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Posts posted by Michael

  1. Hello

    I am not sure if this is the right forum, but I will ask.

    I have set up apache 2..2.4 and php 5.1.4 and mySql 5.0.22.

    As far as I can see apache, php, and mysql are set up correctlly.  Get the right test page for apache and can get html and php files via local host.

    Whe I try to run myphpadmin i get an error message stating that "Cannot load mysqli extension. Please check your PHP configuration. - Documentation o Leads me to believe I'm not talking to mysql.

    I can change to mysql estension and get the same error for mysql extension.

    I've tried researching this on line andnd up pretty confused.  I  looked around and cannot seem to find either  mysql.dll or msqli.dll.  there. I suppose one or the other should be there.  Where can I find them?  php.net ormysql.com leave me clueless..


    If anyone can help I wold really appreciate it

  2. Hello

    I am trying to figure out out to use FROM_UNIXTIME(). I can create the time stame with UNIX_TIMESTAMP, but converting to a human readable format has me stumped. All the examples I can find have not been very helpful.

    Example code:

    $sql_query = 'SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(artists_artist_avatar) FROM ' . ARTISTS_TABLE . ' WHERE artists_artist_email = "ofelia@iac.com"';
    if(!$result_time = $db->sql_query($sql_query))
    message_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, "Could not query user information in admin_artists", "", __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql_query);
    $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result_time);
    echo('time ---> ' . $row[artists_artist_avatar]);

    where I have verified that the reference3d field contains the time stamp, 1139899217, to be precise.

    When I run the query the echo statment shows no time.

    I would appreciate it very much if someone could put me right.

  3. Yes I have the form, and the selection box bu those names and I understand that I do not have to loop for a "5".

    The number of selection boxes is unknown ahead of time so what I really have is


    which is the reason for the loop.

    Unfortunately I cannot get it to work.
  4. Hello

    I am trying to set the index on a drop down selection box. Tgis would be a trivial thing if I could use getElemenById. Unfortunately I have a set a selection boxes that i created using the phpbb engine and I can see no way of adding a numerical tag or something to make the id unique.

    I have been trying to use something like

    //set image drop down menu box indicies
    for (i=0; i<(descriptionText.length); i++)
    document.formTwo.publicSelection[i].selectedIndex = 5;

    I have a 5 because I have been having a heck of time extracting a value from an array and also it does not seem work reliably. I know it should either work or not but sometimes it dowes and sometimes it does not. I have been fighting this problem for over 24 hours now and am really getting frustrted and punch.

    I would appreciate it if anyone could help me out with this one. This is a show stopper for aprogram that shoud have take a few hiours to write.

  5. Hello

    What I am trying to solve is as follows:

    I have a table that contains three fields that record preferences of user car models selected from a fixed list of car makes. Although the list is finite, any field can contain any member of the car make list.

    I want the ability to delete a car from the list. When I do that I want to go thru the table and replace the deleted car model with "empty"

    I know I can do with with three queries, but am trying to figure out if I can do it with one query. I've been researching on the 'net but am not coming up with an answer.

    What I would like to do is something like

    UPDATE TABLE SET (field 1 = "empty" WHERE field 1 = 'toyata"),
    (field 2 = "empty" WHERE field 2 = 'toyata"),
    (field 3 = "empty" WHERE field 2 = 'toyata")
    WHERE userid = "id";

    I suppose my example is absurd but it gives the idea of what I want to do if possible.

    Or just use three queries.

    I would appreicate any comments.


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