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Posts posted by Sudden

  1. NP you just have to have a statment that checks to see if the first form was submitted, and then use a 2nd form to make sure all the data is validated then you can send it off to the next site.  :)

    It gets easier the more you use it.

  2. You can intergrate the validation page w/ the site in which they input their information.


    if(!isset($_POST['validate']){ //checks to see if they have tryed to validate their info
    //form goes here with action = "<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>"
    //fill out info
    //click validate button returning a value in $_POST['validate'] button HTML below
    <input type="submit" name="validate" value="Validate">
    //website will reload w/ all values that were posted in the form, but the form will not be shown because of the if(!isset($_POST['validate'])) statement.
    //all validation code should go here
    //another form could be displayed to give another submit button after all information checks out
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">
    //This form should have the action below so it will post all information in the $_POST[] on the 2nd page
    <form action="_gdForm/webformmailer.asp" method="post">
    <?php } ?>


    I hope this helps. :) Also there may be an easier way to do this.


  3. Set it to insert the data into the correct column then give it the value the user input.


    Obviously change vars as needed. And make sure your method for submit is post if you plan on using $_POST[] to assign vars

    $input = $_POST['input'];
    $q = "INSERT INTO db_name (id) VALUES ('$input')";

  4. When you hit the submit button it will send all $_POST[] vars to the site specified in:


    <form action="_gdForm/webformmailer.asp" method="post">


    From there you would just have to call the var



    $email = $_POST['email'];


    Sub email with what the value of your input box was on previous page.


    Then just set $email in the email link. All information reguarding $email, and $_POST['email'] should not be able to be viewed with source code.


    Hope this helps :)

  5. I'm assuming your questionnaire is a form. So by clicking the submit button you automaticly input all values into an array called




    If your form method reads:




    on the page specified in the




    The following is a site I made that asks 'do you like sports' and you anwser yes or no. When you hit 'submit' it sends you to another website specified in action="" the page it sends you to automaticly has all the information with-in $_POST[''].


    // Input page
    <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="anwser.php">//page info will be sent to
      Do you like sports?
      <table width="200">
            <input type="radio" name="sports" value="Yes" />
            <input type="radio" name="sports" value="No" />
      <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />


    So say I want to call their input from the last page I simply have to type.


    //2nd Page that recieves the info from first page
    $anwser = $_POST['sports'];
    //the var $anwser now contains the anwser either Yes/No based on what they gave last page
    echo $anwser;
    //will post the anwser on the website


    I hope this helps, and there should be no need to make an array with their anwsers in it if you will call


  6. I think you're looking for


    stripslashes(string) ;


    This removes all "/" added in by php where ' are found.



    $str = "Is your name O\'reilly?";


    // Outputs: Is your name O'reilly?

    echo stripslashes($str);


    Hope this helped, but I'm not sure about the r\n\r\n part. Hope someone else out there knows ;)

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