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Everything posted by LawsLoop

  1. The homepage has now had a redesign, shame you liked the icons though - we had to get rid of them! Since the first post on this thread, the site has changed completely, could people critique the site? No need to make a new thread really... http://www.lawsloop.com
  2. Checking back... Thanks for your comments and we definitely agree and take them on. We'll work on making it actually look more like a social-networking site. Maybe we've focussed a little too hard on the political aspect of it! More stuff is coming soon to keep people busy as well as the site being a good resource for academic research or just general interest. Any more comments greatly appreciated.
  3. Site Overview I own a website where people are able to create their own political manifestos about any issue they care about. Alongside this, other members are able to comment and rate pages on the political scale and somewhere therein is a social network. ---------------------------------------- I recently totally redid the Homepage feeling that the old one had too much text on it that nobody would read, we needed something provocative and simple to draw attention. I also like the simple but effective design of Fmylife.com. This is the current Homepage: http://www.lawsloop.com This is the old Homepage: http://www.lawsloop.com/index4.php I think the current Homepage looks marginally more 2.0 but I feel I need your opinions. Since I put up the new homepage, we've had no new registrations but on the day I put it up, we were removed as a featured website on one of those 'Top Sites' sites which was giving us a heck of a lot of traffic so I don't know whether we've had no new registrations because of that or if the Homepage is turning people off. (By the way, we're a new site so 2-3 new registrations a day is considered good) --- Anyway, critique please! Which Homepage is better and why? Or how can I improve the current one?
  4. No need for complex Javascript: http://www.pageresource.com/dhtml/jtut6.htm shows a quick way to implement a mouseover background change. Very few people use Netscape so just use the code nearest the top.
  5. Have you tried using Javascript? Opening a Popup isn't too difficult. Show us your code? Have you tried this page?: http://javascript.internet.com/generators/popup-window.html
  6. Thank you very much for your critique. If they were all the same width...I dunno, it makes me think it'd be pretty blocky, very tabular. Anybody else agree with either of us? I've wrestled with the layout SO much cos I'm never happy with it, criticism of layout/website itself, let me know.
  7. LawsLoop is a website that allows anybody to create and publish their own personalised manifesto online. Members have the freedom to express any opinion they hold, no matter how extreme they may seem to others. Theres tons of other stuff but thats the basic, core value of the site. I'm happy cos we just had a registered political party in the UK join and create a manifesto. URL: http://www.lawsloop.com Example LawBook: http://www.lawsloop.com/lawbooks.php?name=lawsloop -------------- My monitor shows colours a lot darker than they are to most people so I'm working on some of the brighter aspects of the layout, tell me which (if any) parts of the layout are too bright. (I believe the light green part of the layout might be too bright). The homepage needs work to make it a little more interesting in terms of how to position the current information, suggestions welcome. Any other reviews or suggestions are very welcome, look forward to them.
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