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  1. Search Google using the following keywords for a few solutions: This looks good: http://www.phpmotion.com/ Otherwise tweak a shopping cart to embed videos.
  2. Sorted! The xdebug website actually finds the dll when you paste in your phpinfo(): http://www.xdebug.org/find-binary.php
  3. I have a general idea of what it does but is it an optional install or is it required? Can anyone explain to me what this instruction means: I 'm not sure what to pick from the download page: http://www.xdebug.org/download.php Should I simply download the most recent source link?
  4. Thanks Crayon; jquery it is then. I wasn't expecting any code so double thanks for the skeleton you've provided. Now I know what functions I need to familiarize myself with.
  5. I have an advert banner in the header of my web page. When the end-user rolls over it I want it to expand/drop-down to display further information about the advert. This is commonplace in rich-media adverts but I can't find any tutorials or resources to get me started. Here's an example of the effect: http://www.e-planning.net/products/admagic/formats/rollover_expandable_video_banner.html Here's an image of what I'm trying to achieve. What's the best way to acheive this? Jquery? Flash? Ajax? Any links would be greatly appreciated.
  6. *edit for above: *.jpg changed to *.mp3 (I said the reverse). Some folk reckon that it's a slick viral marketing campaign for Skyline or Super 8 a la 2012 or District 9. Remember this?: http://www.instituteforhumancontinuity.org/ Or these?:
  7. I came across a 'mystery' in an online discussion relating to two files found on fourchan whereby one requires the password and the other file is alleged to contain a 'clue'. Sure, it's not PHP but the problem solving process is essentially the same. If anyone thinks they can 'crack' the 'mystery' then let me know. Here's a screenshot of what can be seen using a spectrum analysis after changing the *.mp3 file to a *.jpg: It reads "pain is all that humans have in common". Source: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread603464/pg1
  8. Yes. Stripslashes will do the trick. <?php // Remove backslashes... stripslashes($somevariable); // Notes: http://php.net/manual/en/function.stripslashes.php ?>
  9. Glad to help.
  10. Thanks for checking back. It works fine: <?php //$contactemail="[email protected]" $contactemail="invalidemail"; $valid = (bool)filter_var($contactemail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); // returns true or false // Notes: // http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,305419.0.html // http://www.w3schools.com/php/filter_validate_email.asp ?> <hr> <?php if ($valid == FALSE){ echo "The following email is invalid: ".$contactemail; } else{ echo "The following email is valid: ".$contactemail; } ?> <hr>
  11. Firstly, do you need to build this from scratch or would something like osCommerce: http://www.oscommerce.com/ suit you? In any case, you need to create a separate table for orders presuming you already have a table for the photos that can be ordered. The orders will have it's own auto-increment primary key just like the photos table. You'll be able to tie photos with orders by creating a second column in the orders table (orders.photoid). Each time an order is made the photo.id should be inserted into orders.photoid. This way, you can reference the entries of the two tables with : select * from orders, photo where orders.photoid = photo.id
  12. Brilliant, thanks! The working code: <?php //$contactemail="[email protected]" $contactemail="invalidemail"; $valid = filter_var($contactemail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); // returns true or false // Notes: // http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,305419.0.html // http://www.w3schools.com/php/filter_validate_email.asp ?> <hr> <?php if ($valid == FALSE){ echo "The following email is invalid: ".$contactemail; } else{echo "The following email is valid: ".$contactemail;} ?> <hr>
  13. erregi is deprecated. I'm having the same problem with preg_match. If anyone could copy and paste the below code and point out the error I'd grateful. <?php $contactemail="invalidemail"; if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+$]/', $contactemail)) { echo"Validation FALSE!"; $contactemail_validated = FALSE; //email is not valid } else{ echo"Validation TRUE!"; $contactemail_validated = TRUE; //email is valid } ?> <hr> <?php if ($contactemail_validated == FALSE){ echo "You did not input a valid email address!"; } else{echo $contactemail;} ?> <hr>
  14. It's a forbidden page. I might be asking the obvious here but why not save the files to your computer and upload them using FTP/cPanel and then link to them in your document. Am I missing something in terms of what you're trying to achieve?
  15. Whether I use a valid email address or not, I never end up with a FALSE result: <?php $contactemail="bla"; if (eregi("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+$]", $contactemail)) { $contactemail_validated = FALSE; //This is my own addition. } else{ $contactemail_validated = TRUE; //email is valid } ?> <ul> <?php if ($contactemail_validated == FALSE){ echo "<li class='fail'><label for='contactsubjecterror'> </label>↓ You did not input a valid email address.</li>"; } else{echo $contactemail;} ?> </ul>
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