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  1. i want to add new php page in the wordpress please explain how i can do that suppose i have a test.php file having code <?php echo "hello this is test"; ?> now i want to call this page on link given in right navigation and on clicking the link it should display the "hello this is test" text in the body part please reply to this post thanks
  2. i want to add new php page in the wordpress please explain how i can do that suppose i have a test.php file having code <?php echo "hello this is test"; ?> now i want to call this page on link given in right navigation and on clicking the link it should display the "hello this is test" text in the body part please reply to this post thanks
  3. i am getting this error in error logs. [Thu May 14 09:01:03 2009] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined index: o in /var/www/vhosts/facepuck.com/httpdocs/supercali/includes/start.php on line 156, referer: http://www.facepuck.com/members/groupListAll.php and line no 156 on start.php is if ((is_numeric($_REQUEST["o"]))&& ($_REQUEST["o"]!= 0)) { $_SESSION["o"] = $_REQUEST["o"]; $o = $_REQUEST["o"]; } elseif ($_SESSION["o"]) { $o = $_SESSION["o"]; } elseif ($default_module) { $o = $default_module; } else { $o = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT module_id from ".$table_prefix."modules where active = 1 order by sequence limit 1"),0,0); } please let me know where is the problem its just a warning although function is working properly Thanks in advance.
  4. i am getting this error in error logs. [Thu May 14 09:01:03 2009] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined index: o in /var/www/vhosts/facepuck.com/httpdocs/supercali/includes/start.php on line 156, referer: http://www.facepuck.com/members/groupListAll.php and line no 156 on start.php is if ((is_numeric($_REQUEST["o"]))&& ($_REQUEST["o"]!= 0)) { $_SESSION["o"] = $_REQUEST["o"]; $o = $_REQUEST["o"]; } elseif ($_SESSION["o"]) { $o = $_SESSION["o"]; } elseif ($default_module) { $o = $default_module; } else { $o = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT module_id from ".$table_prefix."modules where active = 1 order by sequence limit 1"),0,0); } please let me know where is the problem its just a warning although function is working properly Thanks in advance.
  5. you can also use the window.open after reciving the input text from the user window.open("url?<?php $var1&$var2 ?>");
  6. you can simply use the header function to jump on another site
  7. actually i want to use this script on "refer to friends page" where user will put five email addresses in five input boxes and i am using smpt validation script to validate these five email addresses(doesn't matter the domain name whatever it is but it should check whether the email is valid or not (should not be faked emil address like [email protected] or [email protected])). currently it is checking the domain names eg if i put the incorrect domain name like yahsoo.com then it prints the error email address is not valid but with wrong email address like [email protected] it says the valid email address can u tell me that how much time this script will take to validate the five email addresses. and if possible send me code on [email protected] and i want this functionality on submit button Thanx
  8. hello, i am very much confused with smtp email validation. i just want to know that what it actually does? i mean it only checks the yahoo.com in [email protected] or it check the existance of e-mail address in the database. please let me know if anybody knows about it and if possible please send me the smtp e-mail validation script , i have already tried a lot of scripts from net but all went in vain. currently i have script that checks the server name properly but does not checks the existance of email. eg:- if i use the [email protected] email for testing the script says its valid email. but when i use [email protected] for testing, then it also says that it is valid email address. it means it checks only yahoo.com in the email address Thanks for reading this problem
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