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Everything posted by disconected

  1. Thanks Now u gave me some good advices and directions which way should i go in future.Will try to correct all mistakes i did on my site and will submit it here on review again when done as for that blog i would be happy if i manage to get my site earning up to 5k i don't need anything more altough would be nice to have profit like they do but its still not possible for me anyway thanks for help Now i know what should i do
  2. I am not planing to be powerfull as google lol no site can do to that am just trying to get my site be there to help ppl and in return those ppl get me trafic back and fill my addsense account by clicking on my adds.that is what i am trying to get,and that is why i submited here for review to get some advices.i don't mind critiques no mater how bad they are they are always helpfull,but here u are telling me to change my color scheme or template for example but to what.give me some advice what would be good color combination what kinda of template would be good.That is what am looking for give me example of that what u think is inviting color scheme
  3. @kakashun_ashun Thanks of the tip about the image Header is there but in past 3-4 days its loading slower for some reason..i am making other one which should be done soon better one and easier to load "u, ppl, and missing spaces will not give the impression of professionalism" i don't quite understand what u mean can u be more specific and explain me more @ILMV "Use of language is bad" u mean in way of grammar errors or in other way ? "I don't care how many visitors your site has has (probably going to be bots anyway), and it doesn't even work" what does that mean,man am not a bontnet master lol if i were i wouldnt be asking for opinions here at all "it would appear as if you're trying top provide a solution to absolutely every programming requirement " i know its impossible for me to know everything and provide all solutions by myself but there are alot ppl helping me on that task:and this i not mainly programing site but rather security related site helping ppl to protect and thats why its like black and red. Btw what do u think would be apropriate template for "profesional portal"? And maybe privide all solutions from my brain but i want my site to be a place where ppl wiil ask for help and if needed i would be doing research for them and helping them untill i get some good members that will help ppl also @MrAdam i see u agree with them about template.Any sugestions for template ? "The word to describe it won't come to mind but it's very "line-by-line" / Word like, if that makes sense? As apposed to a gridded / multi-column|row layout where the content floats to the side of each other and makes full use of space." can u link me to some example to see exactly on what do u mean(example of how u mean i should do it )
  4. Thanks mate Finaly someone gave me direct answer to this question I will try to write tutorial on this on my site so other people who need it also can learn how to do it,since i haven't seen any tutorial about this posted anywhere ofc with credits to you
  5. hi I saw some sites are using some custom extensions on their sites and someone told me that only thing needed to setup this is just same small change in existing php code but nobody knows exactly how to do it so i thought i might ask here.Exactly what i want to do is explained with next example lets say i have site that is http://free4udirect.com/index.php now i want to put custom extension instead of php so my site looks like http://free4udirect.com/index.mod or something else "index.my extension" thanks
  6. heyas all i got my site up and running on joomla with some nice skin and would like to hear opinon from professionals here on how it look and what can be improved on it and more all comments are welcome good and bad ones site is http://free4udirect.com
  7. i need to crypt my php files well not all only config.php coz i am on shared howting and if any of the sites on hosting get shelled they can read my db info aswell and hack me how ever they want and i dont want that as for toehr things i cant belive that u dont know about virtual keyboard scrypts and things as for IPB my ipb is goten from warez forum i didnt had money to buy licence so i cant ask there i asked for help does any one here know what i am talking about
  8. First of all heyas to all members here its a nice forum and i hope i will learn some nice programing here but now first i need some help from u experts i m trying to fully protect my site and stucked on some things and i am on shared hosting i never know when some full can try to hack me : 1.i tryed to install virtual keyboard for login on my board (anty keylogging trick) but i am using new IPB and canot excute javascript is there any way to fix that so i can add that vkeyboard to my login part of site 2.is there any encryption for php that is till safe and most important that cannot or can very hardly be decrypted (i wanted to use zend but zend can be decrypted,i also used eval before but now that can be decrypted to )i am out of options any help is welcome 3. and final thing i need help on is-- i saw on some boards like xaliasx.info that uses IPB like myself that all links from posts automatilcy get converted to text even if u do the url code when u post it will be converted to text (i would like to know what is the name of that plugin for IPb and where to get it ) thank u in advance for your help i realy appreciate
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