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  1. http://php.net should have something for that.
  2. background-color: transparent might remove the warnings
  3. The switch is checking the value of $match, which you have declared as = "".
  4. <?php $c="#cccccc"; while ($i <10) { echo '<p style="background-color:' . (($c == "#cccccc") ? $c = "#eeeeee" : $c = "#cccccc") . ';">Paragraph</p>'; $i++; } ?>
  5. Clear the floats.
  6. Just noticed that I forgot to post the first Link in my previous reply. It works similar to the above code, except it uses an array of valid pages to access, so it is 'more secure' than a straight swap for the Get variable. http://jlhaslip.com/template/?page=index Walk trough that site, page by page, to see the php code.
  7. Here is a link to the first 'PHP' site that I used as a learning tool. That was a while ago, and it would be different today, but have a look and see what you can learn from it. Today's version: http://jlhaslip.com/modular/ Both work from a single page and use 'flat-files' so you aren't dealing with having to learn the Database stuff with it.
  8. He travels very quickly. try subtracting.
  9. Better check that link again, I think you have the Mail() parameters wrong. mail( $to, $subject , $message , $headers , $additional_parameters ) Last 2 are optional.
  10. First step would be to remove the error suppressors "@" symbols. They might be hiding something. Error-reporting is on? The printr($_POST) and echo the $text search value to confirm what you are searching for. Could also check the num_rows after the Query and echo that.
  11. Echo out the value of the num_rows to see what it returns.
  12. Can you post the code for the file, please? <?php phpinfo() ?> should work
  13. body { width: 980px; margin: 0 auto; }
  14. What about Yahoo!, MSN and ASK ??? Any plans to add additional Search engines? I realize the value of Google, but there are options out there.
  15. The Logo is positioned using position:absolute, so it will not centre properly. Look at using margin: 0 auto; to centre the Logo.
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