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About php-pendejo

  • Birthday 04/30/1977

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  1. I guess no one knows what or how to help me. the script works on insert and connecting to the database and deleting and so on. the problem starts just when updating. my connection looks like this $DATABASE = array( "dsn" => "mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;dbname=database", "username" => "root", "password" => "password" ); so whoever wants to use this can do with it what they like enjoy
  2. Wow I have to say its been a long time since I posted here but I do need alittle help so here we go: I got this script or created most of it (I dont remember) for me to connect mysql using PDO. The script works fine exept when i try to update a column in my db. now i get no errors but it does not update. $superglobals = array($_POST); foreach ($superglobals as $value){ foreach ($value as $k => $v){ $post[$k]=$v; } } $sql = "UPDATE ".DB_PREFIX."_dbase SET value = :value WHERE key = :key"; foreach ($post as $key => $value) { $bind = array("value"=> $value, "key"=>$key); $db->execute($sql, $bind) or die($db->error()); } I have upload the db class and gave you what im trying to do please help Here is the database CREATE TABLE db_dbase ( key text, value text ) database.php
  3. Im adding captcha and other stuff but its a full cms with no aplications in it if you want to see the full power of it login with demouser and password is demouser
  4. oops forgot to something try it now lol
  5. hey would you like to use this I will give it to you when im done as long as give me credit...
  6. ok i want to apologize for saying what i said. I figued out... sorry I didn't see your second post when i replied. once i saw that i did this $Debug_Info = htmlspecialchars(print_r(get_defined_vars(), true)); it made life easier so thank you very much lol
  7. not really sure but try phpinfo();
  8. uhm did you read or see the code? 1. I want it in a string called $DebugInfo 2. when i do print_f($$key) it spits out array any other ideas???
  9. Ok im using this code to debug and get all the globals that are posted on my site $ArrayList = array("_POST", "_GET", "_COOKIE", "_ENV", "_FILES", "_SESSION", "_SERVER"); foreach($ArrayList as $gblArray) { $keys = array_keys($$gblArray); $DebugInfo .= "\n Key: $gblArray - \n"; foreach($keys as $key){ @$$key = trim(${$gblArray}[$key]); if (is_array($$key)){ for($i=0; sizeof($$key); $i++){ $DebugInfo .= "$key = ". @$$key[$i] . " \n"; } } else { $DebugInfo .= "$key = ". @$$key . " \n"; } } } heres the delema. what i need is if $$key is an array to spit it out instead of saying its an array can anyone help? the way I am posting is <select name="block[]" multiple> <option value = 1> test1</option> <option value = 2> test2</option> <select> or something like that
  10. what kinda help do you need?
  11. Im on a lamp (linux apache mysql php) server and i can test email me
  12. untested but try that first } } // Christmas Eve else if ($today >= "December 1, $year") and ($today <= "December 22, $year"){ if (file_exists("$logo_path/$logo_xmaseve")) { echo "<img src='$logo_url/$logo_xmaseve' alt='$logoalt' />"; } else { echo "$imagedefault"; } } // Christmas else if ($today >= "December 23, $year") and ($today <= "December 24, $year"){ if (file_exists("$logo_path/$logo_xmas")) { echo "<img src='$logo_url/$logo_xmas' alt='$logoalt' />"; } else { echo "$imagedefault"; } }
  13. first you put everything in hidden fields like this with in the tags <form> (im guessing this is what you want) <input type=hidden name="whatever" value="<?php echo $row_Recordset2['Module name']; ?>" /> then in the next page or function or what have you you can get the post like $whatever = $_POST['whatever']; let me know if you need anymore explination
  14. ok I understand what everyone is telling me. maybe its me not explaining it correctly. I include it and it gives me the same thing, I eval it or i use ob_whatever it still gives me the samething. here is the questiong i should have asked: is there something that turns the function on and off or another function i could use or i dont know another trick some one can give me???
  15. so no suggestions? cause its not working for me.
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