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Posts posted by mtruper

  1. I run PHP5 on a Linux (Ubuntu) box.  The setup has been working for years without a problem, sending E-mails to my local address via web pages and PHP.


    Today, I'm trying to write a simply page to send me an E-mail.  No E-mail, no error, no nothing.  However, it WILL send the E-mail if the text is something else.  After HUNDREDS of E-mails to myself to test this, I have come up with the following:


    This works:

    $mailtext = "e'a'to";
    mail('myaddress@mydomain.com',' My subject', $mailtext);


    BUT....If I take out any character from $mailtext, or substitute any other letter, the mail will not be sent.


    Just to be silly, I tested this, and it works:

    $mailtext = "This is a sample E-mail";
    mail('myaddress@mydomain.com', 'My Subject', $mailtext);


    But this doesn't work:

    $mailtext = "This is a sample Email";
    mail('myaddress@mydomain.com', 'My Subject', $mailtext);


    Very weird combinations of characters in $mailtext will get sent just fine, but change it at all, and the mail won't get sent.


    Any ideas?


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