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I'm not terribly knowledgeable about classic ASP as I stick to ASP.NET MVC 5, but it looks to me as though you need very little of your VB logic in PHP. I recommend you use cURL as well and simply supply it with all the arguments you need to do the request, then work with the data you receive back. Don't forget to close the connection. <?php # create the header request, though as you've indicated it's using POST, this is probably unnecessary $request_headers = array(); $request_headers = 'Accept: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, '[YourWebserviceUrlHere]'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 0); curl_optopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $request_headers); $result = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); # do with the $result value whatever you want here ?> Take a look through http://php.net/manual/en/function.curl-setopt.php for the various cURL options to use with PHP. And you might want to read a book on PHP before assuming that '$' before everything magically makes it PHP.
Is this overkill on the site security? Any such thing?
captbeagle replied to jwwceo's topic in PHP Coding Help
In an enterprise app, I assume there would be a number of users logged in at any given time. Security is great, but users will get all sorts of ticked if they have to log in 5 times over a number of minutes because some search bot is hitting your domain. I'd check to see if it's got any parameters in $_GET before logging everyone out all the time from something benign. -
You don't have to initialize variables in PHP, but if you don't, they'll have some default value depending on the context in which they're used (eg, integers and floats default to 0). In your case, you're trying to output a link - it's simply going to output an empty string since you haven't otherwise initialized it yet. Take a look at http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.variables.basics.php
if ($gate1 == $gate1) What else would it ever equal? Edit for more observations: {($fortressopen);} else if ($key1 + $key2 + $key3 + $key4 + $key5 + $key6 + $key7 != $accessgranted) {($fortressclosed);} $fortressopen = "<a href= http://www.mywebsite.com/main.php </a>"; $fortressclosed = "<a href= http://www.mywebsite...loginfailed.php </a>"; You defined $fortressopen and $fortressclosed after using them. That's surely not going to help things along.
It really leaves a lot to be desired. I only just managed to downgrade back to 10.6.3 and happy to have a usable iTunes client again. I'm always a fan of changes in software, but only if they actually improve the quality and ease of use - iTunes 11 does neither. 1. No option to turn off album art in all the presentation views. For performance reasons, I'd like to just see the text and could care less what the album art looks like. 2. Hovering over the icon in the system tray doesn't give you information about the current media anymore. 3. Text readout at the top of the iTunes window is really hard for me to read. I can't tell if there's a shadow or they're blurring it for some reason, but really.. 4. Search is laggy. In 10.6.3, I type a letter and my playlist immediately updates with matching media. In 11, I type a letter, wait a second or two while the interface lags up and then finally see my results. Don't get me started on typing a song name in v11. 5. The icons looks like shit in the taskbar. I'm with Phil on that one. Granted, v10 wasn't great since you couldn't see the circular border, but v11 is worse (though I didn't think it was possible).
As a general rule in my book, if you're wanting to use PHP, you're going to need to use a Linux system (though that new MS server supposedly supports PHP). If you're using a Windows server, you're probably going to want to look at .NET tools instead.
I think I've found what you're looking for: http://tinyurl.com/yl9fvo3
Computer beeps 22 times and won't start ??? Help please
captbeagle replied to Eddy_P's topic in Miscellaneous
Well, here's a list of beep codes for the AMI, Pheonix, IBM and Award BIOSes. http://www.pchell.com/hardware/beepcodes.shtml If it's beeping 22 times, I'd guess that either it beeped 11 times twice (meaning bad cache memory. An error in the level 2 cache memory.), though I'm not sure why it'd beep twice, or that it would be a continuous beep that isn't as continuous as one might expect. If it's the latter, you've got a problem with your video or memory. What manufacturer assembled your computer and who is the producer of your BIOS? -
I'm sorry I'm late in writing this response.. Hopefully it'll still help if you haven't found your answer yet. The SQLDataAdapter object doesn't take parameter arguments. I think you may find more help on what you're trying to do by reading the Microsoft Support Document at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/308055/en-us
http://livedocs.adobe.com/coldfusion/6.1/htmldocs/functi56.htm Since Adobe is responsible for ColdFusion as well as the Flex platform, I'm betting the documentation on the dateCompare() function will be comparable.
What sort of application are you wanting to play these multimedia files in? Just play them one after another off your desktop or are you looking to run them from within another application?
Java - How to make a window open?
captbeagle replied to plznty's topic in Other Programming Languages
This looks like another instance of someone not understanding the difference between Javascript and Java. The OP definitely looked far more like the former than any Java I've seen. -
[C#] Reading large files, and replacing offsets.
captbeagle replied to E3pO's topic in Other Programming Languages
Well, if that's the pointer address within the program executing, it seems to me as though you'd need access to the source code in order to change the execution. And if you have access to the source code, why would you need to modify the value at that memory location? It seems to me that if you were to just add an int that kept track of iterations, every time your program noticed that the filename contained "johnny", it'd just remove "johnny" and rename the file as: int_value & "." & rest_of_filename The size of a file shouldn't have an impact as to the time it takes to rename it, as it's just a modification to the directory index. ----------------------------------- Now, if you just wanted to rename your files outside of the program, why not use an already developed tool such as the ReNamer (http://www.den4b.com/projects.php). After some brief Googling, I managed to find several good reviews about it and that link to download it. Am I at all close to what you're asking about? -
unix shell script to DOS translation
captbeagle replied to loquela's topic in Other Programming Languages
I don't know Unix shell scripting at all, but I'm taking a rough guess and hoping that that's supposed to count the number of files in the root directory. If not, let me know and I'll revise my batch file for you. If I'm right in my assumption, here's your Windows batch file equivalent: dir /a "C:\" |find /c /v "" Now, that will only count the number of files in the root directory. It won't look inside any subdirectories. Add the /s switch after the /a to search inside subdirectories. If you were trying to make a batch file that asks the user were to search, you could use something like: ::File count ::captbeagle CLS @ECHO OFF title Counting your files... one by one! SET /P directory=Directory to search: SET /P sub=Search subdirectories [Y/N]: IF "sub"=="Y" GOTO subs GOTO no_subs :subs dir /a /s %directory% |find /c /v "" pause exit :no_subs dir /a %directory% |find /c /v "" pause exit -
Honestly, I've looked at your file here for the last two days trying to puzzle out why I was getting that syntax error as well. I've finally figured it out, so here's a working version of your file: :: SSA-FILES :: Made By BIA II :: Corrected by captbeagle @ECHO OFF :begin title ~SSA-FILES~ SET /P pass=password: IF "%pass%"=="1234" GOTO accept GOTO sec :sec set /P pass=password2: IF NOT "%pass%"=="abcd" GOTO loop GOTO accept :loop start C:\Windows ::Not sure why this is set to loop. It could get pretty annoying, so I put in a pause. PAUSE GOTO loop :accept CLS echo Logged in succesfully. pause CLS echo ~M~embers echo ~O~bjects echo ~Q~uit SET /P Option=Choose your option: IF "%Option%"=="M" GOTO Members IF "%Option%"=="O" GOTO Objects IF "%Option%"=="Q" GOTO Quit ::If all the above fail the condition, it will execute the following line GOTO accept :Members CLS echo #Members = 4 echo. echo 1: BIA I echo 2: BIA II echo 3: SSA III echo 4: SSA IV echo 5: Back SET /P Members=Choose a number: :: GOTO must be on same line IF "%Members%"=="1" GOTO BIAI :: I could never get an ELSE to parse properly IF "%Members%"=="2" GOTO BIAII IF "%Members%"=="3" GOTO SSAIII IF "%Members%"=="4" GOTO SSAIV IF "%Members%"=="5" GOTO accept ::ELSE GOTO Members :BIAI echo name: Thomas Van Breusegem echo Rank: BIA echo SSA#: I echo Status: Active pause GOTO Members :BIAII echo Name: Darragh Van Tichelen echo Rank: BIA echo SSA#: II echo Status: active pause GOTO Members :SSAIII echo Name: Annelies Blondé echo Rank: None echo SSA#: III echo Status: Unknown pause GOTO Members :SSAIV echo Name: Laure Oomens echo Rank: None echo SSA#: IV echo Status: Unknown pause GOTO Members :Objects echo Currently not avaible pause GOTO accept :Quit echo Goodbye pause exit Now, for the differences and what I've discovered: Sometimes you used single quotes instead of double quotes around variables and strings. They must always be double quotes, even if both sides are using the same thing (label sec) You always put the GOTO on the next line. It must always be on the same line as the beginning of the IF statement. That's what caused most of the syntax errors I saw, once I discovered the cause. I never could get an ELSE to work. I don't know if that's an OS thing or if I always did it wrong, but I found that if I just put the action to do in place of the else on the next line, it'd work just as well, though that could look a little messy. Unrelated to fixing the file, but it's not a fun idea to open a folder in Explorer within a loop. I put a pause in that section. See if you can get that working on your end. I've been through every option on my computer and it's working fine, but I read in some documentation that some of the commands throw different results depending on which version of Windows you're running. I tried to stick to the generic stuff that seemed compatible with every version.