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Sorry, that would be in the HTML document that leads to this one. Here is the *** begin snippett *** <form name="form1" method="post" action="model.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" onSubmit="return validate(this);"> <tr> <td valign="top" background="images/J0028WEB2.jpg" bgcolor="#000000" style="background-position:top left; background-repeat:no-repeat"><table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" width="100%"> <form name="form1" method="post" action="model.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" onSubmit="return validate(this);"> *** end snippett *** I didn't know if you needed/wanted the whole form's code or not. That is where the form is created (above) and the previous PHP I posted is the "model.php" file which is supposed to handle the submission. Let me know what else you need, and thank you again for your help with this PHP newbie! :-)
Checked, mail() is enabled.
That's a good question ... I'll have to check with their tech support. Any other thoughts?
Ok, I'm entering the code here, slightly edited (nothing that makes a difference). I don't know how many lines there are but you can probably cruise past most of it. From what I can see the email submission should work fine, and yet nothing happens. As I mentioned before when I click submit all I get on the "Success" window is "Form submitted successfully. It will be reviewed soon." The site/page is hosted by GoDaddy. PHP is an acceptable medium for the page. CODE <?PHP define('kOptional', true); define('kMandatory', false); define('kStringRangeFrom', 1); define('kStringRangeTo', 2); define('kStringRangeBetween', 3); define('kYes', 'yes'); define('kNo', 'no'); error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); ini_set('track_errors', true); function ListArray($theArray) { return @implode(", ", $theArray); } function DoStripSlashes($fieldValue) { if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) { if (is_array($fieldValue) ) { return array_map('DoStripSlashes', $fieldValue); } else { return stripslashes($fieldValue); } } else { return $fieldValue; } } function FilterCChars($theString) { return preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1F]/', '', $theString); } function CheckString($value, $low, $high, $mode, $limitAlpha, $limitNumbers, $limitEmptySpaces, $limitExtraChars, $optional) { if ($limitAlpha == kYes) { $regExp = 'A-Za-z'; } if ($limitNumbers == kYes) { $regExp .= '0-9'; } if ($limitEmptySpaces == kYes) { $regExp .= ' '; } if (strlen($limitExtraChars) > 0) { $search = array('\\', '[', ']', '-', '$', '.', '*', '(', ')', '?', '+', '^', '{', '}', '|', '/'); $replace = array('\\\\', '\[', '\]', '\-', '\$', '\.', '\*', '\(', '\)', '\?', '\+', '\^', '\{', '\}', '\|', '\/'); $regExp .= str_replace($search, $replace, $limitExtraChars); } if ( (strlen($regExp) > 0) && (strlen($value) > 0) ){ if (preg_match('/[^' . $regExp . ']/', $value)) { return false; } } if ( (strlen($value) == 0) && ($optional === kOptional) ) { return true; } elseif ( (strlen($value) >= $low) && ($mode == kStringRangeFrom) ) { return true; } elseif ( (strlen($value) <= $high) && ($mode == kStringRangeTo) ) { return true; } elseif ( (strlen($value) >= $low) && (strlen($value) <= $high) && ($mode == kStringRangeBetween) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } function CheckEmail($email, $optional) { if ( (strlen($email) == 0) && ($optional === kOptional) ) { return true; } elseif ( eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,4})$", $email) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $clientIP = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else { $clientIP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $FTGfirstName = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['firstName'] ); $FTGmonth = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['month'] ); $FTGday = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['day'] ); $FTGyear = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['year'] ); $FTGlastName = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['lastName'] ); $FTGheight = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['height'] ); $FTGphone = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['phone'] ); $FTGweight = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['weight'] ); $FTGemail = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['email'] ); $FTGethnicity = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['ethnicity'] ); $FTGStreetAddress = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['StreetAddress'] ); $FTGhairColor = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['hairColor'] ); $FTGcity = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['city'] ); $FTGeyeColor = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['eyeColor'] ); $FTGstate = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['state'] ); $FTGchest = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['chest'] ); $FTGcountry = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['country'] ); $FTGcup = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['cup'] ); $FTGzipCode = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['zipCode'] ); $FTGhips = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['hips'] ); $FTGexperience = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['experience'] ); $FTGwaist = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['waist'] ); $FTGwebsite = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['website'] ); $FTGshoeSize = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['shoeSize'] ); $FTGtravel = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['travel'] ); $FTGdressSize = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['dressSize'] ); $FTGmark = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['mark'] ); $FTGmarkDesc = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['markDesc'] ); $FTGcasting = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['casting'] ); $FTGcomments = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['comments'] ); $FTGuserfile = $_FILES['userfile']['name']; $FTGinsert = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['insert'] ); $FTGSubmit = DoStripSlashes( $_POST['Submit'] ); $List_casting = ListArray($FTGcasting); $validationFailed = false; # Fields Validations if (!CheckEmail($FTGemail, kMandatory)) { $FTGErrorMessage['email'] = 'You must enter a valid email address'; $validationFailed = true; } if (!CheckString($FTGcountry, 1, 0, kStringRangeFrom, kNo, kNo, kNo, '', kMandatory)) { $FTGErrorMessage['country'] = 'Please enter a valid country'; $validationFailed = true; } # Include message in error page and dump it to the browser if ($validationFailed === true) { $errorPage = '<html><head><title>Error</title></head><body>Errors found: <!--VALIDATIONERROR--></body></html>'; $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:firstName-->', $FTGfirstName, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:month-->', $FTGmonth, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:day-->', $FTGday, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:year-->', $FTGyear, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:lastName-->', $FTGlastName, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:height-->', $FTGheight, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:phone-->', $FTGphone, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:weight-->', $FTGweight, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:email-->', $FTGemail, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:ethnicity-->', $FTGethnicity, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:StreetAddress-->', $FTGStreetAddress, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:hairColor-->', $FTGhairColor, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:city-->', $FTGcity, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:eyeColor-->', $FTGeyeColor, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:state-->', $FTGstate, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:chest-->', $FTGchest, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:country-->', $FTGcountry, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:cup-->', $FTGcup, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:zipCode-->', $FTGzipCode, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:hips-->', $FTGhips, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:experience-->', $FTGexperience, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:waist-->', $FTGwaist, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:website-->', $FTGwebsite, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:shoeSize-->', $FTGshoeSize, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:travel-->', $FTGtravel, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:dressSize-->', $FTGdressSize, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:mark-->', $FTGmark, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:markDesc-->', $FTGmarkDesc, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:casting-->', $List_casting, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:comments-->', $FTGcomments, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:userfile-->', $FTGuserfile, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:insert-->', $FTGinsert, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:Submit-->', $FTGSubmit, $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--ERRORMSG:email-->', $FTGErrorMessage['email'], $errorPage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--ERRORMSG:country-->', $FTGErrorMessage['country'], $errorPage); $errorList = @implode("<br />\n", $FTGErrorMessage); $errorPage = str_replace('<!--VALIDATIONERROR-->', $errorList, $errorPage); echo $errorPage; } if ( $validationFailed === false ) { # Email to Form Owner $emailSubject = FilterCChars("New Model Submission"); $emailBody = "--FTG_BOUNDRY\n" . "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"ISO-8859-1\"\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n" . "\n" . chunk_split( base64_encode( "<html>\n" . "<head>\n" . "<title></title>\n" . "</head>\n" . "<body>\n" . "\n" . "" . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . "\n" . "$clientIP\n" . "" . date('d/m/Y') . "\n" . "\n" . "Name: $FTGfirstName $FTGlastName<br />\n" . "Birthdate: $FTGmonth/$FTGday/$FTGyear <br />\n" . "Address : $FTGStreetAddress<br />\n" . " $FTGcity, $FTGstate $FTGzipCode <br />\n" . " $FTGcountry<br />\n" . "\n" . "Phone : $FTGphone<br />\n" . "Email : $FTGemail<br />\n" . "\n" . "Height : $FTGheight<br />\n" . "Weight : $FTGweight<br />\n" . "Ethnicity : $FTGethnicity<br />\n" . "HairColor : $FTGhairColor<br />\n" . "EyeColor : $FTGeyeColor<br />\n" . "Experience : $FTGexperience<br />\n" . "\n" . "Chest : $FTGchest $FTGcup<br />\n" . "Waist : $FTGwaist<br />\n" . "Hips : $FTGhips<br />\n" . "\n" . "DressSize : $FTGdressSize<br />\n" . "ShoeSize : $FTGshoeSize<br />\n" . "\n" . "Travel : $FTGtravel<br />\n" . "\n" . "Tattoos/piercings or markings: $FTGmark<br />\n" . "Description: $FTGmarkDesc<br />\n" . "\n" . "Website : $FTGwebsite<br />\n" . "\n" . "Styles of Glamour : $List_casting<br />\n" . "\n" . "Comments/Credits: $FTGcomments<br />\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "userfile : $FTGuserfile<br />\n" . "insert : $FTGinsert<br />\n" . "Submit : $FTGSubmit<br />\n" . "</body>\n" . "</html>\n" . "" ) ) . "\n"; if ( is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']) ) { $fileName = $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']; $fileHandle = fopen($fileName, 'r'); $fileAttach = fread($fileHandle, filesize ($fileName)); fclose($fileHandle); $fileAttach = chunk_split(base64_encode($fileAttach)); $emailBody .= "--FTG_BOUNDRY\n" . "Content-Type: " . $_FILES['userfile']['type'] . "; name=\"" . $_FILES['userfile']['name'] . "\"\n" . "Content-disposition: attachment\n" . "Content-transfer-encoding: base64\n" . "\n" . "$fileAttach\n" . "\n"; } $emailBody .= "--FTG_BOUNDRY--\n"; $emailTo = 'Model Submission <info@website.com>'; $emailFrom = FilterCChars("$FTGemail"); $emailHeader = "From: $emailFrom\n" . "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" . "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"FTG_BOUNDRY\"\n" . "\n"; mail($emailTo, $emailSubject, $emailBody, $emailHeader); # Include message in the success page and dump it to the browser $successPage = '<html><head><title>Success</title></head><body>Form submitted successfully. It will be reviewed soon.</body></html>'; $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:firstName-->', $FTGfirstName, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:month-->', $FTGmonth, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:day-->', $FTGday, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:year-->', $FTGyear, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:lastName-->', $FTGlastName, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:height-->', $FTGheight, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:phone-->', $FTGphone, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:weight-->', $FTGweight, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:email-->', $FTGemail, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:ethnicity-->', $FTGethnicity, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:StreetAddress-->', $FTGStreetAddress, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:hairColor-->', $FTGhairColor, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:city-->', $FTGcity, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:eyeColor-->', $FTGeyeColor, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:state-->', $FTGstate, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:chest-->', $FTGchest, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:country-->', $FTGcountry, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:cup-->', $FTGcup, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:zipCode-->', $FTGzipCode, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:hips-->', $FTGhips, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:experience-->', $FTGexperience, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:waist-->', $FTGwaist, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:website-->', $FTGwebsite, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:shoeSize-->', $FTGshoeSize, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:travel-->', $FTGtravel, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:dressSize-->', $FTGdressSize, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:mark-->', $FTGmark, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:markDesc-->', $FTGmarkDesc, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:casting-->', $List_casting, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:comments-->', $FTGcomments, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:userfile-->', $FTGuserfile, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:insert-->', $FTGinsert, $successPage); $successPage = str_replace('<!--FIELDVALUE:Submit-->', $FTGSubmit, $successPage); echo $successPage; } ?>
I'm sorry, I wasn't sure what part of the code to post? Should I post the whole PHP document?
Greetings to one and all! I just found this forum after doing a google search (actually it was the first forum listed so kudos to the website!) and am hoping someone here can help me with a problem I am having. First let me state that while I have programming experience, it isn't in PHP and thus my frustration with figuring out why this isn't working. The Basic Scenario Ok, so the short version of this is I am trying to create an online form for specific individuals to fill out. It's your basic information form, but also has the capacity for file uploads. I used DW CS4 to create the form itself, and because I am not very PHP savvy I went out and got "Forms2Go" because that program is supposed to take my code and create a PHP that is viable for my purpose. The Problem I could say, "it doesn't work" but that would not be specific. What happens when I test the form is this: I fill it out. I attach a dummy file (to test that aspect). I click "submit" The form then seemingly processes it and I get a screen that says, "Form submitted successfully. It will be reviewed soon." Problem is, I never see it. It is supposed to email the form to me (in HTML format), but nothing ever happens. I don't know if it's going into la la land in cyberspace, some random person is getting random forms in their email or what is happening. The one thing I know that ISN'T happening is the form isn't showing up in my email. As this is my first post to this forum, I can only hope that this is the correct place for me to be right now to submit this request. My apologies to any and all for my ignorance of PHP but this is a great learning opportunity for me too. My thanks in advance to any and all responders. If you need more specific information, want too see snippets of code, etc just let me know!