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About leequalls

  • Birthday 12/21/1982

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    Florida, USA

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  1. The code below is only outputing the data from the first insert in the database can anyone please help. Note that in the $pa['id'] does change but the $name $email $location stay the same on each line. The column names in proposal_answers is q1 q2 q3 its basicly 'q' and the matching id from proposal_questions. echo"<hr width='90%'><p><table width='90%'><tr><th>Name</th><th>Email</th><th>Location</th><th>Status</th></tr>"; $pqresult = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM proposal_questions"); $paresult = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM proposal_answers"); while($pa = mysql_fetch_assoc($paresult)) { $state = NULL; while($pq = mysql_fetch_assoc($pqresult)) { $q = 'q'.$pq['id']; if(stristr($pq['question'], 'Email') != FALSE) { $email = $pa[$q]; } if(stristr($pq['question'], 'Name') != FALSE) { $name = $pa[$q]; } if(stristr($pq['question'], 'City') != FALSE) { $location = $pa[$q]; } if(stristr($pq['question'], 'State') != FALSE and !$state) { $location .= " ".$pa[$q]; $state = 'true'; } if(stristr($pq['question'], 'Country') != FALSE) { $location .= " ".$pa[$q]; } } $table = "<tr><td><a href='?id=".$pa['id']."'>".$name."</a></td><td>".$email."</td><td>".trim($location)."</td><td>".$pa['status']."</td></tr>"; if($pa['status'] == "pending") { $pending .= $table; } elseif($pa['status'] == "approved") { $approved .= $table; } elseif($pa['status'] == "denied") { $denied .= $table; } } echo $pending."".$approved."".$denied."</table>"; } The Output from the above code: [font=monospace][size=1]<table width='90%'>[/size][/font][font=monospace][size=1]<tr>[/size][/font][font=monospace][size=1]<th>[/size][/font][color=#000000][font=monospace][size=1]Name[/size][/font][/color][font=monospace][size=1]</th>[/size][/font][font=monospace][size=1]<th>[/size][/font][color=#000000][font=monospace][size=1]Email[/size][/font][/color][font=monospace][size=1]</th>[/size][/font][font=monospace][size=1]<th>[/size][/font][color=#000000][font=monospace][size=1]Location[/size][/font][/color][font=monospace][size=1]</th>[/size][/font][font=monospace][size=1]<th>[/size][/font][color=#000000][font=monospace][size=1]Status[/size][/font][/color][font=monospace][size=1]</th>[/size][/font][font=monospace][size=1]</tr>[/size][/font] [font=monospace][size=1]<tr>[/size][/font][font=monospace][size=1]<td>[/size][/font][font=monospace][size=1]<a href='[url="https://party934.com/en/djpanel/admin/proposal.php?id=6"]?id=6[/url]'>[/size][/font][color=#000000][font=monospace][size=1]Scott[/size][/font][/color][font=monospace][size=1]</a>[/size][/font][font=monospace][size=1]</td>[/size][/font][font=monospace][size=1]<td>[/size][/font][color=#000000][font=monospace][size=1][email protected][/size][/font][/color][font=monospace][size=1]</td>[/size][/font][font=monospace][size=1]<td>[/size][/font][color=#000000][font=monospace][size=1]Channahon IL US[/size][/font][/color][font=monospace][size=1]</td>[/size][/font][font=monospace][size=1]<td>[/size][/font][color=#000000][font=monospace][size=1]pending[/size][/font][/color][font=monospace][size=1]</td>[/size][/font][font=monospace][size=1]</tr>[/size][/font] [font=monospace][size=1]<tr>[/size][/font][font=monospace][size=1]<td>[/size][/font][font=monospace][size=1]<a href='[url="https://party934.com/en/djpanel/admin/proposal.php?id=4"]?id=4[/url]'>[/size][/font][color=#000000][font=monospace][size=1]Scott[/size][/font][/color][font=monospace][size=1]</a>[/size][/font][font=monospace][size=1]</td>[/size][/font][font=monospace][size=1]<td>[/size][/font][color=#000000][font=monospace][size=1][email protected][/size][/font][/color][font=monospace][size=1]</td>[/size][/font][font=monospace][size=1]<td>[/size][/font][color=#000000][font=monospace][size=1]Channahon IL US[/size][/font][/color][font=monospace][size=1]</td>[/size][/font][font=monospace][size=1]<td>[/size][/font][color=#000000][font=monospace][size=1]pending[/size][/font][/color][font=monospace][size=1]</td>[/size][/font][font=monospace][size=1]</tr>[/size][/font][font=monospace][size=1]</table>[/size][/font]
  2. I made a page to see if files are missing or available. I am using fancybox to bring up the form to upload a file. What I want is when the file is uploaded the "X" image on the page to be replaced with a check mark image without reloading the page. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. Thanks I over looked that.
  4. I have a form here http://party934.com/artist_contact.php that is supposed to upload 2 files. When the submit button is clicked the files do not upload however the data in the form is being sent. This is how Im calling the files on submit: $file_temp = $_FILES['mp3']['tmp_name']; $mp3name = $_FILES['mp3']['name']; $file_size = $_FILES['mp3']['size']; $file_err = $_FILES['mp3']['error']; $ifile_temp = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name']; $imagename = $_FILES['image']['name']; $ifile_size = $_FILES['image']['size']; $ifile_err = $_FILES['image']['error'];
  5. ok what I was attempting to do is get rid of the special characters as in personality’s ’ is supposed to be a quote '
  6. alright well here is some of my code : $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE djname = '".$djname."'"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $to = $row['email']; $pfemails = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE what = '".$what."'") or die(mysql_error()); $mail = mysql_fetch_assoc($pfemails); $subject = htmlspecialchars_decode($mail['subject']); $subject = str_replace("[broadcast date]", $program_date, $subject); $message = htmlspecialchars_decode($mail['message']); $message = str_replace("[bio]", $bio, $message); $message = str_replace("[eval]", $eval, $message); $message = htmlspecialchars($message, ENT_QUOTES); $from = ""; $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'From: '.$from."\r\n" . 'Reply-To: '.$from. "\r\n" . 'BCC: '.$BCC. "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); however when the email was sent it looked like this: Any help would be appreciated.
  7. I would like to make some text italic in an email message sent by a web page. I do not want to send html email how do I do this?
  8. Hi, Im looking for a audio player that I can use for an evaluation script I am creating. The player needs to show running time, play, stop, pause. Also I need it to have a feature that can save the place of the evaluator so if they leave the page and come back they can finish where they left off. Does anyone know where I could find such a script?
  9. I tried you new code however the div does not load all it does is say Loading... and nothing happens.
  10. jquery
  11. ok I have the load bar image could you help me with the code to make it display?
  12. Im looking to have a loading image display after some one clicks submit on a upload form. Any help on this would be great.
  13. I would like the following code to stop refreshing after 5 seconds here is the code I am using main page inside <head></head> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready( function(){ var refreshCountdown = setInterval( function() { $.get( "ajaxTimer.php", {}, function( data ){ $("#countdownBlock").html( data ); }); }, 1000 ); }); </script> ajaxTimer.php $countdownSeconds = $_SESSION['timer']; echo "Programming begins in ".$countdownSeconds; if($_SESSION['timer'] == 0) { $_SESSION['countdownActive'] = "False"; } $_SESSION['timer'] = $countdownSeconds-1;
  14. I am looking for a script that can change the width and height of an image when it is uploaded to our web site through a web form. Any help would be great.
  15. ok here is what I am trying to do and I dont think it will work using java. I have a schedule written in php and gets a list of data for each time. I need the data to be on the correct time for the visitors timezone. Example: The server is in EST so for 12pm it displays data from the MySQL if a visitor in CST looks at the schedule they need to see the 12pm data in the 11am time slot.
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