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  1. Don't worry... Place this code where you gettigng these "AAA BBB CCC" and change $your_variable with yours, which contains that "AAA BBB CCC"
  2. Hi.. Thats not big problem try to use http://php.net/nl2br echo nl2br($your_variable); I hope this help you. Good Luck
  3. hi all. i have txt file like this : #1# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx #1# #2# ccccccccccccccccc #2# how can i ramove and change content between #1# and #1# ??? Thank you very much
  4. hi all. guys i have one question. i'm making registration form and on press "check" button i want to show message if that username already exists in my database. how can i make this ? thank you very much.
  5. $result1 = $db->Query("SELECT * FROM etc"); $result2 = $db->Query("SELECT * FROM etc"); oh yes thank you very much all SOLVED
  6. thank you guys for your replies. with my code i had a while() problem i couldn't get result with while cycle ... and also what about if i want two query at one time ???
  7. hi all. i'm making mysql class . i made very simply code : class DBS { var $result; var $row; function db_connect($host,$username,$password,$database) { $con = mysql_connect($host,$username,$password); mysql_select_db($database,$con); } function db_query($query) { $this->result = mysql_query($query); } function db_fetch() { $this->row = mysql_fetch_object($this->result); } } but i think this is too bad code... can anyone suggest idea how to edit this code or make new ?? Thank you
  8. hi all. all redirect script which i tried not working in opera. <script type="text/javascript"> window.location = "http://www.google.com/" </script> also php and html redirect. what can i do ?
  9. Solved ! thank you very much !
  10. MadTechie it was my mistake. your code is working. but what i can do when folder names is ,like : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 ??
  11. no, if range is from 2 to 10 it must return 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  12. soo, any ideas for making that script?
  13. thank you
  14. thank you too for this most helpful post. why? because i want to make this in php and i don't have any idea . this is too hard to understand ? i think NO. if you don't want to help, stop posting here please.
  15. hi all so, i'm making script whic must get directories from range. i have main directory "MAIN"; in MAIN directory there are few dir" "01" , "02" , "03" , "03" , "04". and i want to, when i indicate range, for example: from "02" to "04" script must show me all directories in this range ... thats all. thank you
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