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  1. Yeah, 'overflow:hidden' did get the job done. Thanks.
  2. this is the website: http://portalbr.l4rge.com/ open it in both FIREFOX and INTERNET EXPLORER. you'll see that the avatar on the box is correctly shown on IE but when you see it throught FIREFOX the avatar just cuts this is the image code: <img src="img.jpg" align=left border=1> this is the css code used in the box: width: 476px; height: 24px; background-color: #7E7956; padding-top: 6px; padding-left: 8px; border-style: outset; border-width: 1px;
  3. HEY THANKS! i didnt do exactly what you told me, but you mentioned that code "file_get_contents" that i'd never heard of before. here's what i did: and guess what! it worked like a charm thanks again, pal! ;D ;D
  4. you mind telling me how this can be done, please?
  5. how can i make the fputs/fwrite command writte at the beginning of the file instead of at the end of file? Here's my code: $fp=fopen($file,a); fwrite($fp,$save); I tested my code, it worked and all, the problem is, i want "$save" to be written before everything's been written, not after! (i'm sorry if i didnt make myself clear enough, english aint my first language, i'm tryin my best though!)
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