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  1. Hi Neil, thanks for the sample help.. what I'm trying to do is make firstname, lastname, mail, and pass required fields then when form submitted it creates a link like this: www.site.com/index.php?firstname=xxx&lastname=xxx&mail=xxx&pass=xxxx 'click here to continue'... if any of the fields left blank it says go back and fill in all fields. Thanks
  2. How can I add <?php echo $_POST["mail"]; ?> as shown in script below without getting errors?? ?php // get posted data into local variables $mail = Trim($_POST[mail]); if (Trim($mail)=="") {exit("Please enter your E-Mail."); } else { echo "The E-Mail You Entered Is <?php echo $_POST["mail"]; ?> !!"; } ?> Thanks :-X
  3. Thanks Jack, it works
  4. Can someone please edit this for me to only strip the < > brackets? ??? <html> <?php if ($_POST["text"] == $null || $_POST["file"] == $null){echo'<title>Error!</title>You must at least save something - to leave it blank hit space bar a few times or add periods ...'; exit;} $text = $_POST["text"]; if (is_writable($_POST["file"]) && $_POST["overwrite"] == $null) { echo 'Error, file already exists'; echo '<title>Error!</title>'; exit; } $handle = fopen($_POST["file"], 'w'); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $text = stripslashes($text); } fwrite($handle, $text); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $text = stripslashes($text); } echo 'Success, wrote ('.$text.') to file ('.$_POST["file"].')'; echo '<title>Success!</title>'; fclose($handle); ?> </html>
  5. I need a php code I can add my email and a secret message to... then click send and it emails me my secret message if I forget. help please?
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