'); while( $languages_row = tep_db_fetch_array($languages_query) ) { $languages[ $languages_row['code'] ] = $languages_row; } tep_db_free_result($languages_query); echo 'languages array built' . "\n"; ob_flush(); // //Which languages are needed for the feeds? //If only some are needed, this will save time in the master query $languages_used = array(); foreach( $feeds as $key=>$feed ) { if( isset($languages[ $feed['language_code'] ]['languages_id']) ) { $feeds[$key]['language_id'] = $languages[ $feed['language_code'] ]['languages_id']; } $languages_used[ $feeds[$key]['language_id'] ] = true; } $languages_list = ''; foreach( $languages_used as $key=>$value ) { $languages_list .= ', ' . $key; } $languages_list = substr($languages_list, 2); // //Build Currencies Array $currencies = array(); $currencies_query = tep_db_query('SELECT * FROM currencies'); while( $currencies_row = tep_db_fetch_array($currencies_query) ) { $currencies[ $currencies_row['code'] ] = $currencies_row; } tep_db_free_result($currencies_query); echo 'currencies array built' . "\n"; ob_flush(); // //Establish feed currency's decimal and thousand points foreach( $feeds as $cur_feed_id => $cur_feed ) { $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['currency_decimal'] = $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['currency_decimal_override'] !== false ? $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['currency_decimal_override'] : $currencies[ $cur_feed['currency_code'] ]['decimal_point']; $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['currency_thousands'] = $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['currency_thousands_override'] !== false ? $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['currency_thousands_override'] : $currencies[ $cur_feed['currency_code'] ]['thousands_point']; } // //Get Countries All-Zones Tax Rates $taxes = array(); //FOLLOWING QUERY IS TEMPORARY - TAXES NEED TO BE HANDLED BETTER $taxes_query = tep_db_query('SELECT * FROM countries c, zones_to_geo_zones z2gz, tax_rates tr WHERE c.countries_id = z2gz.zone_country_id AND ( z2gz.zone_id = 0 OR z2gz.zone_id IS NULL' . ( defined(STORE_ZONE) && STORE_ZONE != '' ? ' OR z2gz.zone_id = ' . STORE_ZONE : '' ) . ' ) AND z2gz.geo_zone_id = tr.tax_zone_id'); while( $taxes_row = tep_db_fetch_array($taxes_query) ) { $taxes[ $taxes_row['countries_iso_code_2'] ][ $taxes_row['tax_class_id'] ] = $taxes_row['tax_rate']; } tep_db_free_result($taxes_query); echo 'taxes array built' . "\n"; ob_flush(); // //Build Countries Array $countries = array(); $countries_query = tep_db_query('SELECT * FROM countries'); while( $countries_row = tep_db_fetch_array($countries_query) ) { $countries[ $countries_row['countries_iso_code_2'] ] = $countries_row; } tep_db_free_result($countries_query); echo 'countries array built' . "\n"; ob_flush(); // //Build Categories $categories = array(); $categories_query = tep_db_query('SELECT * FROM categories c, categories_description cd WHERE c.categories_id = cd.categories_id'); while( $categories_row = tep_db_fetch_array($categories_query) ) { $cat_path = array(); $categories[ $categories_row['categories_id'] ][ $categories_row['language_id'] ] = category_path($categories_row['categories_id'], $categories_row['language_id'], $cat_path); } tep_db_free_result($categories_query); echo 'categories array built' . "\n"; ob_flush(); // $count_run = true; $begin_output_run = true; $cycle_length = floor(1000/sizeof($languages_used))*sizeof($languages_used); $count = 0; $counter = 0; while( true ) { ++$counter; $master_query = tep_db_query('SELECT ' . ( $count_run ? 'COUNT(*) as count' : 's.*, cd.*, c.*, ptc.*, mi.*, m.*, pd.*, p.*, IF(s.status, s.specials_new_products_price, p.products_price) as final_price' ) . ' FROM products p LEFT JOIN products_description pd ON p.products_id = pd.products_id LEFT JOIN manufacturers m ON p.manufacturers_id = m.manufacturers_id LEFT JOIN manufacturers_info mi ON m.manufacturers_id = mi.manufacturers_id AND pd.language_id = mi.languages_id LEFT JOIN products_to_categories ptc ON pd.products_id = ptc.products_id LEFT JOIN specials s ON ptc.products_id = s.products_id LEFT JOIN categories c ON ptc.categories_id = c.categories_id LEFT JOIN categories_description cd ON c.categories_id = cd.categories_id AND pd.language_id = cd.language_id WHERE pd.language_id IN(' . $languages_list . ') AND p.products_status = 1 ORDER BY p.products_id' . ( $count > 0 ? ' LIMIT ' . (($counter-1)*$cycle_length) . ', ' . $cycle_length : '' )); if( $count_run ) { $master_query_row = tep_db_fetch_array($master_query); $count = $master_query_row['count']; echo "\n" . 'number of products: ' . ($count/sizeof($languages_used)) . "\n" . 'number of cycles: ' . ceil($count/$cycle_length) . "\n"; ob_flush(); $count_run = false; --$counter; continue; } if( $begin_output_run ) { //Open Files and Check configurations $fps = array(); foreach( $feeds as $cur_feed_id => $cur_feed ) { $file = $save_path . $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['filename']; if( file_exists($file) ) { if( BACK_UP_OLD_FEEDS ) { $old_file_last_modified = date('Y-m-d-H.i.s', filemtime($file)); $file_info = array(); preg_match('#^(.*?)(\..*?)?$#', $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['filename'], $file_info); rename($file, $save_path . $file_info[1] . '-' . $old_file_last_modified . ( isset($file_info[2]) ? $file_info[2] : '' )); } else { unlink($file); } } $fps[$cur_feed_id]['fp'] = fopen($file, 'a'); chmod($file, 0777); $fps[$cur_feed_id]['file'] = $file; } $mysqli = defined('MYSQL_EXTENSION') && MYSQL_EXTENSION == 'mysqli'; $i=0; $fields = array(); while( $i < ( $mysqli ? mysqli_num_fields($master_query) : mysql_num_fields($master_query) ) ) { ++$i; $cur_field = ( $mysqli ? mysqli_fetch_field($master_query) : mysql_fetch_field($master_query) ); $fields[] = $cur_field->name; } foreach( $feeds as $cur_feed_id => $cur_feed ) { $output_line = ''; foreach( $cur_feed['fields'] as $output_field_name=>$db_field ) { if( $db_field['type'] == 'DB' && !in_array($db_field['name'], $fields) ) { echo 'The field ' . $db_field['name'] . ' specified in the ' . $cur_feed['filename'] . ' feed does not exist in any of the queried tables. Please ensure you have entered the correct field name and that it exists in one of the tables queried in $master_query (see code)'; exit; } elseif( $cur_feed['add_field_names'] ) { $output_line .= $cur_feed['seperator'] . $cur_feed['text_qualifier'] . $output_field_name . $cur_feed['text_qualifier']; } } $additional_header_lines = ''; if( !empty($cur_feed['additional_header_lines']) && is_array($cur_feed['additional_header_lines']) ) { $additional_header_lines = implode($cur_feed['newline'], $cur_feed['additional_header_lines']) . $cur_feed['newline']; } $output_line = substr($output_line, strlen($cur_feed['seperator'])) . ( $cur_feed['add_field_names'] ? $cur_feed['newline'] : '' ); $output = $additional_header_lines . $output_line; fwrite($fps[$cur_feed_id]['fp'], $output); } echo "\n" . 'feed configurations checked... output begun.' . "\n"; ob_flush(); // $begin_output_run = false; --$counter; continue; } echo "\n" . 'cycle: ' . $counter . "\n"; ob_flush(); //Build Products Array $products = array(); $products_id_low = 0; $products_id_high = 0; while( $master_query_row = tep_db_fetch_array($master_query) ) { if( $products_id_low == 0 ) $products_id_low = $master_query_row['products_id']; $products_id_high = $master_query_row['products_id']; $products[$master_query_row['language_id']][$master_query_row['products_id']] = $master_query_row; } // //make products defined by attributes // tep_db_free_result($master_query); echo "\n" . 'products array built' . "\n"; ob_flush(); // //Build Attributes Array $products_attributes = array(); $i_rows = array(); if( !defined('PERFORMANCE_SKIP_LOAD_ATTRIBUTES') || ( defined('PERFORMANCE_SKIP_LOAD_ATTRIBUTES') && !PERFORMANCE_SKIP_LOAD_ATTRIBUTES ) ) { $products_attributes_query = tep_db_query('SELECT * FROM products_attributes pa LEFT JOIN products_options po ON pa.options_id = po.products_options_id LEFT JOIN products_options_values pov ON pa.options_values_id = pov.products_options_values_id AND po.language_id = pov.language_id WHERE pa.products_id BETWEEN ' . (int)$products_id_low . ' AND ' . (int)$products_id_high); if( tep_db_num_rows($products_attributes_query) > 0 ) { while( $products_attributes_row = tep_db_fetch_array($products_attributes_query) ) { if( isset($products[ $products_attributes_row['language_id'] ][ $products_attributes_row['products_id'] ]) ) { $products_attributes[ $products_attributes_row['language_id'] ][ $products_attributes_row['products_id'] ][ $products_attributes_row['options_id'] ][] = $products_attributes_row; } } //check if i_rows required $i_rows_required = false; foreach( $feeds as $feed ) { if( !empty($feed['attributes_handling']) && $feed['attributes_handling'] == 2 ) { $i_rows_required = true; break; } } // //"i_rows" - individual rows, for feeds where individual records are needed for each option variation if( $i_rows_required ) { foreach( $products_attributes as $language_id => $value ) { foreach( $value as $products_id => $options_values ) { $options = array(); $i = 0; ksort($options_values); foreach( $options_values as $products_options_id => $values ) { $options[$i]['comb_name'] = $values[0]['products_options_name']; ksort($values); foreach( $values as $products_options_values ) { $options[$i]['values'][ $products_options_id . $option_value_seperator . $products_options_values['products_options_values_id'] ] = $products_options_values['products_options_values_name']; $options[$i]['price_prefix'][ $products_options_id . $option_value_seperator . $products_options_values['products_options_values_id'] ] = $products_options_values['price_prefix']; $options[$i]['options_values_price'][ $products_options_id . $option_value_seperator . $products_options_values['products_options_values_id'] ] = $products_options_values['options_values_price']; } ++$i; } $combinations = combinations($options, $options_seperator); foreach( $combinations as $combination_id => $combination ) { $combination['combination_id'] = $combination_id; $i_rows[ $language_id ][ $products_id ][] = array_merge($combination, $products[ $language_id ][ $products_id ]); } } } } } echo 'products attributes array built' . "\n"; ob_flush(); tep_db_free_result($products_attributes_query); } // echo 'feed generation in process...' . "\n"; ob_flush(); foreach( $feeds as $cur_feed_id => $cur_feed ) { foreach( $products[$cur_feed['language_id']] as $row ) { $rows = array(); if( isset($i_rows[ $cur_feed['language_id'] ][ $row['products_id'] ]) && $cur_feed['attributes_handling'] == 2 ) { $rows =& $i_rows[$cur_feed['language_id']][ $row['products_id'] ]; } else { $rows[] =& $row; } foreach( $rows as $product ) { if( !empty($cur_feed['include_record_function']) ) { $include_record = call_user_func_array($cur_feed['include_record_function'], array(&$product)); if( !$include_record ) continue; } //Calculate Prices in Feed Currency and Prices with Tax $tax_multiplier = isset($taxes[ $cur_feed['countries_iso_2'] ][ $product['products_tax_class_id'] ]) ? (1+$taxes[ $cur_feed['countries_iso_2'] ][ $product['products_tax_class_id'] ]/100) : 1; $current_product_prices = array(); $currency_conversion_field_list = array('products_price', 'final_price', 'specials_new_products_price', 'comb_price'); foreach( $currency_conversion_field_list as $field_name ) { $current_product_prices[$field_name] = isset($product[$field_name]) ? round(( $product[$field_name] * ( isset($cur_feed['currency_code']) ? $currencies[ $cur_feed['currency_code'] ]['value'] : 1 ) ), 4) : ''; $current_product_prices[($field_name . '_with_tax')] = isset($current_product_prices[$field_name]) ? number_format($tax_multiplier * $current_product_prices[$field_name], $currencies[ $cur_feed['currency_code'] ]['decimal_places'], $cur_feed['currency_decimal'], $cur_feed['currency_thousands']) : ''; } $output_line = ''; foreach( $cur_feed['fields'] as $output_field_name=>$db_field ) { $output_field_value = ''; switch( $db_field['type'] ) { case 'DB': $output_field_value = $product[$db_field['name']]; break; case 'KEYWORD': $output_field_value = field_generator($db_field['name']); break; case 'LOGIC': eval($db_field['name']); break; case 'FUNCTION': $params = explode('|', $db_field['name']); $function = $params[0]; unset($params[0]); $params[0] = &$product; ksort($params); $output_field_value = call_user_func_array($function, $params); break; case 'VALUE': default: $output_field_value = $db_field['name']; break; } if( isset($db_field['options']) ) $output_field_value = process_field_value($output_field_value, $db_field['options']); if( isset($db_field['filters']) && is_array($db_field['filters']) ) { $output_field_value = preg_replace($db_field['filters']['patterns'], $db_field['filters']['replacements'], $output_field_value); } $output_field_value = empty($cur_feed['text_qualifier']) ? preg_replace('#[' . $cur_feed['seperator'] . $cur_feed['newline'] . ']+#s', ' ', $output_field_value) : preg_replace('#' . $cur_feed['text_qualifier'] . '#s', $cur_feed['text_qualifier'] . $cur_feed['text_qualifier'], $output_field_value); $output_line .= $cur_feed['seperator'] . $cur_feed['text_qualifier'] . trim($output_field_value) . $cur_feed['text_qualifier']; } $output_line = substr($output_line, strlen($cur_feed['seperator'])) . $cur_feed['newline']; if( !empty($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['encoding']) && $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['encoding'] !== false ) { switch( $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['encoding'] ) { case 'utf8': $output_line = utf8_encode($output_line); break; } } fwrite($fps[$cur_feed_id]['fp'], $output_line); } } } //clean up unset($products); if( ($counter*$cycle_length) >= $count ) break; }//end while foreach( $fps as $cur_feed_id => $fp ) { fclose($fp['fp']); if( isset($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['copies']) && is_array($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['copies']) ) { foreach( $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['copies'] as $location ) { copy($fp['file'], $location); chmod($location, 0777); } } if( isset($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_compress']) && $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_compress'] ) { $compression_filename = $save_path . $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_filename']; if( empty($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_type']) ) $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_type'] = 'gzip'; switch( $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_type'] ) { case 'zip': $zip = new ZipArchive(); $zip->open($compression_filename); $zip->addFile($fp['file'], $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['filename']); $zip->close(); break; default: $compression_level = isset($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_level']) && is_numeric($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_level']) && $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_level'] < 10 ? (int)$feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_level'] : 9; $compressed_data = gzencode(file_get_contents($fp['file']), $compression_level); $comp_fp = fopen($compression_filename, 'w'); fwrite($comp_fp, $compressed_data); fclose($comp_fp); chmod($compression_filename, 0777); unset($compressed_data); break; } if( isset($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_delete_original']) && $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_delete_original'] ) { unlink($fp['file']); } if( isset($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_copies']) && is_array($feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_copies']) ) { foreach( $feeds[$cur_feed_id]['compression_copies'] as $location ) { copy($compression_filename, $location); chmod($location, 0777); } } } } echo "\n" . 'done.' . "\n\n"; if( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ) echo '</pre><br><a href="index.php">back to admin</a>'; if( !isset($feedmachine_auto) ) tep_exit(); ?> Now, this part of the script defines what fields are in the output. This is where I have been trying to format the date from - feedmachine_config.php: <?php /** * Feedmachine Configuration File - osCommerce MS-2.2 * * Generates feeds for any product search engine, e.g. froogle, shopping.com, * kelkoo. Simply configure the feeds and run the script to generate them from * your product database. Highly flexible system and easy to modify. * @package feedmachine * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License * @version 2.20 * @link http://www.osc-solutions.co.uk/ osCommerce Solutions * @copyright Copyright 2005-2007, Lech Madrzyk * @author Lech Madrzyk * @filesource http://www.osc-solutions.co.uk/ */ /* CONFIGURATION */ /* This file should be configured and uploaded to /admin/includes/ */ /* Catalog Directory This can be the full path or the path relative to the directory in which the feedmachine files are placed (preferably admin directory) with a trailing slash The default configuration below will work in 99% of cases */ define('CATALOG_DIRECTORY', '../'); /* Save Location Relative to Catalog Directory Create a directory in your catalog directory for your product feed files, ensure its writable and set SAVE_LOCATION below to the name of this directory followed by a foward slash (/) (i.e. This is the path relative to the path above) */ define('SAVE_LOCATION', 'fm-feeds/'); /* Back-Up Files? If a previous feed file exists, back it up? (Will be renamed to [name][datelastmodified].[extenstion]) */ define('BACK_UP_OLD_FEEDS', false); /* Feeds ---------------------------- This should be intuative so just look at the example below before reading this. Make an entry for each feed file you want in the $feeds array The format of each feed file's array can be seen in the example below Fields: The fields array is an associative array with keys set to the field names of the output feed file and with the values set to an array that determines the output in that field (usually a field from the database) Field Keywords: These are keywords to generate important product information as oppose to just outputting a field's value from the database FEED_PRODUCTS_URL FEED_IMAGE_URL FEED_CATEGORY FEED_BLANK FEED_PRICE_WITH_TAX FEED_FINAL_PRICE_WITH_TAX FEED_SPECIAL_PRICE (return the special price only if it exists, otherwise return blank) FEED_SPECIAL_PRICE_WITH_TAX (return the special price only if it exists, otherwise return blank) Category Output Type: If using the FEED_CATEGORY keyword this value determines how the field is generated: 1 - The name of the category in which the product resides 2 - Nested category path (e.g. TopCat > SubCat > SubSubCat, etc) 3 - Only the root (i.e. top) category Filters (optional): Setting the filters array for a field simply runs the function preg_replace (a function that replaces strings matching patterns in a subject) with the patterns and replacements arrays on the fields value. To do simple things such as replacing words with other words is easy (You can see how this works in the kelkoo example below). If you are not familiar with this function, and would like to do more complicated replacements read the great Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions guide at http://uk2.php.net/manual/en/reference.pcre.pattern.syntax.php and the function definition at http://uk2.php.net/manual/en/function.preg-replace.php Copies (optional): If you would like to make copies of your feeds, fill the copies array with a list of filenames with full paths or paths relative to catalog directory - make sure locations are writable Compression (optional): Note, zip (as oppose to the default, gzip) option is available however php must be complied with zip functionality -------------------- */ //Sets expiry date $SevenDays = mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d")+7,date("Y")); $TwentyDays = mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d")+20,date("Y")); //Google Base UK Feed $feeds[] = array('name' => 'Google Base US', 'filename' => 'google_base_US.txt', 'fields' => array('id' => array('name' => 'products_model', 'type' => 'DB' ), 'title' => array('name' => 'products_name', 'type' => 'DB', 'options' => array('STRIP_HTML', 'HTML_ENTITIES', 'STRIP_CRLF') ), 'price' => array('name' => 'FEED_FINAL_PRICE_WITH_TAX', 'type' => 'KEYWORD' ), 'products_quantity' => array('name' => 'products_quantity', 'type' => 'DB' ), 'product_type' => array('name' => 'categories_name', 'type' => 'DB', 'options' => array('STRIP_HTML', 'HTML_ENTITIES', 'STRIP_CRLF') ), 'link' => array('name' => 'FEED_PRODUCTS_URL', 'type' => 'KEYWORD' ), 'image_link' => array('name' => 'FEED_IMAGE_URL', 'type' => 'KEYWORD' ), 'condition' => array('name' => 'New', 'type' => 'VALUE' ), 'expiration_date' => array('name' => date("m/d/y",$TwentyDays), 'type' => 'VALUE' ), 'description' => array('name' => 'feed_description', 'type' => 'DB', 'options' => array('STRIP_HTML', 'HTML_ENTITIES', 'STRIP_CRLF') ) ), 'language_code' => 'en', 'currency_code' => 'USD', 'currency_decimal_override' => false, 'currency_thousands_override' => '', 'countries_iso_2' => 'US', 'add_field_names' => true, 'category_output_type' => 2, 'category_seperator' => ',', 'seperator' => "\t", 'text_qualifier' => '', 'newline' => "\n", 'include_record_function' => '', 'encoding' => 'utf8', 'copies' => array(), 'compression_compress' => false, 'compression_filename' => 'google_base_US.txt.gz', 'compression_type' => 'gzip', 'compression_level' => 9, 'compression_delete_original' => false, 'compression_copies' => array() ); And here's one more file feedmachine_loadingbay.php. This is not really relevant though. <?php /** * Feedmachine Loadingbay File * * Generates feeds for any product search engine, e.g. froogle, shopping.com, * kelkoo. Simply configure the feeds and run the script to generate them from * your product database. Highly flexible system and easy to modify. * @package feedmachine * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License * @version 2.20 * @link http://www.osc-solutions.co.uk/ osCommerce Solutions * @copyright Copyright 2005-2007, Lech Madrzyk * @author Lech Madrzyk * @filesource http://www.osc-solutions.co.uk/ */ /* LOADING BAY This is the place to load "User Functions", classes and extra arrays that your configuration can access as the feeds are built. "User Functions" should begin with "UF_" (User Function) to ensure there are no conflicts User Functions take the $product array containing all database fields and more for that product as their parameter and should return the output field. "Include Record Function" should return true or false and decide whether the record (product or product variation) should be included. CAREFUL: The $product array is loaded by reference for performance reasons - you can also clearly use this to your advantage */ //Example record include function function UF_include_record($product) { return $product['products_quantity'] > 0; } //END OF LOADINGBAY /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ?> -
Having trouble formating date using date() function
aj7877 replied to aj7877's topic in Third Party Scripts
Yes I am using excel to view it but I need to use the excel import from text file function as the file is originally a text file When I open as a text file the format is wrong to start with -
Hi, I'm very new to php and am having trouble formatting my date to YYYY/MM/DD. Below is an extract of a script used to generate a product feed in txt/csv format. When I run this script it comes out as MM/DD/YY This part of the script only configures the output of the feed. I've read the date/time overview on this forum and read some of the function definitions on the php site but still can't get this working correctly. The part of the script to add 20 days ($TwentyDays) to the date works. Any help or a point in the right direction will be appreciated. $TwentyDays = mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d")+20,date("Y")); //Google Base UK Feed $feeds[] = array('name' => 'Google Base US', 'filename' => 'google_base_US.txt', 'fields' => array('id' => array('name' => 'products_model', 'type' => 'DB' ), 'expiration_date' => array('name' => date("Y/m/d",$TwentyDays), 'type' => 'VALUE' ),