Hey i am trying to get my phpbb3 authentication email script to work. I am trying to send it through SMTP to my gmail acount. The error i get when trying to send an email through phpbb3 is this
"Could not connect to smtp host : 0 : Unable to find the socket transport "ssl" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?
<b>[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice</b>: in file <b>/includes/functions_messenger.php</b> on line <b>846</b>: <b>fsockopen() [<a href='function.fsockopen'>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl://smtp.gmail.com:465 (Unable to find the socket transport "ssl" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?)</b><br />
this is how i have the emailer configured:
SMTP server address: ssl://smtp.gmail.com
SMTP server port: 465
Authentication method for SMTP: PLAIN
SMTP username:
[email protected]
SMTP password:mypassword
can anyone help me fix this problem?