Hey there,
My question is this - I have a free flash player loaded within my html code - but the way my pages work is through php.
I have a header.php file, an indexmain.php file and a footer.php file within each of my index.php files for each part of the site. The mp3 player is loaded in the header.php file. Everytime I load a page other than the main page, the flash player is reloaded, the song stops and then starts again. I want the mp3 player to loop the song continually, throughout the website.
The javascript is:
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
var so = new SWFObject("<?php $siteDomain; ?>/flashmp3player/ep_player.swf", "ep_player", "301", "16", "9", "#FFFFFF");
so.addVariable("skin", "<?php $siteDomain; ?>/flashmp3player/skins/micro_player/skin.xml");
so.addVariable("playlist", "<?php $siteDomain; ?>/flashmp3player/playlist.xml");
so.addVariable("autoplay", "true");
so.addVariable("shuffle", "false");
so.addVariable("repeat", "true");
so.addVariable("buffertime", "1");
so.addVariable("key", "YOURUNIQUEKEY");
so.addParam("allowscriptaccess", "always");
// ]]>
It works fine otherwise - is there someway to pass the javascript variable assigned above for the mp3 player to each new page, so I can redisplay the mp3 player but not restart the song?
Or is there a way to keep my top menu (the header section) without reloading it each time, and just reload indexmain.php, the middle section?