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About seventheyejosh

  • Birthday 10/30/1988

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United States

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  1. <?php $array = array( array( 1,2,3,4), array(1,2,3,4,-1,-2)); // loop over the outer foreach( $array as $innerKey => $innerArray ) { // assume it's positive by default $isPositive = true; // loop over the inner foreach( $innerArray as $k=>$v ) { // if value is negative if( $v < 0 ) { $isPositive = false; break; } } echo " Key #" . $innerKey . " is " . ( $isPositive ? "positive" : "not positive\n" ); } ?> Output: Key #0 is positive Key #1 is not positive
  2. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { @autoreleasepool { NSString *firstString = @"Test"; NSString *stringTwo = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"my %@ text", firstString]; NSLog(@"New String: %@", stringTwo); } }
  3. Hmm I can't seem to find a list of what is enabled. Is there not a list like: --a-b --c-d, etc? Or do I have to go down the list and find the flags for each of the things like posix, Reflection, etc? Sorry, I've never compiled php, always used tasksel. Thanks - Josh
  4. Here are some promo codes for my first ever app - Net Worth Pro. It's my baby, so please let me know of any issues that you encounter. I've set up a bug bounty form on my website: http://networthproapp.com/ (Go to Bug Bounty). & itms://itunes.apple.com/nz/app/net-worth-pro/id402098167?mt=8 If these codes get used up, and if you guys are interested in it, I can maybe post some more. Please post if you take one, and please review if you take one. Have a great day! - Josh E9TXXKT9J3WX LRF3MKYTAWP9 LPXMP3JLEEMY YMAJEL6PJLJL M7AFFLK4MA6N
  5. Do you have a mockup link? It sounds like you either want to use a simple Javascript toggle, if it is static content, or use some AJAX to populate it, if it is dynamic. - Josh
  6. Quick question. I installed PHP / Apache / MySQL on Ubuntu 10.04 using tasksel (chose LAMP). I now need to use a specific php extension (pcntl), that is not enabled by default. So, I need to compile php, etc. I know I use: ./configure --enable-pcntl , make , make install. My question is, though, what other configure flags to I need to set so that I get the same functionality as the one that tasksel gave me? Like, don't I need to set a flag to get MySQL support? Finally, once it is compiled fine, and I did already, but am now worrying about the other flags, how do I tell the existing Apache install to use my new binary instead of the current one? Compiling put the new binary in /usr/local/bin, and running php -m from the command line shows that the module is indeed enabled, but using phpinfo(); on a page on the existing site on the server shows that the module isn't enabled, hence it is the wrong binary. If there isn't an easy way to do it, I don't mind reinstalling, but I'd still like to know what flags to set to get the same default behavior, etc. Thanks a lot, Josh
  7. Plus your inner query is using the same $result and $row variables as your outer query, so it'll never kick back out...
  8. Well I threw this up there, and it gave me a 500 error: <IfModule mod_alias.c> Alias /forum /home/lifecode/public_html/rmbforum </IfModule> Googling reveals that Alias can't be used in .htaccess, only in a <VirtualHost> in httpd.conf, and since my friend's site is on hostgator shared hosting, I'm not able to use that. Is there a way to do something similar through .htaccess? Or just a different method altogether? Thanks! - Josh
  9. Quick question. If I have the following: site.com/forum/ & forum.web.com How can I, by using one or both of the .htaccess files for those roots, make it so when a user goes to site.com/forum/ it goes to forum.web.com, but the url stays the same? I know I can make it redirect to the subdomain, but I want the user to think they are still at the same url. I also want it to make all the requests look normal: site.com/forum/ucp.php?v=1&s=2 . Is there some kind of proxying or reverse proxying I can do? Thanks so much, Josh
  10. Your link is dead...
  11. http://erkie.github.com/
  12. I was literally JUST thinking about this movie last night before bed and couldn't remember its name!!!
  13. I use OOP, so I have written lots of classes. If I need to use one, just add it to the application. If it isn't large enough to yield a worthwhile class, but is still useful, I have a snippet library, nice and sorted. I try to avoid having to go back and rip out a few lines of code, as that isn't really re-useability. Sometimes it's unavoidable though. - Josh
  14. dreamwest? Is that you?
  15. Use Terminal, or a Terminal emulator and type in: telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl It will telnet into that url, which hosts a full text and ascii version of Star Wars IV
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