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Gier NL

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Posts posted by Gier NL

  1. Hey guys, i'm at a loss here.


    I'm making a really simple website for a friend.

    The site must look good on his smartphone, which is an Sony Ericson Xperia X10(480x800)

    Whatever i do: the site won't scale normally!


    I tried ALL viewpoint stuff i could find on the internet: width=device-width, init scale, max scale

    There's not even a difference between init scale = 0.1 and init scale =10.0, it doesnt seem to work on this device

    CSS: body {max-width: 480px;} doesnt help me either.


    Google is NOT my friend in this, as soon as you type experia x10 all google results are for apps and emulators.


    How in hell do i fix this, mobileTest.me and Dreamweaver preview at 480x800 look just fine.

  2. Now i'm having trouble with integrated PHP in my HTML...


    I eddited the httpd(?) file in some xampp directory(can't find the instructions anymore to copy/paste, had to remove a # somewhere in some file i can't remember, but it was fine since the setting didn't have the # in the first place)

    The i created a .htaccess file(C:\Xampp\htdocs) and added(just) these lines:


    RemoveHandler .html .htm

    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .htm .html


    This should fix my problem according to the totorial, but it doesn't work, i restarted before testing.

  3. Hey guys!


    It's been a while since i worked with PHP and even longer since installing it for test purposes in my school days.

    Here's my problem:

    I want to test a PHP script locally.


    I installed XAMPP(Windows XP), default settings. is localhost, loading the page gives me the 'XAMPP for Windows' control pannel.


    XAMPP status:

    MySQL database ACTIVATED


    Perl with mod_perl ACTIVATED



    Common Gateway Interface (CGI) ACTIVATED

    Server Side Includes (SSI) ACTIVATED






    PHP version: 5.3.1


    The test file: phptest.php   

    Location: C:\Xampp\htdocs

    Content: <? phpinfo(); ?>


    Opening the file from explorer will make IE try and download the file

    Typing localhost/phptest.php in IE displays an empty webpage(thus the file is found on localhost).


    I'm a programmer so i'm not used to setting up a server, the test enviroments i've worked in thusfar have been set up by a network specialist so i have no experience in that since my school years(over 6 years ago).

    All i know is that the problem is probably in the Appache settings handling .PHP files, or inside the PHP settings but i'm losing myself in the giant .ini files and can't find a solid solution online  :-[


    Could somone help me on this, i'm getting worked up with frustration...

  4. Hey guys!


    I've got a simple web form for sending e-mail.

    The form contains a name, email, subject and body textfield and a submit button:



    <form action="sendmail.php" method="post">

    <input type="text" name="name" size="30">

    <input type="text" name="replyemail" size="30">

    <input type="text" name="subject" size="30">

    <textarea rows="6" cols="54" name="body"></textarea>

    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="send">




    $to = "my@email.com";

    $from_header = "From: $replyemail";

    if($body!= "")


      //send mail - $subject & $body come from surfer input

      mail($to, $subject, $body, $from_header);




      print("<HTML><BODY>Error, no comments were submitted!");






    I'm getting the following error:

    Notice: Undefined variable: subject in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cms\Download\Sendmail.php on line 3


    Notice: Undefined variable: to in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cms\Download\Sendmail.php on line 4


    Notice: Undefined variable: replyemail in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cms\Download\Sendmail.php on line 6


    Notice: Undefined variable: body in C:\Inetpub\...\Sendmail.php on line 7

    Error, no comments were submitted!PHP Notice: Undefined variable: subject in C:\Inetpub...\Sendmail.php on line 3 PHP Notice: Undefined variable: to in C:\Inetpub\...\Sendmail.php on line 4 PHP Notice: Undefined variable: replyemail in C:\Inetpub\...\Sendmail.php on line 6 PHP Notice: Undefined variable: bericht in C:\Inetpub\...\Sendmail.php on line 7


    Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong?


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