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  1. I changed somewhere in between, where it isnt just green but the colours there are, are not too strong. Hmmm....
  2. How about just a range of greens instead of all the colours? http://www.andrewodendaal.com/library/ Pagination, sounds good.
  3. greenbizkit33: Yes, the other sites where made with a designer as well, I mainly concentrate on the programming and functional side with graphics here and there. mrMarcus: oni-kun said it. oni-kun: Thanks, I have corrected the search bar, it really was ugly when I stared at it! The "Software Services" / "Blog" / "Hide Me" boxes, how about 50% height off them. As I want something immediately on page for usability. Thank all for your comments.
  4. Is it then possible to change the referer and remote_addr through it too? or fake it in a way?
  5. Hey all, Not sure if it's possible to either hide the headers or randomly generate alternatives when using file_get_contents() or curl ? Thanks A
  6. Cheers, I'm really wondering about te blog. Wonder what's too 'over the edge'.. hmmm
  7. Thanks for your response thewooleymammoth/eric.
  8. Better?
  9. Thanks for your comments. RSS feeds are taken from the Blog/Library and updates with the latest posts (often daily) that are added there. What resolution does the search box begin to be a problem? Would it be better somewhere else rather. (top/right?) The IP address is handy for web developers when you need to know your ip for firewalls etc. Yes, pagerank needs to go.
  10. I am looking to see what everyone thinks of this site. Some critique would be greatly appreciated. http://www.andrewodendaal.com/
  11. Thanks everyone for your opinions! They are all greatly appreciated! Thanks
  12. Hey guys, I'm looking for a critique on the following 2 sites: thanks! http://www.andrewodendaal.com/ and http://blog.andz.co.uk/
  13. zIndex requires an integer not a string. so try: this.style.zIndex=50;
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