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  1. Okay I have changed it so that when the date gets submitted to the database it now goes in the format of 2009-06-22. I am using cPanelX and have found the cron utlity. It gives me the options on when I want to run it but also gives me a line that says - Command to run: - what kind of information do I have to enter in that line?
  2. Sorry I'm not too familiar with CRON files. What's the first step I would need to take going about this. I have the date get sent to my database but its gets updated with no delimiters like if the following were selected.. YEAR:2009 MONTH:06 DAY:22 it gets submitted to the database like "20090622"
  3. I have wrote a program using PHP and MYSQL and I created a form that sets the year month and day. How do I get an email to send on this specific date? I don't know if this is possible or how to go about it. I have an email sent once the user has registered but that about it. I need a reminder email to be sent once they specify the date for it to be sent on. Thanks in advance.
  4. OHHH MYY GODDD...thank you sooooo much...I just spent the last hour freaking out because it wouldn't work. THANKS AGAIN.
  5. I have a user sign up and then an email confirmation link gets send to them. When they register I set their status as 0. When they click the click I want the database to be updated to status as 1. Thanks in advance <?php include('connectDB.php'); // Passkey that got from link $passkey=$_REQUEST['passkey']; // Retrieve data from table where row that match this passkey $sql1="SELECT 'confirm_code' FROM temp WHERE confirm_code ='$passkey'"; $result1=mysql_query($sql1); // If successfully queried if($result1){ // Count how many row has this passkey $count=mysql_num_rows($result1); // if found this passkey in our database, retrieve data from table "temp" if($count==1){ $rows=mysql_fetch_array($result1); $username=$rows['username']; $email=$rows['email']; $password=$rows['password']; // Insert data that retrieves from "temp" into table "reminder" $sql2="UPDATE 'temp' SET status='1' WHERE username='$username' and password='$password'"; $result2=mysql_query($sql2); } // if not found passkey, display message "Wrong Confirmation code" else { echo "Wrong Confirmation code"; } // if successfully moved data from table"temp" to table "reminder" displays message "Your account has been activated" and don't forget to delete confirmation code from table "temp_members_db" if($result2){ echo "Your account has been activated"; } } ?> [attachment deleted by admin]
  6. I get my program to send a confirmation link to an email address but that link does nothing when I click it. My program consists of a user signing up a registration and it sends to my database. When they sign up, the confirmation email gets sent. I'm trying to make it that once they click link, their information gets moved from the temp database to the register database to signify they clicked the confirmation link. Here is what i have so far... <?php include('connectDB.php'); // Passkey that got from link $passkey={$_REQUEST['passkey']}; // Retrieve data from table where row that match this passkey $sql1="SELECT * FROM temp WHERE confirm_code ='$passkey'"; $result1=mysql_query($sql1); // If successfully queried if($result1){ // Count how many row has this passkey $count=mysql_num_rows($result1); // if found this passkey in our database, retrieve data from table "temp" if($count==1){ $rows=mysql_fetch_array($result1); $name=$rows['name']; $email=$rows['email']; $password=$rows['password']; // Insert data that retrieves from "temp" into table "reminder" $sql2="INSERT INTO register(name, email, password,) VALUES('$name', '$email', '$password')"; $result2=mysql_query($sql2); } // if not found passkey, display message "Wrong Confirmation code" else { echo "Wrong Confirmation code"; } // if successfully moved data from table"temp" to table "reminder" displays message "Your account has been activated" and don't forget to delete confirmation code from table "temp_members_db" if($result2){ echo "Your account has been activated"; // Delete information of this user from table "temp_members_db" that has this passkey $sql3="DELETE FROM $temp WHERE confirm_code = '$passkey'"; $result3=mysql_query($sql3); } } ?>
  7. What I am trying to set up is an event reminder. The user will be able to set a year month and day for a email reminder about the event. I am trying to upload the year month and day using type DATE on the MYSQL server. I have three drop down menus to set the year month and day. I want it so that when they submit the form it gets submitted as one field on the database in the type DATE format which is yyyy/mm/dd.
  8. I'm trying to set the year month and day to the server on mysql in one field but am having trouble doing so. Here is my code so far <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <?php // process form include("connectDB.php"); $date = $_POST['year'].$_POST['month'].$_POST["day"]; $sql = "INSERT INTO reminder(eventName, eventNote, date, hour, min, amPM) VALUES ('{$_REQUEST['eventName']}','{$_REQUEST['eventNote']}','{$_REQUEST['date']}','{$_REQUEST['hour']}','{$_REQUEST['min']}','{$_REQUEST['amPM']}')"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Sorry, please enter your correct informaiton \n");; echo "Thank You! Your information has been submitted"; ?> </body> </html>
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