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Posts posted by shawc

  1. You can manipulate your __autoload function to do anything you should'nt need any kind of external loaded file to tell it where the paths are for files, just make sure you set your include paths, there should be no problems at all


    Lotta Regex and planning :)


    That loong array for Yii main core classes is a ridiculous and to me doesn't use PHP to its full extent...there being lazy


    Relying on include path means extra time in including files, which is something most frameworks are trying to avoid. It is perfectly fine you use include path in personal projects, though.

  2. Its speed is nothing mind blowing to me, the hello world take around 2ms with xdebug and my own framework take about that long.  I have not used its model and while it may look fast, it provide no functionality for retrieving/saving data and the only functionality i see is validation and error checking(not sure the difference).


    This really seems like nothing special or anything.  The model portion may be faster but does nothing special and has very limited functionality to save coding time.  My framework too could say that it is nothing special as i am not adding a ton of new things that no other MVC and/or ORM framework has however my goal has been cleaner and faster code as from earlier testing, my framework(with a custom ORM system) is 2 times faster for loading the same amount of data from a model than the doctrine ORM(and Doctrine does not even do MVC stuff like parse url, load controller, load view.


    Yii has complete implementation of Active Record. I guess what you saw is only its base class CModel. Please take a look at CActiveRecord and CFormModel.

  3. There is a new framework:




    It's called Yii. It's still in beta version. But, maybe the fastest framework.


    Not that php 6 is coming out next week but that framework would fail with it because of it dependence on get_magic_quotes_gpc() which may or may not be an easy fix but i would think a newer framework would follow most common standards and since magic quotes are a bad idea(which is why it is finally being removed in php 6) and no one has ever said that magic quotes are great as long as i has been doing PHP programming(2 years) so who knows what other weird stuff that framework does.  I would love to ask the lead developer why he/she decided to support magic quotes.


    From where did you learn that Yii depends on get_magic_quotes_gpc()?

    On the contrary, Yii tries to eliminate the effect of get_magic_quotes_gpc() if magic quotes is enabled.

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