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  1. I know there is vertical overflow just like here[ur] but is it also possible to overflow horizontal like here?
  2. Maurice79


    I can't, i rarely know what i did now to create it. How is this possible because other sites look the same in IE and FF, can't i just block IE users form the pages, sorry for IE users but if you don't use a proper browser you dont earn the pages. Ofcourse the last thing i said is a joke, im just pissed off IE fuck up the pages and it seems i did everything for nothing because IE and FF users should view both the pages.
  3. Maurice79


    I use basically only firefox for all my internet browsing and edited/created a few webpages. By accident i used IE to visit the pages and couldn't believe my eyes, it are totally different pages when viewing them with IE! Everything is messed up and borders are added i never added to the script or heights i never put that high. How is this possible? Is it possible to block the pages for IE users because i don't want people see the pages in IE view. To see what i mean click here.
  4. One last question, both below codes do work correct but which code should i use, the one with 4 lines or the one everything in one line. The one all in one line is less to read/download, it sounds maybe silly but doesn't it use more CPU usage form the server? $community_id = substr($player_id, 10); $community_id *= 2; $community_id += 76561197960265728; $community_id += substr($player_id, 10, 1); $community_id_new = ( ( substr($player_id, 10) ) * 2 ) + 76561197960265728 + ( substr($player_id, 10, 1) );
  5. Yes it's the formule to convert any steamID to the steam communityID. There are some codes released already but none of them where wroking for me or so small as yours.
  6. Thank you very much Maq, in first case your code didn't seemed to work because i got a blank page but after removing some part of your code i got it finally to work. The code i only left is below. $community_id = substr($player_id, 10); $community_id *= 2; $community_id += 76561197960265728; $community_id += substr($player_id, 10, 1); $community_id is now the steam community id for the selected steamid and readed by the template file from the website. Maybe it's easier to see (link) what i mean as to read my explanation. When you click on a steamid you go automatically to his/her steam community id page thanks to your code!
  7. Result->id is a result of a query. The below line maybe explain more as the words above. $resource = mysql_query("SELECT bid, ip, id, nick, admin_id, admin_nick, ban_reason, ban_created, ban_length, server_ip, server_name FROM $config->bans ORDER BY ban_created DESC LIMIT ".$query_start.",".$query_end) or die(mysql_error()); while($result = mysql_fetch_object($resource)) { $sum = Result->id;
  8. Hello, it would be terrific if the below sum is possible with a php code. The given information is: id = STEAM_0:1:12345678 The sum is: $sum = $result->id; $sum = $sum - (first 10 characters); //result=12345678 $sum = $sum * 2; //result=24691356 $sum = $sum + 76561197960265728; //result=7656119845409284 $sum = $sum + (9Th character from $result->id); //result=7656119845409285 The result of the sum is: 76561197984957085
  9. Thank you very much 5kyy8lu3, now i understand also how the 2nd code works, also thanks for the detailed examples!
  10. Thanks both for the quik reply! BTW i used google before making this topic, google is the first who i ask for help but i just didn't find it this time or better said i was not searhing for the correct words. Honestly said i'm not a hero with php actualy just a noob and need a litle bit more help if it is possible. Currenlty i have this. $percentage = 100 / (($result->ban_length * 60) / ($date_and_ban - $now)); result is 76.123456789 Do i need to change it with this? $percentage = round(100 / (($result->ban_length * 60) / ($date_and_ban - $now)), 2); result will be 76.12 And i have this. $player = $result->player_nick; result is "the name of the player" Actualy i don't know how to work with the below code. $player = $result->player_nick; function str_trim($str) { echo substr($str, 0, 10); } result is "the name of t"
  11. I've a made a sum which calculate the procent of a value. To bad it is mostly a long result like 67.32857835 and i'm wondering if there is a code that remove all numbers or characters after the 5th. This means the above result would look like 76.32 and the word 'phpfreaks' would be 'phpfr'.
  12. Thanks you very much uniflare! This is exactly what was searching for.
  13. Hello, i searched with google for a forum which contains help for PHP and hope I'm here at phpfreaks on the right place. My problem is with table information which contains more as one word and override the maximum length for the table. If the happen the table height get 2 times so high. Maybe a picture say more as the above words. My question: is there a way to prevent to split up words and just increase the table length?
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