Thanks, I forgot about that possibility. So when I looked up many-to-many, from what I understood I need a 3rd table to reference the two.
So I created:
Creator_Books [i relabeled "Comics" to "Books" for short naming purposes]
bid (int) which links to the
cid (int) which links to the
And I'm guessing I now need to remove the Writer01,...,Illustrator01,..., from the Books database, since that info is being fed from the intermediary Creator_Books table, correct?
I'm still having trouble with it, so I think I may have the wrong relationship set up. In phpMyAdmin, I set up the relationship while in the Creator_Books table, linking them to the correct value. Should it be the other way around, linking from the Books and Creators table into the Creator_Books table?
The Query I tried:
SELECT, Books.num,
FROM Books, Creators
LEFT JOIN Creator_Books ON Creator_Books.cid =
And while it did return results, it didn't return the right results. For example, I was trying for it to say:
Creator X worked on Book X and Book Y
Creator Y worked on Book X, and Book Z
It returned that Creator X worked on Book X, Y, Z and Creator Y worked on Book X,Y,Z as well as listing them multiple times for each Book.
I'm guessing I have the Join wrong, but I tried it several ways and every time I tried doing " =" it gave me an error...