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Everything posted by greghaynes

  1. Hey guys, I just finished up my portfolio site and looking for some feedback with layout, color choices, and would it "Wow " potential clients. It's a WP theme with a nifty 3D slider that I modified greatly to fit my needs and wondering with all the changes that I made did it come out looking good. Appreciate any feedback that you can provide. http://www.greghaynesdesigns.com/
  2. Thanks for the suggestions. I added the code to highlight the active page but I'm having a hard time when the menu item is active or in hover state to hide the | divider. Has anyone had luck in hiding the divider in a css menu? Yea, I still need to fix some of the HTML to make sure it validates.
  3. Worked with a client to build him a really slick HVAC site that's different from the others. After doing some research his competition is pretty weak when it comes to websites for this industry. Most are very plain with distracting colors and just plain HTML. So I designed his logo, added a ton of informational material, and ways to get service. Now just building an admin section so he can add testimonials, coupons, and other special offers. Pretty much at the end of the project. Need to some more cross-browser testing and some tweaking to get the most out of SEO optimization. Just looking for feedback about ease of use and design layout. http://www.greghaynesdesign.com/gibson/
  4. Thanks Zanus for your feedback. I'm going to forward your suggestions to him. Being that the site is still new he is open to suggestions from others. Would you be able to elaborate a little more with how you would imagine the navigation buttons to appear? Are you thinking something hand drawn?
  5. Thanks Cag for the comments. I'll go back and check with him and see about making the coffee shop section to be left aligned like the rest of the site for consistency sake.
  6. Looking for some feedback on a project that I completed about 2 weeks ago for a cartoonist and friend of mine. Going into this project he wanted the site to look clean and professional. Originally the site was center aligned but he preferred it to be left aligned when seeing the two different versions. He also wanted a discussion board added which is called "Coffee House". So I picked a phpBB style and made a ton of changes to it to get the final look that he wanted. We also discussed having a store added so we went with Zazzle and after researching their API I was able to get his products to show up on his site. So I was looking to see what you think and any suggestions that you may offer that we forgot to add. http://www.theappletower.com/
  7. This code works for me. I use it for all my redirects. <?php $location = 'http://www.someaddress.com'; header("Refresh: 5; URL=\"$location\""); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>Successful upload</title> </head> <body> <div id="Upload"> <h1>Successful File Upload</h1> <p class="centeralign">Congratulations! Your file upload was successful</p> <p class="centeralign">You will be redirected in a few seconds...if not click <a href="http://www.someaddress.com">here</a></p> </div> </body> </html>
  8. nrg_alpha you have a wealth of great knowledge. I haven't done the sitemap. Honestly didn't even know about that until you told me. Thank you so much. I did already verify my site for the webmaster tools, but i might want to hold off doing the sitemap until I'm 100% finished with site. Or does it not matter if I continue to make updates will it pick up the updates? Thank you also for the SEO tips. I'll be sure to check out the book. I didn't put any <h1> tags on the homepage to keep it simple and clean. Didn't know where to place one. Do you think i should place one on top of the flash slideshow? The rest of the pages have <h1>, <h2>, and <h3> just not the homepage.
  9. Thanks for the great feedback. I'm already working on fixing up my html markup and css so it validates properly. As well as some of the other suggestions that others offered. I do have a question though if none of my pages have a .html extension and they are all .php will that cause google and others to have an issue when indexing. I'm not sure if my homepage needs to be an html file or can it remain as index.php? I'm asking this since I've submitted my url a couple of days ago to google and it still is not showing up when i search on "site:delawarevalleybuilders.com".
  10. Helped out a general contractor with his website. He wanted a site that he could display his previous projects and somewhere he could upload testimonials from customers. I built in a log-in section for him to sign in and upload new photos and add new testimonials. Let me know if you have suggestions on changes as the site is not fully done. http://www.delawarevalleybuilders.com
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