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  1. Here is captcha/image generator http://rafb.net/p/fa0Z3268.html and here is the main script http://rafb.net/p/7SVAEb59.html . All it works, except that mysql statement in image generator is executed 2-3 times, and with live-headers addon on firefox i can see that image generator script is called 2-3 times. Except that it displays the very first image. Hope the source code will be helpful, cause it's really a pain in the neck when you don't know why such a thing happens
  2. No, i am not doing those things at all . Btw interesting fact is that, another script outputs the text and writes it into the database. The script is called 2-3 times by the browser, but i still see the very first image, and i know that because i can see it's text in the DB, this is so strange.
  3. So, i have 2 scripts, one is a script which generates an image and outputs it, another one does little stuff and before the script there is html like this: <img src="another_script.php" attr="" attr2="... /> Everything is OKAY, the image is being generated and dislpayed, but there is a question, in that script which generates an image there is mysql insert statement, which is executed 2-3 times, but is written once and believe me, not in the loop. I've checked apache access logs, and i can see that another_script.php is tryed to get 2-3 times via GET. I can't understand why. It's really a strange problem for me at least
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