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Everything posted by jlaperch

  1. thanks working now ...sorry i was using the board wrong
  2. listen i want to understand and i didn't mean to piss anyone off...if i am using the wrong forum i'm sorry... how should i have written this up.. not trying to be a jerk i actually paid someone from this forum to help me...so not looking for free work...but he is not around and i am on deadline
  3. what are the variables up top for...of my original code...seems like that is where i need to make the change but that does not work...nor does your code is this a server thing? thanks john
  4. I had this code done for me...for a client....but the most important part is not working...it is supposed to email the form to an email address but it doesn't...the variables for the email are at the end...any help is much appreciated...have a huge deadline <?php if(!empty($_REQUEST['attn']) && $_REQUEST['attn']=='signup') { $to="[email protected]"; $attn=$_REQUEST['attn']; $ip=getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); $custtype=$_REQUEST['custtype']; $bizname=$_REQUEST['bizname']; $name=$_REQUEST['name']; $address=$_REQUEST['address']; $city=$_REQUEST['city']; $zip=$_REQUEST['zip']; $email=$_REQUEST['email']; $utility_name=$_REQUEST['utility_name']; $utility_number=$_REQUEST['utility_number']; $pod_number=$_REQUEST['pod_number']; $name_key=$_REQUEST['name_key']; $meterday=$_REQUEST['meterday']; $phone=$_REQUEST['phone']; $fax=$_REQUEST['fax']; $referral=$_REQUEST['referral']; $position=$_REQUEST['position']; $sig=$_REQUEST['sig']; $message = "From: $name ($email)\n Customer Type: $custtype \n Legal Company Name: $bizname \n Your Name: $name \n Street Address: $address \n City: $city \n Zip Code: $zip \n Email Address: $email \n Current Distribution Provider: $utility_name \n Account Number: $utility_number \n POD Number: $pod_number \n Name Key: $name_key \n Meter Read Date: $meterday \n Phone Number: $phone \n Fax Number: $fax \n Referred By: $referral \n Position: $position \n E-Signature: $sig \n Additional Info : IP = $ip \n "; $from = "From: $name ($email)\r\n"; if(mail([email protected]; $subject, $message, $from)) @header("location:thanks.php"); else @header("location:index.php"); } ?>
  5. I am good at some things and bad at others. Turns out PHP scripting is one i'm bad at. I just need a simple form to get contact details. I need that form emiled to an email address. I have tried online form generators and they work fine but I when insert the code into my regular pages...it throws off the design....no idea why I would love some help and would throw somebody a little coin on paypal to get it done for me...hope that isn't against the rules on the board here...but need this done yesterday
  6. http://newmilfordphoto.com/clients/index.php?wholeNum=12&sub=Calculate ok here it is...am i doing something wrong...should it display the answer? thanks again...i know this is probably annoying...but its a huge help to me fyi...i'm trying to emulate this savings calculator on this page www.ppandu.com
  7. awesome thanks... so do i put that in 2 separate files...really need hand holding here... what should i name the files? thanks john p.s. love the family guy reference on your profile tag
  8. I am really a novice hack but i tried researching this everywhere. I just need to create a form that users enter a whole number and hit a calculate button The result is the whole number *.80 sorry is this is waaay simple for people here...but i have been up all night trying to figure out how to write this code thanks in advance
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