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Posts posted by robert_gsfame

  1. I got my website let say



    and for mobile version



    so i use php script to detect if the browser was running from mobile or pc device then redirect it to each of them.


    my question is that if this will affect the SEO? I mean i don't want the mobile one to be crawled.


    thx in advance


  2. I have this function to get other website title tag. But since the fopen is disabled in my shared server, this function cannot work. How can i still do it? thx in adv


    function getTitle($Url){










            return $title[1];



    return true;



    return false;



  3. I use poshy tip (Tooltip plugin) n i have let say 10 data by loop

    so it looks like this:



    className: 'tip-darkgray',

    bgImageFrameSize: 11,

    alignTo: 'target',

    alignX: 'inner-left',

    offsetX: 0,

    offsetY: 5,

    content: function(updateCallback) {

    return this.id;





    my problem is with the content part, above.. everything run well, i can get the id. But when i try to call the value based on that return id using AJAX, it always goes blank although i can still get the value when executing alert();


    thx in advance



  4. I have just reinstalled my xampp, n when starting the apache and mysql, i got mysql service not started (-1) error but apache can run well.


    First question: I still got my web in my localhost running well, so what is the effect of that error message then?

    second question: How can i solve this problem


    thx in advance

  5. I have a form to upload a file and file allowed must be in document format only.

    I have tried to filter using



    //not allowed}


    also i have included .htaccess in the upload folder

    Options -Indexes

    Options -ExecCGI

    AddHandler cgi-script .php .php3 .php4 .phtml .pl .py .jsp .asp .htm .shtml .sh .cgi

    <Files ^(*.doc|*.pdf|*.rtf)>

    order deny,allow

    deny from all



    but still someone can inject PHP File into my upload folder.


    Which part is wrong and how to close that hole?


    Thx in advance

  6. I got problem with one of my php page. Mozilla browser keeps on loading although it shows the page, i am not really sure which part is wrong. But i don't find any problem with other browsers lol.


    Can anyone help me please


    thx in advance

  7. this problem really drives me crazy..hope that anyone could help.


    I left my page only with




    with no script at all..and i still got error


    Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at E:\Program Files\XAMPP 1.5.4\xampp\htdocs\folder\page1.php:1) in E:\Program Files\XAMPP 1.5.4\xampp\htdocs\folder\page1.php on line 2


    No white space at all. I tried to upload this file into the server (not local) and no error appeared. but when i run it in my local server, error appeared.


    I restart my xampp so many times but still didn't fix this.


    what's the problem then?


    thx in advance


  8. let say i have this





    carrot, apple & orange


    and i try this

    $query=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE mycolumn='carrot, apple & orange'");


    echo $numrow;


    why do i always get 0 instead of 1 ??

    I guess something caused by the comma there. How to fix it anyway?

  9. I created a div which contains another div inside and i add background for both divs


    the problem is when i double click on the second div, image in the first div turn to blue (SELECTED)...can i remove that blue selection??


    i have tried outline:none; display:block  but nothing happen


    how can i remove that..cause it's so annoying.


    thx in advance




  10. let say a link will open a new window



    and i rewrite url in .htaccess to



    but the still the first one will be used as an URL when opening a new pop up window.


    what i exactly try to do is to get both way crawled by the spider  :P


    my question is:

    - Which one will be indexed by google crawler?? the first one or both or the second one??

    - Is it legal to do this?


    thx in advanced



  11. i am so new to java, but i really wish to learn how to start creating a mobile app. I've just started learning JAVA and use NETBEANS as the IDE.


    What i want to ask is

    1.what is the different between java app and java web (JSP)

    2 What should be learn in order to create mobile app


    thx in advance

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