I had this code done for me...for a client....but the most important part is not working...it is supposed to email the form to an email address but it doesn't...the variables for the email are at the end...any help is much appreciated...have a huge deadline
if(!empty($_REQUEST['attn']) && $_REQUEST['attn']=='signup')
[email protected]";
$message = "From: $name ($email)\n
Customer Type: $custtype \n
Legal Company Name: $bizname \n
Your Name: $name \n
Street Address: $address \n
City: $city \n
Zip Code: $zip \n
Email Address: $email \n
Current Distribution Provider: $utility_name \n
Account Number: $utility_number \n
POD Number: $pod_number \n
Name Key: $name_key \n
Meter Read Date: $meterday \n
Phone Number: $phone \n
Fax Number: $fax \n
Referred By: $referral \n
Position: $position \n
E-Signature: $sig \n
Additional Info : IP = $ip \n
$from = "From: $name ($email)\r\n";
[email protected]; $subject, $message, $from))