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Everything posted by dark_hatchling

  1. ahhh! dude..you're awesome...just what im needing right now. yeah im new to php/mysql, thanks ALOT man.
  2. ok i need some help with this star rating system the guy wants me to add to his website, basically he wants people to be able to leave feedback along with a star rating 1-5, basic idea. now ive got the PHP all set up so far so that it inserts the "feedback" and "rating" values into a database..right now the rating is just set up as an integer(1-5)...my question is, how can i make the integer value relate to images of stars and post it for each feedback..like a rating of 1 will show 1 star image for that feedback, etc. thanks in advance.
  3. I'm really new to PHP/MySQL but I got an offer from a friend to set up a site and its going to need some databases... short story made shorter, I was wondering when we actually go to launch the site to the web how exactly our log in code should be written for the database connect " $connection = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "root"); if (!$connection) ..yadda yadda " i mean we wouldnt want to directly place our log in names and password in the html source for everyone to see, right? so I'm wondering how we go about this, making it more secure and everything. any ideas or solutions are appreciated, thanks.
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