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Everything posted by dtdetu

  1. i am trying to convert current 8 am to str time but doesnt work, if i can convert it i can check it with current time(); $date=date("l \\t\h\e jS"); echo strtotime("$date 8 AM");
  2. hello, i am making a script and i need to check if current date is between mon - thru friday 8 am 5:30 pm , i tried many things but couldnt get it work, can you take a look please , thanks
  3. i edited code to $nget=preg_replace("/\b<script>parent.doneLoaded\('{\"meta\":[{\"request\":\"DEPARTMENTS\",\"skip\":\"false\",\"campusActive\":\"true\",\"progActive\":\"true\",\"termActive\":\"true\",\"size\":\"\b.+\b\"}],\"data\":\[{\b/","",$get); and it doesnt give error but , it doesnt replace now, anyone?
  4. hello i used $nget=preg_replace("/\b<script>parent.doneLoaded('{\"meta\":[{\"request\":\"DEPARTMENTS\",\"skip\":\"false\",\"campusActive\":\"true\",\"progActive\":\"true\",\"termActive\":\"true\",\"size\":\"\b.+\b\"}],\"data\":[{\b/","",$get); but it gives Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Compilation failed: missing terminating ] for character class at offset 169 error
  5. hello , i am trying to remove <script>parent.doneLoaded('{"meta":[{"request":"DEPARTMENTS","skip":"false","campusActive":"true","progActive":"true","termActive":"true","size":"$variable"}],"data":[{ from my str , i tried with preg_replace but couldnt get it work, the $variable is string but always change so i put $variable there, i tried to use [^<]* but it is not working please help
  6. i get 06-26-2009 23:14 EDT with preg_match function , i dont know how can i change its form can you help about it
  7. hello , i am trying to use strtotime in a date but it works for echo strtotime("Today 00:04 EDT"); but it doesnt work for echo strtotime("06-26-2009 23:14 EDT"); can someone tell me how can i convert 06-26-2009 23:14 EDT to 11 length time value , thanks
  8. hello i have this function to generate tag clouds in my site <?php function tag_cloud($tags) { $maxsize = 40; $minsize = 20; $maxval = max(array_values($tags)); $minval = min(array_values($tags)); $spread = $maxval - $minval; $step = ($maxsize - $minsize) / ($spread); foreach ($tags as $key => $value) { $size = round($minsize + (($value - $minval) * $step)); echo '<a href="#" style="font-size: '.$size.'px">'.$key.'</a> '; } } $tags = array('php'=>30, 'javascript'=>24, 'java'=>17, 'python'=>26, 'ruby'=>17); tag_cloud($tags); i will use it as search tag cloud generator, in my database there are search keywords. my searches stored invidually , so i think i need to use group by in the query. but i couldnt figure how can i get data from mysql and use in this function. Can someone help me please
  9. i did but still not working
  10. thanks but i will need other domain extentions too. also this code didnt work too RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^/([^/]+).com /result.php?urls=$1 [NC]
  11. anyone?
  12. hey thats not working , http://www.sitesmartcheck.com/google.com http://www.sitesmartcheck.com/result.php?urls=google.com i used RewriteRule ^/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/$ result.php?urls=$1 [L]
  13. hello , i want to convert www.mysite.com/result.php?url=google.com to www.mysite.com/google.com please help me
  14. hello i want to get the <a href="post-your-pcsx2-0-9-2-screenshots-here-t-941.html">Post your Screenshots here.</a><!-- start: forumdisplay_thread_multipage --> <span class="smalltext">( <!-- start: forumdisplay_thread_multipage_page --> <a href="post-your-pcsx2-0-9-2-screenshots-here-t-941.html">1</a> <!-- end: forumdisplay_thread_multipage_page --><!-- start: forumdisplay_thread_multipage_page --> <a href="post-your-pcsx2-0-9-2-screenshots-here-t-941-2.html">2</a> <!-- end: forumdisplay_thread_multipage_page --><!-- start: forumdisplay_thread_multipage_page --> <a href="post-your-pcsx2-0-9-2-screenshots-here-t-941-3.html">3</a> <!-- end: forumdisplay_thread_multipage_page --><!-- start: forumdisplay_thread_multipage_page --> <a href="post-your-pcsx2-0-9-2-screenshots-here-t-941-4.html">4</a> <!-- end: forumdisplay_thread_multipage_page --><!-- start: forumdisplay_thread_multipage_more --> ... <a href="post-your-pcsx2-0-9-2-screenshots-here-t-941-16.html">last</a> <!-- end: forumdisplay_thread_multipage_more -->)</span> <!-- end: forumdisplay_thread_multipage --> from <td class="trow1"> <a href="post-your-pcsx2-0-9-2-screenshots-here-t-941.html">Post your PCSX2 0.9.2 Screenshots here.</a><!-- start: forumdisplay_thread_multipage --> <span class="smalltext">( <!-- start: forumdisplay_thread_multipage_page --> <a href="post-your-pcsx2-0-9-2-screenshots-here-t-941.html">1</a> <!-- end: forumdisplay_thread_multipage_page --><!-- start: forumdisplay_thread_multipage_page --> <a href="post-your-pcsx2-0-9-2-screenshots-here-t-941-2.html">2</a> <!-- end: forumdisplay_thread_multipage_page --><!-- start: forumdisplay_thread_multipage_page --> <a href="post-your-pcsx2-0-9-2-screenshots-here-t-941-3.html">3</a> <!-- end: forumdisplay_thread_multipage_page --><!-- start: forumdisplay_thread_multipage_page --> <a href="post-your-pcsx2-0-9-2-screenshots-here-t-941-4.html">4</a> <!-- end: forumdisplay_thread_multipage_page --><!-- start: forumdisplay_thread_multipage_more --> ... <a href="post-your-pcsx2-0-9-2-screenshots-here-t-941-16.html">last</a> <!-- end: forumdisplay_thread_multipage_more -->)</span> <!-- end: forumdisplay_thread_multipage --></td> i am using preg_match_all("~<td class=\"trow1\"> (.*?)</td>~i", $searchresult, $topics); but it show no results can someone point me where do i make the mistake . thanks
  15. wow very weird entry:) i didnt think that would be entry but it is thank you very much:)
  16. hey i used preg_match("%</small>\s*</p>\s*<p>(.*?)</p>%si", $go, $content); then i get this error, is % has something msnbcLinks {font-size:11px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #999; margin-top: 5px; background: transparent; text-align: center; width: 425px;} .msnbcLinks a {text-decoration:none !important; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999 !important; font-weight:normal !important; height: 13px;} .msnbcLinks a:link, .msnbcLinks a:visited {color: #5799db !important;} .msnbcLinks a:hover, .msnbcLinks a:active {color:#CC0000 !important;} Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy Christmas came early for the Duggar family, in the form of Jordyn-Grace Makiya, born – via C-section – last Thursday. Now that the baby's home, and "sleeping very well," says her father, Jim Bob Duggar, the family of 20 (minus eldest and married son Josh) flashed their collective smiles it is not i want to get:(
  17. thanks for reply but i couldnt get the needed values, i am using it on http://www.imdb.com/news/ and code gives me Content: Learn how to submit your original news content to our site with IMDb NewsDesk. can u help more please thanks
  18. hello can anyone help me how to solve this problem i want to get the content of this string <p><small>21 December 2008 4:08 PM, PST</small></p> <p>No, she&#39;s not running nekkid through London&#39;s filthy streets. This time, <a href="/name/nm1561881/">Amy Winehouse</a> is scoring her weekly dose of train-wreckognition by stripping down for a Beach romp on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia. And we&#39;ve got to say, that in her News of the World slide show frolic, she looks much better than we&#39;d expected. For anyone else, this could be a career crisis, but for Amy it looks like a relatively healthy step in the right direction. Go figure!</p> i want to get No, she&#39;s not running nekkid through London&#39;s filthy streets. This time, <a href="/name/nm1561881/">Amy Winehouse</a> is scoring her weekly dose of train-wreckognition by stripping down for a Beach romp on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia. And we&#39;ve got to say, that in her News of the World slide show frolic, she looks much better than we&#39;d expected. For anyone else, this could be a career crisis, but for Amy it looks like a relatively healthy step in the right direction. Go figure! part of the string i am using preg_match("~<p><small>[^<]*<small>\s*<p>(.*?)</p>~i", $go, $content); but it doesnt work can anyone help please. thanks
  19. maq get lost and ruin another topic i wont be bothered with you
  20. yes i tried this now it shows every value as checked
  21. thank you but now it shows every one of them as checked
  22. its a big page i cannot show the all the code , form is a big form too so decleration is at the top of the page, dont ruin my topic if you dont know the answer please you said something none of them are usefull for me
  23. hello i use this checkbox code <? $q=mysql_query("select * from iss"); echo " <table border=0 cellspacing=5 width=80%><tr valign=top><td width=33%>"; $i=1; while($r=mysql_fetch_array($q)) { echo "<input type=checkbox name=is[] value=$r[id] >$r[isadi]<br>"; if($i==17) { echo "</td><td width=33%>"; $i=0; } $i++; } echo "</td></tr></table>"; ?> it works but i want to add some kodu to auto check if the post value is checked i used <? $q=mysql_query("select * from iscesitleri"); echo " <table border=0 cellspacing=5 width=80%><tr valign=top><td width=33%>"; $i=1; while($r=mysql_fetch_array($q)) { if($_POST[is][1] == $r[id]) { $checked = "checked"; } echo "<input type=checkbox $checked name=is[] value=$r[id] >$r[isadi]<br>"; if($i==17) { echo "</td><td width=33%>"; $i=0; } $i++; } echo "</td></tr></table>"; ?> but it didnt work can anyone help please
  24. hello i need some help about this query $q1=mysql_query("select * from projects where isid = '$r[id]' or isid2='$r[id]' or isid3='$r[id]' or isid4='$r[id] or isid5='$r[id]'") or die(mysql_error()); it gives me error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '1'' at line 1 can anyone point me the error pls thanks EDİT: i saw the problem thanks:)
  25. hehe thank you:) dont think more about this its ok:)
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