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Everything posted by Snowhawk

  1. I am interested in hiring a php programmer and would like to talk to them. Where would I post this question?
  2. I am so greeen at this I'm sprouting weeds! Would like to get someone to at least look at this for me. I am having a hard time getting the third category to show up. Don't know what I am missing here. I have this: Real Estate Rentals Comercial Residential Sales Rentals shows up but Comercial & Residential doesn't. Here is the script: <? include('header.php'); //Print bread crumb echo "You are here: <a href='index.php'>Home</a> » <a href='view_all.php'>All Categories</a>"; echo "<h4>All Categories</h4>"; echo "<h5><center>If you need a category made contact Webmaster.</h5></center>"; //Fetch all Father categories order by title asc $node = new sqlNode(); $node->table = "categories"; $node->select = "*"; $node->where = "where FatherID = 0"; $node->orderby="order by Title asc"; if( ($result = $mysql->select($node)) === false ) die($mysql->debugPrint()); $num_of_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); echo "<table border=0 align=center cellpadding=2 width=98%>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td valign=top>"; $count = 0; $break = ceil($num_of_rows/2); while( $category = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) ){ echo "<p>"; echo "<a href='browse.php?fatherID=".$category['ID']."'>".$category['Title']; if($settings['ShowNumAds'] == 'yes'){ $number_of_ads = fetchNumAds(intval($category['ID']),$mysql) + fetchSubCats(intval($category['ID']),$mysql); if( ($number_of_ads > 0) || ($settings['ShowGTZero'] == 'yes') ) echo " (" . $number_of_ads . ")"; } echo "</a><br/>"; $node = new sqlNode(); $node->table = "categories"; $node->select = "*"; $node->where = "where FatherID = ".intval($category['ID']); $node->orderby="order by Title asc"; if( ($subRS = $mysql->select($node)) === false ) die($mysql->debugPrint()); $num_subcats = mysql_num_rows($subRS); $break2 = ceil($num_subcats/2); $count2 = 1; echo "<table border=0>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td valign=top>"; while( $subcat = mysql_fetch_assoc($subRS) ){ echo "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 sellpadding=0>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>"; echo "<a href='browse.php?fatherID=".$subcat['ID']."' title='".$subcat['Title']."'>"; echo "<img src='icons_folder/folder.jpg' border=0 alt='".$subcat['Title']."' >"; echo "</a>"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; echo "<span class='subCat'><a href='browse.php?fatherID=".$subcat['ID']."'>".$subcat['Title']."</a>"; if($settings['ShowNumAds'] == 'yes'){ $number_of_ads = fetchNumAds(intval($subcat['ID']),$mysql) + fetchSubCats(intval($subcat['ID']),$mysql); if( ($number_of_ads > 0) || ($settings['ShowGTZero'] == 'yes') ) echo " (" . $number_of_ads . ")"; } echo "</span>"; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</table>"; if($count2 == $break2){ echo "</td><td valign=top>"; } $count2++; } echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</table>"; } echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</table>"; include('footer.php'); ?> Thank you in advance for your expertise in this field. Submit a correction or amendment below (click here to make a fresh posting) After submitting an amendment, you'll be able to view the differences between the old and new posts easily. Syntax highlighting:NoneBashCC++HTMLJavaJavascriptLuaPerlPHPPythonRuby----------------------------NoneABAPActionScriptAdaApache Log FileAppleScriptASM (NASM based)ASPAutoItBashBlitz BasicBNFCC for MacsCAD DCLCAD LispC++C#ColdFusionCSSDDelphiDiffDOSEiffelErlangFortranFreeBasicGeneroGame MakerGroovyHaskellHTMLIDLINIInno ScriptJavaJavascriptLatexLispLuaLinden Scripting LanguageMatLabM68000 AssemblerMPASMmIRCMySQLNullSoft InstallerObjective COCamlOpenoffice.org BASICOracle 8PascalPerlPHPPL/SQLPythonQBasic/QuickBASICRailsRobotsRubySchemeSmalltalkSmartySQLTCLunrealScriptVisualBasicVB.NETVisualFoxProXMLZ80 Assembler To highlight particular lines, prefix each line with @@ <? include('header.php'); //Print bread crumb echo "You are here: <a href='index.php'>Home</a> » <a href='view_all.php'>All Categories</a>"; echo "<h4>All Categories</h4>"; echo "<h5><center>If you need a category made contact Webmaster.</h5></center>"; //Fetch all Father categories order by title asc $node = new sqlNode(); $node->table = "categories"; $node->select = "*"; $node->where = "where FatherID = 0"; $node->orderby="order by Title asc"; if( ($result = $mysql->select($node)) === false ) die($mysql->debugPrint()); $num_of_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); echo "<table border=0 align=center cellpadding=2 width=98%>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td valign=top>"; $count = 0; $break = ceil($num_of_rows/2); while( $category = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) ){ echo "<p>"; echo "<a href='browse.php?fatherID=".$category['ID']."'>".$category['Title']; if($settings['ShowNumAds'] == 'yes'){ $number_of_ads = fetchNumAds(intval($category['ID']),$mysql) + fetchSubCats(intval($category['ID']),$mysql); if( ($number_of_ads > 0) || ($settings['ShowGTZero'] == 'yes') ) echo " (" . $number_of_ads . ")"; } echo "</a><br/>"; $node = new sqlNode(); $node->table = "categories"; $node->select = "*"; $node->where = "where FatherID = ".intval($category['ID']); $node->orderby="order by Title asc"; if( ($subRS = $mysql->select($node)) === false ) die($mysql->debugPrint()); $num_subcats = mysql_num_rows($subRS); $break2 = ceil($num_subcats/2); $count2 = 1; echo "<table border=0>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td valign=top>"; while( $subcat = mysql_fetch_assoc($subRS) ){ echo "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 sellpadding=0>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>"; echo "<a href='browse.php?fatherID=".$subcat['ID']."' title='".$subcat['Title']."'>"; echo "<img src='icons_folder/folder.jpg' border=0 alt='".$subcat['Title']."' >"; echo "</a>"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; echo "<span class='subCat'><a href='browse.php?fatherID=".$subcat['ID']."'>".$subcat['Title']."</a>"; if($settings['ShowNumAds'] == 'yes'){ $number_of_ads = fetchNumAds(intval($subcat['ID']),$mysql) + fetchSubCats(intval($subcat['ID']),$mysql); if( ($number_of_ads > 0) || ($settings['ShowGTZero'] == 'yes') ) echo " (" . $number_of_ads . ")"; } echo "</span>"; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</table>"; if($count2 == $break2){ echo "</td><td valign=top>"; } $count2++; } echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</table>"; } echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</table>"; include('footer.php'); ?> Thank you in advance for your expertise in this field. snowhawk(at)mia.net
  3. Grrr! Sorry! I get easily frustrated in my old age! I can't seem to get the 3rd subcategory to show. I have this: Real Estate Rentals Comercial Residential Sales Rentals shows up but Comercial & Residential doesn't. Here is the script: <? include('header.php'); //Print bread crumb echo "You are here: <a href='index.php'>Home</a> » <a href='view_all.php'>All Categories</a>"; echo "<h4>All Categories</h4>"; echo "<h5><center>If you need a category made contact Webmaster.</h5></center>"; //Fetch all Father categories order by title asc $node = new sqlNode(); $node->table = "categories"; $node->select = "*"; $node->where = "where FatherID = 0"; $node->orderby="order by Title asc"; if( ($result = $mysql->select($node)) === false ) die($mysql->debugPrint()); $num_of_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); echo "<table border=0 align=center cellpadding=2 width=98%>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td valign=top>"; $count = 0; $break = ceil($num_of_rows/2); while( $category = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) ){ echo "<p>"; echo "<a href='browse.php?fatherID=".$category['ID']."'>".$category['Title']; if($settings['ShowNumAds'] == 'yes'){ $number_of_ads = fetchNumAds(intval($category['ID']),$mysql) + fetchSubCats(intval($category['ID']),$mysql); if( ($number_of_ads > 0) || ($settings['ShowGTZero'] == 'yes') ) echo " (" . $number_of_ads . ")"; } echo "</a><br/>"; $node = new sqlNode(); $node->table = "categories"; $node->select = "*"; $node->where = "where FatherID = ".intval($category['ID']); $node->orderby="order by Title asc"; if( ($subRS = $mysql->select($node)) === false ) die($mysql->debugPrint()); $num_subcats = mysql_num_rows($subRS); $break2 = ceil($num_subcats/2); $count2 = 1; echo "<table border=0>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td valign=top>"; while( $subcat = mysql_fetch_assoc($subRS) ){ echo "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 sellpadding=0>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>"; echo "<a href='browse.php?fatherID=".$subcat['ID']."' title='".$subcat['Title']."'>"; echo "<img src='icons_folder/folder.jpg' border=0 alt='".$subcat['Title']."' >"; echo "</a>"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; echo "<span class='subCat'><a href='browse.php?fatherID=".$subcat['ID']."'>".$subcat['Title']."</a>"; if($settings['ShowNumAds'] == 'yes'){ $number_of_ads = fetchNumAds(intval($subcat['ID']),$mysql) + fetchSubCats(intval($subcat['ID']),$mysql); if( ($number_of_ads > 0) || ($settings['ShowGTZero'] == 'yes') ) echo " (" . $number_of_ads . ")"; } echo "</span>"; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</table>"; if($count2 == $break2){ echo "</td><td valign=top>"; } $count2++; } echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</table>"; } echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</table>"; include('footer.php'); ?> Thank you in advance for your expertise in this field.
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